New and need help

I'm 198 lbs and 5'4 female, 21 next year and I'm still huge. I feel out of control and completely hopeless, I never manage to stick diets and give up on exercise plans. I'm tired of feeling like this, feeling so uncomfortable in public like people are judging me for my size. I don't even go out with my friends anymore unless I absolutely have to because I'm so embarrassed of my size. I need help, and I know I can't do it alone because I have tried and gained back anything I've lost.


  • nolainspiration
    First rule, don't be embarrassed. If you want change, you can make the change but, you have no reason to feel shame. You joined a great weight and fitness conscious community, give yourself big props for taking that first step. You are young and you seem very determined, with that I am sure you are going to reach your goals. The journey begins with the first step. You are not alone!
  • tiffany0913
    tiffany0913 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, I read this post and it really touched me. Even though I was not quite the same weight as you, I was 145 lbs at 9 y/o so it's always been a battle. I also have missed going out with friends and so many things because I was too embarrassed about how I looked. I suddenly got my mind set on being healthy and thinner and I know I still have a journey. I am sure you can do it, just get some people on your side that will call you out and motivate you. If you ever need support or ideas, I'm here.
  • Lyla22
    Lyla22 Posts: 3
    Thanks for replying...I have 80 lbs to lose, do you have any tips on workouts etc?
  • bird1028
    bird1028 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm not a fitness expert but I would bet it's advisable to make small changes first. Try walking. A 30 minute brisk daily walk would be a good start. Go with a friend and then you're more likely to keep doing it. I think people who haven't made exercise part of their daily routine and then decide they're going to go to a gym for 2 hours a day 7 days a week are never able to keep up with that commitment and then give up. Make small changes and ease into it.
  • KellyKat64
    KellyKat64 Posts: 25 Member
    Please don't lock yourself away because you are a size or a weight. Life is all about attitude! Work hard at becoming the best YOU you can be, but don't hide away in the mean time. Even the most seemingly beautiful person has their own issues. And if you love yourself and life then making hard changes and sticking to them will be possible. That said I understand and still struggle with the same thing. But here is what I do know. When I am happy, and I forget to feel embarrassed even with my extra weight (and honey it is considerable) I have a blast and meet a lot of wonderful people. I have a heck of a great time on the dance floor, yes I even get asked to dance.

    So love who you are this moment and next, but work to change what it is that bothers you. Just my opinion! And remember to be kind and gentle with yourself and your progress. It isn't over until you quit, and set backs just remind us that we are human.:happy: :happy:
  • Lyla22
    Lyla22 Posts: 3
    Thanks for the advice folks, I'm feeling pretty inspired by the people on this website :). I'm determined to get this weight off, even if I have to start small with just walking everyday.