*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • case87
    case87 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi. I'm Casey. I'm 25 and have another 55 pounds to lose until I'll be at my lowest adult weight. I've been down to that point before, but it was not done the healthy way. I didn't realize I was starving my body by eating a lean cuisine for lunch and a lean cuisine for dinner- and that was it! I knew nothing about nutrition, but knew they were considered "healthy", right? Needless to say, as soon as I started eating normal food again, I gained at an abnormally fast rate!

    I've lost close to 25 pounds to date, but I did put a couple back on during the holidays. I'd only done the eating better portion to lose weight up until the end of the year. It worked, but I've been at this dang plateau for well over 5 months now! As of the second week in January, I started exercising somewhat regularly (I had the most awful flu ever the first week!). I'm hoping that will kick this plateau's butt and get me started to lose again.

    I did do some TurboFire workouts with my sister for a while, but our home just isn't big enough and wasn't built to be an exercise room. I'm now working my way through the C25K program. I also recently joined a Zumba group that meets in a church on Tuesdays and Thursdays for only $1 each time! That's relatively cheap for Zumba! Plus I love it.

    I work at a call center full time as a trainer and go to school full time online, so I've always been pretty busy. This is my last semester to my AA (yes, it's taken me 8 years to get a 2 year degree due to taking a loooong break!), so hopefully I can maintain a healthier lifestyle through it. I am in my best friend's wedding in November, and was really hoping to be down that 55 pounds by then. However, the scale hasn't budged again in January! Gr! I'm hoping I'm just building up some muscle and then the weight will start falling off! Maybe? :) I did decide I'm not standing on the scale again until February 1st, and maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised then!

    I'm usually very encouraging and post on almost all of their statuses (except the daily finishing the diaries). Have a good burn? I'll let you know! Logged in for 100 days in a row? Great job! I have also noticed that others on my friends' lists have not been so great at encouraging. Even worse, I have some that haven't logged in for a month or more! Ah! :P Feel free to add me!
  • Hello- If it is okay I go by my screen name of Morning Mommy on threads b/c sometimes I vent:) I need to lose 80 pounds. After my first child at 28 I told myself I had until 40 to get back to just "overweight" and not "obese" on the bmi's. So now at 36 almost 37 I have started - and I have lost 6 pounds:)

    With me it is just so easy to lose motivation - I really have a slow and low metabolism. Even though I am so overweight I have low thyroid, low blood pressure (90/60 low) and even great total cholesteral (130) and sugar (90 non-fasting, if I fasted I was under the 70). So I recognize how lucky I am that it hasn't effected my health as of yet, BUT I also don't want to have bad knees and joints at 60. So I have to stick to it. I also got my husband on it too - and of course he is dropping pounds so much faster -uh. But his weight did effect his blood pressure and stuff so I cannot be anything but thrilled.

    So first step is changing what and how much I eat, and once it gets warmer here I want to try to get an exercise program started.

    So Hi everyone!

    Oh- ScrapScot - I love Scottish kilts, I made matching ones for my husband and son for our faire - the whole 9 yards too:)

    Edit- okay, Morning Mommy didn't work, I'll have to watch the venting:(
  • Eeyore_Chick
    Eeyore_Chick Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, my name is Kim & ideally I have 60+ lbs to lose (although I'll willingly offer it up for adoption if someone really wants to give it a good home) :)
  • I have 50-60 more pounds to lose! I've already lost 80 total...

    Anybody feel free to add me! I will do my best to motivate you and support you through your weight loss journey!


  • Hi- I just had to reply that I love highland style. I made two kilts for my 4 yo son and husband this summer for our faire. Husband's was to the stripe and 9 yards. My son looked adorable.
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    I would love to be friends with all of you.

    my name is Katie. I am a single mom of a 10 year old daughter Rylee. I need to lose 55 pounds to reach my goal weight.

    last January I weighed 220 pounds. I am down to 182 pounds. My goal is to be 127 pounds. thanks to checking my body gallery it helped me see what people would look like at the weight I set it looked to chunky so I went through the different pictures and 127 pounds was perfect.

    in 1996 I weighed 250+ pounds and wore a size 26W. I am now a size large in shirts and a size 16 in pants.
  • I'm Mike Y'all,

    I have 80 lbs to release. that's after dropping 8 already.

    I've been rolling up and down between fit and fat so many times, and i'm tired of going through this. It's lifestyle change this time, and for good. I've been moving into a Clean Eating type of living, slowly but surely.
  • Congratulations Katie!

    you've taken a great step in the right direction.

    My aim is just 165 to 175, partly because i'm getting back into weight lifting, and i know that's going to add some mass to me. What do you do for exercise? I need some tips in that department.
  • WOW Gabrielle! Hurray!

    80 already?! Aweseome!

    What kind of exercises are you doing to help?

  • Tsrwalker
    Tsrwalker Posts: 164 Member
    Hi everyone, I would like to join this group. I am 30 years old and work full time as a Pharmacy Technician. I am currently taking classes at the community college to try to get into the RN program. I weigh the most I have ever weighed 259 I would love to get to my goal weight of 160 but would be happy to just get under 200 for now. I am getting married in Sept and have a honeymoon planned for Walt Disney World and would love to not have weight be an issue when I go. So I have 8 months to get close to 200 lbs so any support would help. Thanks :)
  • Hi everybody. Im Chris from Delaware. I weighed in at 259 which I'd like to say was my "Fat bottom". Never been that heavy before. My goal is to get down to 185 which I know will be very hard but I'm committed. 13 pounds so far since the 3rd. Add me if you like. WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  • FabulousGG
    FabulousGG Posts: 22 Member
    Hello All,
    My name is Gloria I'm a newlywed I recently got married in October. I'm from Texas and I am trying to lose @ 50lbs. I would love to be part of the group :)
  • AmyDee2
    AmyDee2 Posts: 29
    I would love to be a part of this supportive group, and also support those who are a part of this group!! :)
    I am a mother of a son 23, another son whos life was cut short by SIDS 20 yrs. ago , and a daughter who is 17.
    I am a wife , a daughter and a sister. I love my family and they come first in my life but I think it is time that I put ME FIRST!!
    I quit smoking 2 years ago for my daughter and I started munching on veggies when I would crave a cigarette and it seemed to escalate into food becoming my comfort when I would get upset or was just bored and needed something to do with my hands.
    I am on a weight loss journey of 67 lbs, which I have lost 4 lbs in a little over a week since I have been on here.

    Please Accept Me As Part Of Your Group I Will Not Let Any Of You Down & I Will Encourage and Support Each Of You On Your Weight Loss Journey!!:flowerforyou:
  • I am there with you - I want to get under 200 and then to 160. Oh- and WDW is awesome! If you ant any suggestions just message me:)
  • Hello. Im Patti. My initial weight loss goal is 60 pounds by this June (2013). My 20th class reunion is looming before me and after a not so good showing at my 10 year reunion (not because of weight), I really want to push myself to become a better me. A better me includes shedding this weight and showing everyone and myself I can do it.
    I encourage suggestions and ideas to help this process go smoother and quicker as I am feeling discouraged it is taking what seems like so much time to get the weight off (today is day 23 and only lost total of 6 pounds).
    Thanks and hope to hear some feedback. :)
  • sociologywoman
    sociologywoman Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Angela I live in the Detroit subburbs...though I was born and raised on the East Coast. I have about 50-60lbs I'd like to loose. I have struggled with and battled weight for most of my life, being an overweight teen....my highest weight recorded was about 285lbs. I lost 100lbs plus of that getting down to about 160 when I was in my 20's...ever since then my weight has crept up and I was stable at about 180 for a while...but over the past couple years I have seemed to battle my weight with no prevail.

    I'm actually more dedicated to eating clean and exercise than I ever have been and it's frustrating that my weight still wont' budge. :(( So I'm hoping to find others who might have similar experiences or issues and provide my own support and knowledge of what I've learned over the past 15 years!!
  • bbrown148
    bbrown148 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello everyone! I would love to be part of this group! I have quite a bit too lose — in the 100+ plus side of things. I am 43 and a happily married mom of 4 kiddos, all under the age of 10! Life keeps us very busy and very noisy!

    Back in February of 2012, I discussed having bariatric surgery with my doctor and we thought that was the path I was going to take. Life got in the way of that plan and my hubby and I came to the conclusion that right now, it's not the path for me in this stage of my life. We then started watching a series of videos, Hungry for Change, Forks Over Knives, FoodMatters, etc. and came to the conclusion that we wanted to try a plant-based diet and cut out meat, dairy and all processed foods.

    So that's where I am right now — just started back on MFP not quite 2 years ago and told myself that this time, I'm diving in and going to make myself known around the site and really use this site to my advantage!!
  • loizlane
    loizlane Posts: 64 Member
    Hi!!!! I really would like to join this group... I have 100 pounds to lose and at times my weight-loss battle feels lonely and overwhelming. Right now, if I could just get to 199 I would be so happy. Thanks for posting! It's awesome to know that I can join others who have 50+ pounds to GO. I need to prove to myself that I really can do this! It's truly motivating to know that I am not alone. ~loizlane

    Current Weight: 230.2
    Starting Weight: 237
    First Goal Weight: 215 lbs

    Today's Mood: aaargh! :grumble:
  • jeptiger
    jeptiger Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I am jeannette. I am trying to lose my next 50lbs. I developed a thyroid condition after the birth of my second child almost 4 years ago and have been struggling ever since. I am now on medication and feeling better so I decided to start back to the strict weight loss effort! I need a lot or support to stay motivated lol.

    starting weight 212.4
    current weight 204.4
    next goal 199

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Wowie!! Look at all the wonderful friends here. Will read the posts after supper but just wanted to say Welcome and please keep coming back and keep posting. Tell us whatever is on your mind, we are here to listen.
