Discouraged and Frustrated

Okay...so i started my new, healthy way of living on January 1st. I weighed in that day at a whopping 169!!!!! (i'm only 4'11 by the way). Anyway...from that day on i weighed myself every Sunday with a goal to lose 2lbs a week. Well i weighed myself this past SUnday Jan 20th and i weighed 161!!!! YAAAAYYY. i was sooooooo excited i danced around the house and was soooo motivated to keep it going. However- i woke up this morning and stepped on the scale and it read 163..WHHHHAAAATTT in two days i gained 2lbs and that was thismorning, i was super frustrated and just to check again this afternoon it said 164. WHat is going on?? I feel so frustrated. my eating has been the same, although i did take two days off from my 7 day workout. im so disappointed. is this how weightloss works? Lose 8 gain 3----. i have a goal this SUnday of 160...how can i possibly lose 4lbs by SUnday...ARRRRRGGGHHHH


  • savingsunday
    savingsunday Posts: 148 Member
    I step on the scale usually every day (bad habit, I know) but only go by my weigh in day weight. Your body's weight can fluctuate from day to day...even hour to hour. I wouldn't get too disappointed. As many people have pointed out, weight loss is not linear. There will be many ups and downs. Just be persistent and patient. You will get there!
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    don't weight yourself everyday. I do it once a month.

    fluid fluctuations are normal. unless you've eaten 3500 cals over - its not FAT you've gained.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear - you're going to have ups and downs. You'll have to get used to it. As long as you see a general downward trend, you're doing fine.

    There are a number of things that can cause your weight to fluctuate:
    1. Muscles retaining fluid to repair themselves
    2. Time of the month
    3. Excess sodium causing water retention
    4. Needing to go #2
    5. Many more reasons.....

    Just keep going and know that this will happen. And....this is why it can be bad to set date-related goals. Rather than insist that you weigh 160 by Sunday, why not be happy that you've done so well. Because what happens when/if you don't make your goal on Sunday? Do you just give up? Do you punish yourself? Neither option would serve you well.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Step away from the scale!

    Set nutrition goals, set fitness goals...you need to know you are working toward something concrete when the scale being wonky.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I would discourage you from setting weight goals to hit by certain dates. You have no control of that. Set goals you can control: to stay within your calories, eat so many veggies a day, walk a certain number of steps. The weight numbers will take care of themselves.
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    Only weigh yourself on a morning that you've had a good, you know... BM
  • MJH2
    MJH2 Posts: 55 Member
    Don't be discouraged. I lost 171lbs and I did it by losing 5lbs one week gaining 2lbs the next for the first 100lbs, talk about frustrating. I did everything right but that was the way my body decided to do it. The other 71lbs was a slow .5 - 1 lb per week, but I did it. Unfortunately because of health problems I gained back 81lbs, discouraging. So my suggestion, which is what I have to remind myself as well, is to stay focused on the health/fitness plan not the daily/weekly weight.
  • thinkcrystal
    thinkcrystal Posts: 48 Member
    Thank you all soooo much for your comments!! i think i'll stick to a weigh in once a week. i guess me stepping on the scale once a day was motivating me to eat right throughout the day. but today was the perfect example that weighing ever day has its cons. i'll just continue to eat heathy and stay active......Be better tomorrow than i was today :wink:
  • Happens to me every week. Up, then down. Keep working, it'll come back down. Good luck!
  • katielangley
    katielangley Posts: 152 Member
    Remember,this is a slow process.. You did not gain 8 pounds in 3 weeks, but you have lost 8 pounds in 3 weeks... You are already ahead of schedule;) It is very frustrating at times, but keep pushing, you can't give up or it wil never happen:) Keep pushing on!! It will pay off!!
  • You're not alone! I bet everyone one of us on here has felt the same! Just keep logging your calories, cut out the bad and replace it with good, and it will work for you. If you haven't yet, take your measurements and track those weekly too. You will be amazed at how many weeks you'll see a small change on the scale but a HUGE change in your measurements. Try to keep the frame of mind that you're not doing this to "lose weight" but to be HEALTHY! It puts it in perspective and those 2 lbs you're worried about this morning will be a distant memory. Good luck and have a great rest of your week.
  • just4nessa
    just4nessa Posts: 459 Member
    Thank you all soooo much for your comments!! i think i'll stick to a weigh in once a week. i guess me stepping on the scale once a day was motivating me to eat right throughout the day. but today was the perfect example that weighing ever day has its cons. i'll just continue to eat heathy and stay active......Be better tomorrow than i was today :wink:

    I was going to shush you until I read this. :bigsmile: Weight is not static, you will fluctuate throughout the day, ever day. I've had days, during my scale obsession, where I would see the scale jump up 7 lbs... crazy!!!! It happens. Stick to the same day and time, every week (or month). The rest of the time, try to put the scale out of your mind and just focus on making positive changes to your every day habits. You can do this and you will be fine. Congrats on the progress so far! :flowerforyou:
  • Discouraged and frustrated are emotions that are your ENEMY! Look at what you have accomplished! You are doing great. Be loyal to your food diary - be honest with yourself (my issue). and you will keep the number going in the right direction. #
    3 things on MFP that were really helpful to me.
    1.There is a pie chart to show you carb/protein/fat intake - my goal is 50% carbs/ 25%protein and fat - not exact, there are small fluxuations. But with that combination, I have consistently lost.
    2. a realistic healthy goal is to loose 1% of your weight per week. Remember this is a dimishing number.
    3. if you enter you excercise into the diary - it adds calories burned to calories you can consume. Don't do it! If you plan gives you 1500 per day stick to that. If you burn off an extra 300 don't search for something to add to your intake and don't celeberate with cookies. :-)
    Remember you CAN do this! You are in control!
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    We used to always say that clothes count as three pounds. LOL
    Seriously, muscle weighs more than fat, so don't be disheartened. :bigsmile:
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    Discouraged and frustrated are emotions that are your ENEMY! Look at what you have accomplished! You are doing great. Be loyal to your food diary - be honest with yourself (my issue). and you will keep the number going in the right direction. #
    3 things on MFP that were really helpful to me.
    1.There is a pie chart to show you carb/protein/fat intake - my goal is 50% carbs/ 25%protein and fat - not exact, there are small fluxuations. But with that combination, I have consistently lost.
    2. a realistic healthy goal is to loose 1% of your weight per week. Remember this is a dimishing number.
    3. if you enter you excercise into the diary - it adds calories burned to calories you can consume. Don't do it! If you plan gives you 1500 per day stick to that. If you burn off an extra 300 don't search for something to add to your intake and don't celeberate with cookies. :-)
    Remember you CAN do this! You are in control!

    Many on here disagree with this advice and eat back exercise calories.. i have since i started and i'm losing just fine and it is way easier to stick to the diet.