P90X. Are there success stories here?

minesc Posts: 20 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Has anyone here had real success with P90X?


  • fitcoder
    fitcoder Posts: 9 Member
    Definitely. If you just stick with the workouts, and eat well, your body really does "take care of the rest" like he says.

    I don't even follow the eating guide 100% and I've had great results and feel much better. I'd recommend P90X to anyone. It may be tough in the early days when you are really struggling and have to do simplified versions of what they are doing, but it is all worth it in the end. I've never experienced a fitness program that works this well and this fast. Good luck!
  • farmingtonmom
    farmingtonmom Posts: 44 Member
    I have thought about buying the P90X becuase it is not only hard to go to the gym but expensive. I would like to hear your opinion on it too. I an wanting to lost 100lbs and I feel like I need to lose some before I purchase P90X. What are your thoughts?
  • smslogan317
    smslogan317 Posts: 39 Member
    I use it 3 to 4 times a week, and it has helped me immensely. The training is hard at first, but gets easier, but the reward is beyond compliment.
  • fitcoder
    fitcoder Posts: 9 Member
    I have thought about buying the P90X becuase it is not only hard to go to the gym but expensive. I would like to hear your opinion on it too. I an wanting to lost 100lbs and I feel like I need to lose some before I purchase P90X. What are your thoughts?

    It's definitely doable. Tony Horton (the trainer in the videos) is really a great motivator and also makes sure that you realize your limits and stay positive/upbeat. Even though the people demoing the moves are in great shape, you never feel like it is impossible because he gives you tidbits here and there about how you can modify things to your current level. It may sound cheesy but when you are in there doing your all it really makes a difference to be reminded that each person has their own phases of fitness to get to.

    I don't think you need to really lose anything before you start P90X. You will just have to modify things a bit when you start and just stay positive and the results will come. The best transformations come from people in your position. Look on youtube and you can see people who have lost over 200 lbs on the program. It's really inspiring.
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I have thought about buying the P90X becuase it is not only hard to go to the gym but expensive. I would like to hear your opinion on it too. I an wanting to lost 100lbs and I feel like I need to lose some before I purchase P90X. What are your thoughts?

    If you are new to working out then you may want to start out with Power 90 which is kind of a precursor to P90X. It is kinda the same because it's a 90 day program, but is not as intense as P90X. I am doing Power 90 and am seeing results, and I plan on doing P90X down the road. Also, Power 90 is half the cost of P90X.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I did one full round of P90X with additional Cardio 2 times per week, didn't follow the diet plan, but did increase protein intake. I have since done 1 more round of the resistance training from P90x with my own cardio, and am starting phase 2, of round 3 of the resistance training while doing my own cardio. My cardio replaces Kempo and Plyo as I do my workouts in a gym these are hard to do. I do one day of HIIT (high intensity interval training), and one day of consistent speed over 5k. The results have been great, almost a full 6 pack now, and my chin ups/pull-ups increased dramatically.
  • fitcoder
    fitcoder Posts: 9 Member
    I have thought about buying the P90X becuase it is not only hard to go to the gym but expensive. I would like to hear your opinion on it too. I an wanting to lost 100lbs and I feel like I need to lose some before I purchase P90X. What are your thoughts?

    If you are new to working out then you may want to start out with Power 90 which is kind of a precursor to P90X. It is kinda the same because it's a 90 day program, but is not as intense as P90X. I am doing Power 90 and am seeing results, and I plan on doing P90X down the road. Also, Power 90 is half the cost of P90X.

    This is a good point. You could start at Power 90 and work up. There are lots of people who do that progression.
  • farmingtonmom
    farmingtonmom Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks for the advise. I am going to purchase them both today. I like the idea on the Power 90 byHISstrength. Thanks so much!
  • fitcoder
    fitcoder Posts: 9 Member
    I did one full round of P90X with additional Cardio 2 times per week, didn't follow the diet plan, but did increase protein intake. I have since done 1 more round of the resistance training from P90x with my own cardio, and am starting phase 2, of round 3 of the resistance training while doing my own cardio. My cardio replaces Kempo and Plyo as I do my workouts in a gym these are hard to do. I do one day of HIIT (high intensity interval training), and one day of consistent speed over 5k. The results have been great, almost a full 6 pack now, and my chin ups/pull-ups increased dramatically.

    Wow, congrats. That is awesome!

    I've done one round of P90X. I'm going to do a mixture of Insanity and P90X next. Really like the program and the ability to mix and match workouts they have with ones others create, like you said. The interval training is a great mix-in.

    I found Kenpo to be kind of easy by the half way point, but Plyo is always a hard workout.
  • fitcoder
    fitcoder Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the advise. I am going to purchase them both today. I like the idea on the Power 90 byHISstrength. Thanks so much!

    Awesome! Good luck. Feel free to ask me any questions about it, I'm a total believer/supporter of P90X.
  • farmingtonmom
    farmingtonmom Posts: 44 Member
    OK. I searched power 90 and two came up. What is the difference between power 90 and master power 90?
  • rschwa
    rschwa Posts: 27
    I've had terrific results with P90X, You can see on my ticker what it's doing to my gut. I've been keeping a log of some of the workouts, along with some other thoughts about it at http://www.coachskip.com
  • fitcoder
    fitcoder Posts: 9 Member
    It's what you could do between Power 90 and P90X if you really wanted to go gradual. They are just added-on workouts after the original release of Power 90.
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    Thanks for the advise. I am going to purchase them both today. I like the idea on the Power 90 byHISstrength. Thanks so much!

    You're very welcome!
  • r6aagj
    r6aagj Posts: 2 Member
    Yes it does work, I eat low fat stuff try to stay around 1400 to 1600 calories ie alot of salads no fat dressings and alot of chicken (no skin) and turkey. Stay away from breads, red meat. p90x will do the rest. The neat part of p90x is that it will work on muscle mass as well as cardio. I started at 275 and now im at 233. drop 2 sizes to date and I love how I feel. Bring It
  • fitcoder
    fitcoder Posts: 9 Member
    Yes it does work, I eat low fat stuff try to stay around 1400 to 1600 calories ie alot of salads no fat dressings and alot of chicken (no skin) and turkey. Stay away from breads, red meat. p90x will do the rest. The neat part of p90x is that it will work on muscle mass as well as cardio. I started at 275 and now im at 233. drop 2 sizes to date and I love how I feel. Bring It

    That is awesome! It's amazing how once you make a few small tweaks to the diet, and just finish the workouts, how things just start happening. I was flopping around like a fool the first few workouts and it still was effective. Now I love jumping around in Plyo.
  • LPNlauren
    LPNlauren Posts: 27
    I ordered P90X straight out of nursing school and believe me it was tough, I made it a week and could tell that it was doing its job! I was doing the lean track (it gives you 3 tracks to follow: lean if you want to lose weight and tone, one to build muscle and one if you already have some muscle but want to get ripped)......be aware that it is intimidating. That first week I couldn't hardly keep up on the DVD's but like he says in one of his DVD's to begin with I don't care if your doing it right I just want you moving! I am about to go full force with it starting monday..........but I highly recommend that anyone try it! It really is no gimmick!
  • LPNlauren
    LPNlauren Posts: 27
    Oh also let me add that the DVD's are wonderful, I have never seen anything like it! You really feel like he is training you personally. He talk to you and makes you realize if you are holding you leg wrong or how to make the exercise really fit you body and stretch level! For once I felt like this exercise DVD was ment for everyone and not the super buff twit squad in the background who live at the gym everyday!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Yes it does work, I eat low fat stuff try to stay around 1400 to 1600 calories ie alot of salads no fat dressings and alot of chicken (no skin) and turkey. Stay away from breads, red meat. p90x will do the rest. The neat part of p90x is that it will work on muscle mass as well as cardio. I started at 275 and now im at 233. drop 2 sizes to date and I love how I feel. Bring It

    be Careful eating so few calories, P90X suggest you eat a minimum of 1800 calories per day.
  • minesc
    minesc Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you for all the responses. I will look into it more seriously now.

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