update lost 18 lbs in two weeks now 25lbs in4 weeks



  • Congratulations on your weight loss! I've lost 100 + pounds three times in record time and gained it back in record time! This fourth time I have followed 1200-1500 calorie diabetics diet and lots and lots of exercise. Its come off slow (145 lbs in year and half) but I feel so much better than the other times and I feel I can maintain the weight loss this time. Wish you much success do what's best for you!:love:

    This makes a whole lot of sense, I think you need to listen to it!
  • kellyd23
    kellyd23 Posts: 24
    This is like the 3rd post in regards to P0x9 or whatever that thing is called... I wonder if people get paid to advertise such things. I asked a guy about it and he asked me to inform myself on a certain web site, I did it and it was all for sale, nothing was said just plain "BUY HERE" everywhere! Hm.... I may be a dork, but I'm not STUPID. 25 lbs in 4 weeks? WOW! 18 lbs in 2 weeks? Hmm..... I don't know why but I got a weird feeling about this... Like they say... if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

    I don't think people get paid to do it lol It's just a HARD CORE work out that really works... and I never in a million years would attempt lol I know several people who are doing and have done it.... with amazing results... Never a weight loss so big in 4 weeks but that is probably b/c this person is eating less than reccomended...however the program 100% works probalby why you see so much about it on here :)
  • is it hard cos i need 2 lose weight in 3 weeks 4 a holiday. Any advise xxx
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    This is NOT healthy. I know people PERSONALLY who do p90x and who have seen amazing results... but not like this. THIS is going to kill you. You cannot keep this up for long...you will crash... you COULD die. This is NOTHING to be proud of. No adult - and I mean, NO adult should be below 1000 calories, ESPECIALLY if you're doing p90x everyday. You're burning too many calories, you're not fueling your body. The people on this site are not stupid. Listen to them, they could save your life.
  • People are raving about it, not because they are getting paid, but because the results are impressive....but the work you have to put in is equally as impressive! It's actually a VERY effective exercise program. Before I turned into the stay puft marshmallow man, I was very athletic and trained hard in the gym. Having tried P90X I can say that it rivaled any of the training regiments I've done. Even fit people would be challenged using it. The results of people who've done P90X to completion speaks for itself. That being said, it comes with a diet plan too, and is based on your personal stats (height, weight, etc.) Sticking to a low cal diet is not recommended because you will not be feeding your muscles, thus not getting the maximum from the program.
  • chocol8doll
    chocol8doll Posts: 14 Member
    Congrats of your weight loss but ITA with everyone else. Please! up your calories, you will still lose weight.
  • Thank you everyone for your support. You must be right. Felt weak after yesterdays workout. So I have decided to bump up my calorie intake to 1400. Once again thank you for your input. My workouts r about to get more intense. P90x is no joke.
  • Thank you everyone for your support. You must be right. Felt weak after yesterdays workout. So I have decided to bump up my calorie intake to 1400. Once again thank you for your input. My workouts r about to get more intense. P90x is no joke.
  • That is awesome congrats! I started working out heavily/dieting 2 weeks ago and I have lost 14 lbs in 2 weeks. I am not starving myself as I eat 3 meals a day and I do 9 miles on the stairmaster bike and do the weight training circuit EVERYDAY. I feel great! I feel certain I can do 30 lbs this month! You are an inspiration. :-)
  • Thank you everyone for your support. You must be right. Felt weak after yesterdays workout. So I have decided to bump up my calorie intake to 1400. Once again thank you for your input. My workouts r about to get more intense. P90x is no joke.

    No joke brother! You have to embrace the suck! LOL!! But watch, you'll see even better results with the increased cals.

    Keep up the great work.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Thank you everyone for your support. You must be right. Felt weak after yesterdays workout. So I have decided to bump up my calorie intake to 1400. Once again thank you for your input. My workouts r about to get more intense. P90x is no joke.

    I actually just completed my final workout of p90x today! I too have seen fantastic results with this program. When I started, I was doing about 1200-1300 calories, and after a few weeks I could feel myself burning out and starting to "bonk" at the end of the workouts. That is undoubtedly what happened to you yesterday. I am so glad you're upping your calories. You will find that you will have more energy, which will translate to more energy to work out. This will translate to more calories burned and better results. And since muscle burns way more calories than fat, having increased calories to build up muscle will make your metabolism faster! I upped my calories and still continue to lose weight rapidly, only without the burnt out exhausted feeling.
  • I don't believe it. Too good to be true.
  • KChristie976
    KChristie976 Posts: 150 Member
    25 LBS IN A MONTH!!!! Man tell me your secrets!!! I would love to do that!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    25 LBS IN A MONTH!!!! Man tell me your secrets!!! I would love to do that!

    Not to sound negative, but it isn't really a secret. He is creating a gigantic calorie deficit by burning a ton of calories through exercise and eating VERY little for his size. Thus, very quick weight loss. Now, the real secret is how to do the same thing and not: feel weak, feel dizzy, lose a lot of lean muscle mass, mess up your metabolism and gain most/all of it back once you start eating a realistic amount. I know that I wouldn't want to live the rest of my life eating < 1000 calories! Heck, I can't even do that for more than a day without wanting to bite someone's head off!

    To the OP, I'm glad that you recognized the signs of feeling weak and decided to take some corrective measures. Don't be afraid to add even more calories. Even at 1500 calories, you are only eating about 100 more than I do and I am a 5'3" female. Best of luck in your journey!
  • ian_weaver
    ian_weaver Posts: 1

    I started a diet where all I do is eat less (1200-1500calories a day) I started april 4th and its now May 1. I haven't exercised or anything. So I guess you could assume that in 4 weeks this guy could lose 25lbs doing one of the most rigorous workouts.
  • This is like the 3rd post in regards to P0x9 or whatever that thing is called... I wonder if people get paid to advertise such things. I asked a guy about it and he asked me to inform myself on a certain web site, I did it and it was all for sale, nothing was said just plain "BUY HERE" everywhere! Hm.... I may be a dork, but I'm not STUPID. 25 lbs in 4 weeks? WOW! 18 lbs in 2 weeks? Hmm..... I don't know why but I got a weird feeling about this... Like they say... if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

    I have to aggree, I had someone on here trying to sell my a $120 weight loss program but said the words " I am not trying to sell you anything' I looked at thier profile and they had the same, 1 picture and 2 friends
  • MikeEstrada
    MikeEstrada Posts: 39
    If u look at my friends. You will find the person who posted this comment is now my friend. This is a real program and I am a real person. I would envite u to be friends with me. I am working very hard at this programand the only reason I talk about it is it works. P90x is for real.Try it before u knock it.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Low caloric intake + P90X = one super duper recipe for chronic fatigue.

    Considering that P90X is NOT designed as a rapid weight loss program, but rather a program to build strength, you're losing water weight and muscle mass in those 25 pounds. Sure, you'll feel good now, but give it a month and you'll feel like proverbial s*** eating starvation level calories.

    So yeah, that negates the entire purpose of the program, sorry. And yesssss, for the record, I've completed a round of it.
  • MikeEstrada
    MikeEstrada Posts: 39
    Wat up Barney,
    I've been doing P90x for 5 weeks now. I have more energy now than before. Everyones body is different. I can assure you that I am getting into shape and building muscle. I will stick to the program and succeed. I'm glad the program worked for you and it will work for me. Try to be positive when making comments to people here we are all trying to accomplish the same thing. To live a healthy and happy life. Good luck in whatever you do.
  • shaggys
    shaggys Posts: 140 Member
    Mike,congratulations on your loss.Drink some protein,calories are not bad,just fuel for your body.What's the difference if this huge loss is from lapband surgery or working your a@# off...and who cares how many "friends"you have.I agree,it really is irritating when you read a post,check out the person's profile -and imagine that,they're a B@#$%Body coach-and their ad pops up on screen with the same profile photos.I've got a free program that works-get out the door 5-6 days a week and run 6 miles.
    Don't kill yourself,up the calories,and be sure to post pictures:smile:
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