Sick of the 'Just join a gym' comments



  • tmgider
    tmgider Posts: 16
    I have experienced situations very similar to what happened to you. It is very frustrating when people try to derail you. I think the best response to your co-workers at this point is to simply smile, shrug your shoulders and say there's no point in arguing with you and walk away if you need to. Your plans & effort to reach your weight goals could be (and probably will be) brought up by your co-workers again.

    And I can certainly relate to your reluctance to join a gym. I was very intimidated by the thought of joining because I thought I would look awkward, and quite frankly, stupid. When I finally joined a gym, I realized that many of the people there were very similar to me - overweight and wanting to get fit. One of the best things is the staff / trainers who are very supportive of my goals and have helped me create exercise routines to help achieve my fitness & weight goals.

    Try not to let your co-workers frustrate you and if they do again, consider taking a nice little walk to blow off steam and burn some calories, too!. :-)
  • carleighsmama
    carleighsmama Posts: 29 Member
    So sorry! :(

    Everyone has at least one know-it-all in the office who acts like that. You want to throw a shoe at them and I'm sure it would burn about 20 calories doing so, but it's best just to ignore said person. Or agree, smile, and nod your head as if you care about their unwanted opinions. :)
  • HaleyxErin
    HaleyxErin Posts: 94 Member
    Would "No thanks, I'm not hungry." have been too difficult? You would have avoided the confrontation and not given them any info on your personal business.
  • Lexi507
    Lexi507 Posts: 79 Member

    I do the walk from the next bus stop, run instead of walk up the office stairs, walk home from the shops type things but I would need some advise about resistance training, I don't own any weights and need help to know what to buy, how often to use etc so I don't just waste my money

    Those are great steps for a start. If you want to start easing into exercise, you might want to take a look at Leslie Sansone's walking workouts. I believe she has some free on YouTube, but I don't know if they are geo-locked. There's also a series of videos called Shapely Girl. Everyone in the class is still normal human-sized and the instructor talks about going into fitness classes weighing 300 pounds.

    While your coworkers were probably just being guys, getting annoyed with them seems to be a perfectly reasonable reaction to me. Maybe one of them will apologize once they have some time to think.
  • DragonSkip
    DragonSkip Posts: 59 Member
    Wow, my coworkers are always supportive when I say 'no, I'm watching what I eat.' It is a smaller community though. Whenever they're ordering out I just pick something light off the menu and save part to incorporate into later lunches, or I just tell them I'm not in the mood. Part of my lunch is dinner leftovers (I plan that in when I'm cooking) so I always have some enjoyable food and people don't give me "but this tastes better" or anything else.

    I have problems with gyms and lately have just been doing active 2. Other times just body weight exercises and light hand weights.
  • angelamary61
    angelamary61 Posts: 97 Member
    I know what you mean, it is odd that we have to justify not wanting to eat junk food.
    If someone asks if you want a drink, no thanks is acceptable but food. Everyone has an opinion.
    You just carry on as you are and dont bow to pressure.
    They are probably jealous you have the dedication, willpower and most of all focus.
