Your Basal Metabolic Rate is: 1677 calories.

Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure Is: 2306 calories




  • katisere
    katisere Posts: 34 Member
    I have been investigating this today too, I have stalled with my weight loss. My BMR is 1544 and TDEE is 2396 and my cal intake on here is 1200. Not sure if I am under eating and to increase my calories to something in the region of 1700, but it seems a big jump to me. Read loads of posts on here, but I'm confused :(
  • yeh me too tbh ive never really been interested in all this indepth way of losing weight, ive tried and the first week weigh in and lost 1lb it really deflated me and i gave up, whereas now im am so much more determined to become HEALTHY 1ST then strong and lastly slim so any advice i can get i will appreciate it so much

  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Depending how much you have to lose, take 20% of your TDEE and then subtract it from the TDEE number - that's your daily goal. If you figured your activity level into the TDEE, then don't eat back exercise calories - UNLESS, your net cals for the day are below your BMR, then eat enough to at LEAST bring your net up to your BMR number.

    BMR is the amount of cals we need while in a coma - both of your calculated numbers higher than 1200, which means you're eating below coma calorie level while being wide awake, moving around and likely exercising on top of that! :tongue:

    Basically, you need to eat between your BMR and your TDEE in order to lose the fat. Keep in mind that when you first up your cals, you may show a gain on the scale. Ignore that. Take measurements now, keep track that way, it's much better.

    If you need more help, join the Road Map or Eat More group (or both) - lots of advice in there!
    now im am so much more determined to become HEALTHY 1ST then strong and lastly slim so any advice i can get i will appreciate it so much
    Good plan! I lost weight the 1200 calorie way, and when I got down to my goal weight at the time, I didn't like the way I looked - I was just a slimmer version of my same old, soft self. I wanted the fat gone, the muscles to show through! This method (road map) has helped me lose the fat. I use dumbbells in my workouts, and my own bodyweight for pushups etc. I do cardio, but don't go gonzo with it.

    I am seeing much better results now, and I love the progress I am making. I must add, I am near goal weight, but my scale hasn't shown a loss really in the past 7 months or so - however I am steadily losing fat and inches and buying new jeans again, another size down.
  • katisere
    katisere Posts: 34 Member
    That's a great explanation, thanks for that. I will have a wee peek in those groups now, and recalculate my daily cal intake and see how I go from there. Thanks very much
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    2306 x 20% = 461

    2306 - 461 = 1845

    Eat 1845 calories and do not eat back exercise cals. You can log your exercise as "1 calorie burned" so it doesn't skew your calorie goal on your food log.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    If you eat at your TDEE level and it is accurate, you'll maintain your current weight. If you eat lower than your BMR it can be unhealthy so you try something in between the two numbers.

    Pick a number between the two and stick to it for a month, then check your weight and measurements. If you're eating a good balance of nutritious food you shouldn't be hungry all the time. You don't have to suffer to lose weight. You just have to be consistent.
  • thank you all so much for the advice and info i have joined them two groups, how do i change my cals goal on mfp to 1800 ish cals? x
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    thank you all so much for the advice and info i have joined them two groups, how do i change my cals goal on mfp to 1800 ish cals? x
    There are instructions in the Road Map topic on how to change your settings manually here at MFP.

    Sorry can't post them here, no time - have to go get my kid from school! :tongue:
  • cheers hunni really appreciate all your help :) x