only 5 days back HEEEEEEEEELP

hi i'm chelle i'm good when it comes to helping motivate other people but when it comes to my own motivation i struggle i have spent so much of my life being pulled down and made to feel useless and worthless that now i want to chnge i find it so so difficult to believe in myself as i gess i now believe what i have been told all my life but i want to change now am looking for as many people to become friends with me on here as much as possible for to help each other with motivation for each other so please if u can help me please add me


  • erby327
    erby327 Posts: 2 Member
    I read you loud and clear add me and we can help each other!
  • nnoifeld
    nnoifeld Posts: 116
    You're not worhtless. We can all support each other to improve and make better choices! We can do it!!!!
  • ReinaLorenz
    ReinaLorenz Posts: 88 Member
    Hello I have been here since June of last year,and have successfully lost 65pounds....Ihave 40to goand I would love to help
    motivate you....add me we can do this together because we are both worth it!!!#
  • aakokopelli7
    aakokopelli7 Posts: 196 Member
    I've never understood why people would believe any of the negative things that anyone has ever said to them. A change in attitude can do wonders! I believe you can do anything you set your mind to and that your will power is stronger than you think!
  • Wow, do I hear you loud and clear and totally understand! So often our weight determines our self-worth. Keep telling yourself " I am not worthless, I am a good person"
  • You can add me if you'd like too! We can reach our goals and celebrate!! :smile:
  • You are definitely in the right place, there are tons of amazing folks on here! Add me if you like, we all struggle with something! I myself have felt how you feel ( compliments of an ex husband) who I allowed to make me feel worthless, fat, and not beautiful enough. Its hard to get away from, but with the right folks around you and belief in yourself, you can do ANYTHING! When you find that inner strength that you have buried, you will be unstoppable, DIG IT OUT GIRL! Time to find your inner warrior princess. EAT LESS, MOVE MORE, LIVE FULLY,SMILE OFTEN!
    CHELLET31 Posts: 13 Member
    it is hard to understand y people eventuallly believe the negatives that people tell u but for reasons i have not put on my post these things do happen and not just with me depending on how someones life is and how they have grown up can have a very negative effect on how someone sees themselves
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Everyone is always welcome to add me.
  • shak29
    shak29 Posts: 114 Member
    You can add me.
  • skinnyjeans1224
    skinnyjeans1224 Posts: 76 Member
    Read positive affirmations daily!! I'm here for you 2!
  • gloriaallen36
    gloriaallen36 Posts: 123 Member
    i am new, i can help motivate you! you can add me!:flowerforyou:
  • cprice05
    cprice05 Posts: 82 Member
    You can add me. I won't start trying to lose until July (I'm pregnant) but I'm still logging in.
  • daveymac1
    daveymac1 Posts: 784 Member
    You can add me. I will kick your *kitten*. Just try to beat me on calories burned. I dare ya.
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    You are NOT worthless. Losing weight is HARD but it shouldn't define us. Take it slow, rebuilding ones confidence takes longer then losing the weight, this I know from experience. :)

    Request sent!

  • O.K. first steps first. 1. You humbly expressed some weakness in character; but you did it. You asked for support. 2. Now, we can provide peripheral support but you need to improve on your self worth, nobody is without merit. YOU are the worst at self-criticism so realize that you are not here for nothing. 3. You have set a weight loss goal for yourself, so gradually accept that YOU set this goal so YOU can make it happen, so with effort it will. IT ALL BEGINS WITH YOU.
  • hey im here for you...add me if u want
    it will get better im sure!
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    Don't quit.

    when you fall off the wagon, climb back on.

    rinse and repeat.
    CHELLET31 Posts: 13 Member
    thanx everyone so appreciate all the comments , advice and suggestions and ll the motivation n i will get the old me back n i will do this slowly but i will get their with the help of as i like to think my MFP family i no u guys ain't proper family but i gess MFP is like a family of everyone who wants the same thing and can support and motivate each other n can kick butts if needed to lol thanx again everyone u have all made me smile tonite xx
  • I will totally be in to give you a hand! Keep your spirits up! :smile: