Nervous about starting the P90X program. Please help.

Hello all, I'm going to be starting the P90X program in the next few days but I'm a bit worried. I've looked at many, many, many before and after photos and it's been building up my motivation and confidence that I can look and feel better too. The problem is, I can't really see myself looking like anything other than I do now and I feel like the program won't help me any. Is there anything I can do to be rid of those feelings? :\


  • usafbeach
    usafbeach Posts: 147 Member
    My wife and I will be starting the program on Monday. I agree, the before/after pics are very motivating. As to your negative feelings, you need to find what works for you as it is different for everyone else. Why are you starting P90x in the first place? I ran a marathon for a girl once. Dumb reason, but it got me out there putting miles on pavement. Would putting up pictures of some of those successful P90x before/after photos on your bathroom mirror or computer monitor keep you motivated to stick to the plan? I hope you find something that works.

    Keep in mind, at the end of the day you'll get out of the program what you put into it. I know I'll have a hard time not cheating on the meal plan... frankly I love my beer so that's something I've had to really cut back on lately.

    Feel free to add me if you want someone to help keep you motivated, and good luck!