Okay I need some advice.

edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I need some ideals for morning and afternoon snacks. I need my morning snack to be something that is prepared because I will be eating it in between classes. The afternoon snack I can either make or it can be prepared. Another thing is I would like them to be low cost. Any suggestions? Feel free to add me as a friend and leave me suggestions on my page.


  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    apple with 30g of cheese or natural peanut butter

    1 oz of almonds

    that's all i got right now haha. i usually would just bring a banana with me for a snack in between classes.
  • Topsurf3
    Topsurf3 Posts: 17
    I have some orville redenbacher's smart pop 94% fat free popcorn. It comes in 100 calorie mini bags and it really fills you up!
  • Instead of eating packaged food. You could look into buying a small bento box. If you fill them with about 1/2 rice 1/4 vegitable and 1/4 meat the volume of the container in mililiters is about the same as the number of calories in it.
  • lick25
    lick25 Posts: 27

    Try this forum for some ideas as someone else asked something similar so you might get some ideas off there as well :-)
  • Thank you all for the help.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Yeah, fruit is probably the healthiest most portable snack you can have between classes. Larabars are yummy too (all natural, very dense calories, I'm becoming an addict)
    Nuts, hard boiled eggs, yogurt, pb & banana on a slice of bread, pb on graham crackers (YUM!), cereal (I can seriously eat Quaker Life Cinnamon cereal by itself)...
  • I have been really focused for 2 weeks, and have lost 8 lbs. so far, but the last few days the need to sleep is overwhelming. I could be sitting down to just take a break and i get sleeping. i bike for 10 miles a day. and do other exercises. and i'm making adjustments to my diet to keep under calorie, but i feel so exhausted. what can i do to keep up the energy?
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Fruit is a good snack. But, don't forget to add a protein source!

    A meal comprised solely of carbohydrates and nothing else can be problematic because your glucose levels can spike up and then crash down. This leaves you feeling hungry, tired and weak it also gives your body an easy opportunity to convert those carbohydrates in that meal to fat.
  • What kind of protein would you suggest?
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I have been really focused for 2 weeks, and have lost 8 lbs. so far, but the last few days the need to sleep is overwhelming. I could be sitting down to just take a break and i get sleeping. i bike for 10 miles a day. and do other exercises. and i'm making adjustments to my diet to keep under calorie, but i feel so exhausted. what can i do to keep up the energy?

    You should probably take a look at your diet.. perhaps you aren't consuming enough calories? eating enough protein with your carbs? what kind of carbs are you eating? (white flour foods, white rice, potatoes, etc are fast digesting carbs and can cause that spike & crash) eat whole grains, low GI foods (slow digesting: brown rice, sweet potatoes, 100% whole grain breads, oatmeal (not the instant stuff!)

    Hope that helps!
    Good luck!
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    What kind of protein would you suggest?

    good sources of protein are:
    meat, fish, poultry, dairy, eggs, nuts, beans, etc.

    good portable protein.. I would say:
    handful of almonds, low fat string cheese, Edamame (soy beans), yogurt (look for low fat, low sugar dairy),

    You could also pack a little sandwich of some sort on a whole grain bread.
    EarthGrains whole grain Thin Bun (or the Orowheat Sandwich Thins) & a lean meat (turkey or chicken, etc)
    * I like these thin buns because you get the added benefit of whole grains & fiber which help to keep you feeling full longer!
  • thanks
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    Fruit (apples, strawberries, blackberries, etc.)

    Special K Protein Bars


    Baby Carrots


    Rice cakes topped w/peanut butter

    Luna Bars
  • I am new at this by the way. I have never eaten health even when I was skinny I never did. So I really need some help with snacks. I am doing some what okay with my main meals. I found some recipes to cook and I love to cook.
  • barbara6
    barbara6 Posts: 14
    Have you ever tried Vitamin B12? My doctor put me on this. I take 1000mg 2 times a week. Gives me energy and keeps me alert. I'm a grandmother and babysit a 4 year old and a 22 month old every day.
  • barbara6
    barbara6 Posts: 14
    Forgot to tell you I use the sublingual type. Just put it under your tongue and let it melt.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I have been really focused for 2 weeks, and have lost 8 lbs. so far, but the last few days the need to sleep is overwhelming. I could be sitting down to just take a break and i get sleeping. i bike for 10 miles a day. and do other exercises. and i'm making adjustments to my diet to keep under calorie, but i feel so exhausted. what can i do to keep up the energy?
    Could be low blood sugar, 5-6 mini meals a day with a carb/protein at each one helps balance that out and keeps your metabolism boosted as well as your blood sugars from taking a dive (thus the sleepiness). Don't go more than say 50 cals under your goal so your body is getting plenty of nutrition, that's really important no matter what our weight! :drinker:

    Plenty of water is also really important to keep our bodies energized and purified. No sodas if possible as they wear us down and aren't healthy, stick to water and you'll lose faster and feel far better.

    You're welcome to PM me if you'd like:flowerforyou:
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    I have been really focused for 2 weeks, and have lost 8 lbs. so far, but the last few days the need to sleep is overwhelming. I could be sitting down to just take a break and i get sleeping. i bike for 10 miles a day. and do other exercises. and i'm making adjustments to my diet to keep under calorie, but i feel so exhausted. what can i do to keep up the energy?

    Take a look at your diet. If you're fairly active, then you should be nourishing your body with proper nutrition.

    It makes a huge difference.
  • Junisahn
    Junisahn Posts: 166 Member
    Loving 2% cottage cheese on stone wheat crackers now - 150 calories for 3 crackers and 1/2 cup of cottage cheese. In fact, I'm going to go eat some right now!

    1 T peanut butter on a small apple - yum! That's just 150 calories too

    Oh - and plain yogurt with cinnamon in it and a small apple - like eating dessert! - 1/2 cup yogurt and small apple = about 120 calories, I think

    I eat alot of nuts... peanuts, almonds - they keep me full - 170 calories a serving, so it is a bit steeper...
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    I am new at this by the way. I have never eaten health even when I was skinny I never did. So I really need some help with snacks. I am doing some what okay with my main meals. I found some recipes to cook and I love to cook.

    For my mid morning snack I usually have yogurt and fruit. I don't like any of the 'trend' yogurts (i.e. activia, etc.) so I just take some frozen fruit like europe's best 4 berry medley and layer it with plain non fat yogurt (I love the balkan style ones) in a little container and let the fruit thaw with the yogurt for a few hours, and it's so good and so filling! Top it with some seeds/nuts and you have a nice high protein snack.

    You can prepare this in the morning before you leave for work/school.
  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    The perfect snack for me is either an apple, pear or orange and walnuts or almonds. Walnuts keep me full longer. I count out 20 almonds or 10 walnut halves (both 140 calories) and put them in zip lock bags for later. This way it is a grab and go snack.
  • tzipporah
    tzipporah Posts: 42 Member
    - whole wheat mini bagels....with 2 tbsp of hummus they're less than 200 cals :)
    - cereal--like special k or multigrain cheerios
    - string/stick cheese
    - bars of any type...mmm!
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