Eat More to Lose More? Really?



  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    a lot of people have lost weight with Helloitsdan's advice, but I couldn't bring myself to try. Too scared of gaining instead.
    You're missin' out! :bigsmile: Best move I ever made was switching to the Road Map plan - sure wish I had found it when I first started my fitness journey three years ago.
    If eating more caused you to lose more I'd be emaciated
    lmao .. me too!:drinker:
    It basically means get off the 1200 coma calorie train and fuel your body & workouts properly. :tongue:
  • nzfoxz
    nzfoxz Posts: 14 Member
    I have been reading as much as I can on these boards about this, and would love some advice too. There seem to be some really great people here who know a lot about this, and I feel like I may have been on the wrong path for many years. Might put up another post to try and get some advice too!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    If you figure out your TDEE correctly, TDEE minus 10-20% works for everyone*.

    *with the exception of those with metabolic disease.
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    It works! I lost another 1.5" off my waist last week and I'm closing in on my goal!
  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member

    Why would you be terrified to eat that much? That's how much I eat. It's easy. Wish I could eat more in fact.

    Perhaps terrified is the wrong word. I'm just not a crazy hungry person. I am definitely satisfied at 1600/day. I tried to up my calories a few days ago with nuts and avocado - hit nearly 2000 and was incredibly and uncomfortably full. My diary is open. I eat all the time. I drink wine. I eat chocolate. I'm not starving by any stretch of the imagination. So to think of adding 1000 calories a day just doesn't seem feasible while still eating a healthy diet.
  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    I can see how it might work if you're pretty close to your goal, but if you have a significant amount to loose, it really doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I guess because as you get smaller, your BMR and TDEE get lower, so you would have to adjust your calories down as you get closer to goal, which doesn't sound like much fun to me, lol. Something I have heard that makes sense is to take the stats of your goal weight (weight, height, etc.) and plug those numbers into the TDEE calculator. Then just eat that, or plug them into the BMR calculator and eat that plus exercise calories. I didn't really figure all this out in time though and just went with the MFP recommendations and adjusted up as I got closer to my goal. I am now working on maintaining and it's been nice to be able to increase my calories as I lost weight rather than decrease them.

    All that being said, I guess it would work as long as you continued to reduce the calories as you got smaller.
  • lgblack
    lgblack Posts: 73 Member
    I work at a fitness facility (in administration) and workout with programs created for me by my Personal Trainer. I asked him this question, and he said yes, eat the calories, as you need to fuel your body for the exercise. That being said, when I workout and input my exercise, which in turns adds the calories to my daily allotment, I don't usually eat ALL the calories. But I try to do justice to my body by giving it more than the 1200 cal/day that I would otherwise be allowed to eat if I wasn't exercising that day.
  • clairecandoit11
    clairecandoit11 Posts: 62 Member
    I am SO confused now.

    So I had a Metabolic test done back in Jan 2011 and it said my resting metabolic rate is around 1095 and Helloitsdan's advice I would be eating around 2,000 calories a day! How does that make sense??

    I work as a medical assistant which I am on my feet a lot of the day and then I work out (running usually) 5 days a week.

    My trainer recommended eating 1200 on non-workout days and then add in however many calories I burn on my workout days to that. So I would be eating around 1400-1500 calories a day correct?? Are you guys saying I should eat more than that??
    I am 5'4" and 155 lbs trying to reach my goal of 130!

    I need help!!
  • The thing that confuses me is a lot of the people that preach about eating TDEE numbers are the same ones that talk about doing "heavy lifting" for their exercise. Well, I'm trying to eat at TDEE -20% (which for me is 1740), but I have symptoms of fibromyalgia (no official diagnosis yet), and I do well to go home at night and use my Wii Fit for 30 minutes. So, should I not do TDEE -20? I'm really afraid of gaining a whole bunch of weight because I'm not doing the same high-impact exercise as the ones that are seeing good results.
  • marjoleina
    marjoleina Posts: 189 Member
    I agree that it is kind of scary to start eating more, but I think it makes sense. I have been stuck at my current weight for the past 4 months or so, and decided today to up my calories to 1400. I do work out quite a bit, but I don't think I am an athlethe or anything like that. MFP over estimates excersise cals (IMO), so I think this might work, since eating between 1000 and 1200 is not.
    I looked at the roadmap infor for BMR and TDE, and we will see, I will report results.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    The thing that confuses me is a lot of the people that preach about eating TDEE numbers are the same ones that talk about doing "heavy lifting" for their exercise. Well, I'm trying to eat at TDEE -20% (which for me is 1740), but I have symptoms of fibromyalgia (no official diagnosis yet), and I do well to go home at night and use my Wii Fit for 30 minutes. So, should I not do TDEE -20? I'm really afraid of gaining a whole bunch of weight because I'm not doing the same high-impact exercise as the ones that are seeing good results.
    It should still work for you if you entered all the info correctly for your activity level.

    As for heavy lifting - I wouldn't consider myself a "heavy lifter" because I don't have access to the big barbells or adjustable weights. I have dumbbells at home, and have worked up to using my 10, 12 & 20lb dumbbells, and my own bodyweight for the exercises I do - basically doing the best I can with what I've got. I do about 30 minutes with the dumbbells three days a week, followed by a quick 20 minutes with a kickboxing DVD, or a walk with my dogs. The other three days I run for cardio.

    So based on my 5-6 days a week of working out, I have my activity level figured at moderately active in the tools linked in the Road Map thread. If I worked out less, I would lower the activity level and my TDEE would drop accordingly. And of course, sometimes it's trial and error - you stick with the plan for a month or so, and make adjustments up or down as necessary.
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    If eating more caused you to lose more I'd be emaciated


    i workout pretty hard everyday, so my TDEE -20% is something like 2600 cals/day. there is no way i could eat that if i tried while still eating healthy. i just stick with my appetite. i eat when i am hungry. i would be terrified to try to eat 2600 calories in a day.

    Why would you be terrified to eat that much? That's how much I eat. It's easy. Wish I could eat more in fact.

    Same here! I've gone up to 2100-2300 for my TDEE, and still wished I could eat more. Don't be scared, it's awesome!

    I am SO confused now.

    So I had a Metabolic test done back in Jan 2011 and it said my resting metabolic rate is around 1095 and Helloitsdan's advice I would be eating around 2,000 calories a day! How does that make sense??

    I work as a medical assistant which I am on my feet a lot of the day and then I work out (running usually) 5 days a week.

    My trainer recommended eating 1200 on non-workout days and then add in however many calories I burn on my workout days to that. So I would be eating around 1400-1500 calories a day correct?? Are you guys saying I should eat more than that??
    I am 5'4" and 155 lbs trying to reach my goal of 130!

    I need help!!

    Okay, first of all.... RMR is resting. Like uber-resting. Like, don't get out of bed or even open your eyes resting.

    Your TDEE, which is around 2000 according to your calculations, includes being on your feet all day and running 5 days a week. That is A LOT OF ACTIVITY. 2000 calories actually seems like it might be slightly low for that.

    Your trainer is actually almost right. If you eat 1200 and then eat your exercise calories, you'd be right about at 2000-20% TDEE which is what we're saying too. But, you don't have to do that only on work out days since you say you're on your feet all day. I would say eat 1400-1500 every day.

    Don't be scared. Embrace it. It makes sense.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Yes, it works.
  • KitKB
    KitKB Posts: 45 Member
    It's really not that much food....

    When I was down to 1200-1300 calories a day, I couldn't even have a balanced meal because it would put me over. It was kind of ridiculous. Now I'm up to 1700 a day and it's great. I'm working on cleaning up my diet and eating more veggies and fruits. When you eat healthy it *does* seem like a lot of food. But that's good! You can focus more on *what* you're eating, rather than how much.

    But if you start eating junk food or fast food or other things like that, you are going to QUICKLY go over that amount. So it makes perfect sense to me. Eat healthy: you have plenty to eat, aren't hungry, and get to not worry quite so much about calorie limits. Eat bad: you're gonna have a bad time.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    The thing that confuses me is a lot of the people that preach about eating TDEE numbers are the same ones that talk about doing "heavy lifting" for their exercise. Well, I'm trying to eat at TDEE -20% (which for me is 1740), but I have symptoms of fibromyalgia (no official diagnosis yet), and I do well to go home at night and use my Wii Fit for 30 minutes. So, should I not do TDEE -20? I'm really afraid of gaining a whole bunch of weight because I'm not doing the same high-impact exercise as the ones that are seeing good results.

    The lifting will be figured in to the calorie goals of the lifters- so it's not like you will be eating the same number of calories as some clone version of yourself that lifts heavy 3x/week. Everyone's numbers should take in to account the activity that they do personally.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Yes, it works, if you are eating at TDEE minus 20%. You eat at TDEE if you want to maintain your weight.

    Not really. I am on maintenance and I don't eat at TDEE. I eat around 10 to 15% below, and doing fine.
    If you're maintaining your weight by eating 10-15% below your TDEE, then that's not really your TDEE.
  • coolvstar650
    coolvstar650 Posts: 97 Member
    You eat your TDEE -20%.

    Or you eat your BMR + exercise calories.

    That's my understanding.

    This. And there is a Eat More to Weigh Less forum and those ladies helped me a lot.

    [url] [/url]
  • runwmeNC
    runwmeNC Posts: 612 Member
    I struggle with this concept also. I tend to lose weight off very low calorie intake. Just hope my metabolism doesnt slow down as a result.
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    If eating more caused you to lose more I'd be emaciated


    i workout pretty hard everyday, so my TDEE -20% is something like 2600 cals/day. there is no way i could eat that if i tried while still eating healthy. i just stick with my appetite. i eat when i am hungry. i would be terrified to try to eat 2600 calories in a day.

    Last spring when I was training for a marathon I averaged eating 2500-2600 calories a day (I'm 5'5" and weighed around 125lbs at that point) and I was losing about 0.5-1lb a month on that amount of calories.