Frustrated with exercising.

Time is a factor I don't know how to deal or grading (I'm an HS English teahcer) takes priority...if taking a break from those, I run errands or attempt real family time.
My right heel the past few days has sharp pain and I've been limping and on mucho ibuprofen.


  • tunestra
    tunestra Posts: 2
    i can relate. :) i just take walks on my breaks at work... then i've been trying to go on a 15min bike ride when i get home or i've been doing the 30 day shred video. having said that i've been doing this for 3wks and haven't lost a pound. it's frustrating. :(
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    It takes time.........patience.........I fit in exercise when ever I can. 10 wall push ups on potty break, 10 squats after I complete a file.

    You can add exercise to your day. 5 minutes at a time will make a difference.

  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    I am a college professor of English Literature and I have the same problem. Have you thought about biking to school? It is crazy, I know, but it's surprising how much exercise that will garner and I have found the respect of my colleagues to be an added bonus.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    my life is crazy and hectic but you have to fit it in where you can what about getting up an hour early to workout? I'm a night owl so thats no good for me but I also will workout at 9pm if thats where I can fit it in just because I told myself no excuses. There is lunch times ect.. If you want it bad enough you can make it fit. People think they don't have time but they don't realize how much time they really waste. I get plenty of family time in, work full time, have a social life, and workout 5x's a week (mind you I sleep like a rock but it gets done and the workouts give me the energy to make it through to the next day or task.)
  • tinasullens
    tinasullens Posts: 203 Member
    Your personal development actually should take priority. If you don't take care of yourself, you won't be at the top of your game & may not be around to take care of everything else. Wake up 30 min. earlier and get some form of cardio. Hop on a treadmill, stationary bike, or walk/jog up & down the stairs.

    Beachbody has an in-home fitness program called 10-Minute Trainer that was developed for people with very busy lives. You get an awesome workout in just 10 minutes! If you'd like more info on it, let me know. Either post here, or send me a message!

  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Start with a 20 minute power Yoga tape. Do it 3 times a week either as soon as you get home from work or when you get up in the morning. It feels really good and makes your muscles flexible and strong. Try to add some walking, dancing, or a fun aerobics video one or two times per week. Do something you enjoy and fit it into your schedule. I'm a teacher too and thought I didn't have time for exercise but you need to make time for it. This is something I do for myself most days a week and it feels incredible. I take care of my family and my students for most of my day, but I can work in 30 minutes to do something good for myself.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I do little things all day, take the stairs, park further away, isometrics at the desk while I type, stretch twist push and pull. I am limited in my exercising right now so have to make do with what I can do. Strong women stay Strong is a great book with exercises you can do at your desk and through out the day.
  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    It's so hard when you're busy - I don't have kids but I still find it a huge challenge. I go after work - I don't even let myself glance through the post when I get in - I just put on my gym clothes and walk back out the door. If I so much as sit down, I'm sunk. After a few weeks it became just part of my routine and now it's not nearly as tedious. I look at the gym as my "me" time - I put something on the telly that I like, tune out, and don't think about work or home or anything. I also try to do my stretches in the morning - only about 5 or 10 minutes - there's a book I'd recommend (though I'm in the UK so not sure about availability elsewhere) called "6 Minute Morning Workout" - it's far from a proper workout, but the stretches, etc. are good and it sort of focuses me first thing on making sure I'm taking care of myself.

    Oh and my challenge at the moment is to force myself to walk up the three flights of stairs at work, both in the morning and at lunch, rather than taking the lift - it's amazing how hard it is even though I thought I was getting fitter! :)
  • amtrust
    amtrust Posts: 178
    Thank you for the words of encouragement; it means a lot.