Desperate - how to lose 50lbs in 2 months!?

Hey all -
I've been doing this the healthy way for the last 6 months and have lost 46lbs over that time (Christmas screwed me up a bit!). I still have 150lbs left to lose. But here's the thing - I need to lose 50lbs within the next 2 months. I know it's not healthy in any means, but I am DESPERATE.

I have a serious medical condition that makes me sicker on a daily basis, but I can't have my brain surgery until I lose another 50lbs as surgery at this weight would kill me. My doctor has signed me up for a liquid VLCD called optifast and it starts on Feb 12, but I am almost certain optifast would destroy me psychologically. Already, the pressure to lose more weight faster has gotten to me and last week I...fasted for 4 days. It wasn't good. But I can't say no to optifast until I know I can get there on my own.

Please, I know it's very difficult and incredibly unhealthy, but I just need a way to get me to surgery and then I can continue my slow and healthy loss of 1-2lbs a week.


  • klackey23
    I think you really, really, really need to talk to your doctor about what to do. That adds up to 6.25 pounds lost per week to reach your goal. Not sure what your current eating levels are at, but ask your doctor if it would be healthy to cut back to 1500 calories/day?
  • june21112
    I agree, you need to talk to your doctor. Even if you did lose that much weight in such a short time that you would be healthy enough for the surgery. Your body is going to be so depleted and is going to have a hard time trying to recover from weight loss and surgery. I wish you all the best and I hope that you will reach your goals safely and have the much needed surgery.
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    I would follow what your doctor says. We are not medical professionals, and if you have already consulted with one I would stick with it in this case. Good luck!
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    No. Period. Consult with your doctor.

    We here on MFP can encourage and support you, but we will not lie or suggest dangerously unhealthy things. Anyone that does should be reported to admins immediately.

    A VLCD is bad on your own, but under the supervision of your doctor, you'll be fine with it.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Follow your doctor's advice.

  • returningmyfatsuit
    returningmyfatsuit Posts: 35 Member
    No. Period. Consult with your doctor.

    We here on MFP can encourage and support you, but we will not lie or suggest dangerously unhealthy things. Anyone that does should be reported to admins immediately.

    A VLCD is bad on your own, but under the supervision of your doctor, you'll be fine with it.


    Good luck with your surgery!!
  • treehugger215
    treehugger215 Posts: 97 Member
    Definitely talk to your doctor.

    In my experiences, however, I lose more when I am on a raw food diet - I was incredibly strict and cut out added sodium and sugar. I don't think a really strict raw food diet is the way to live forever, but it definitely cleanses the body. Make sure you do your research into how to do it in a healthy way!

    The longest I lasted was a month, and every now and then I do it as a natural cleanser.

    Feel free to message/add me if you decide to take the route, maybe I can help you find some good resources.

    Best of luck to you!

    ** I have to add that it won't help you lose a pound a day, I don't know anything that is healthy without a doctors approval that'll work that fast
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I agree with everyone else--consult your doctor! Please don't risk making your health situation worse. God bless you.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    It sounds like your doctor has already given you your answer. Youll be fine! Especially as you consider how much you want/need your surgery. This hopefully will make Optifast not be so traumatizing for you.

    Good luck and I hope all goes well for you :)
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Honestly, this is a doctor situation. This far exceeds the recommendations of a site like this. Your's is a very special situation. In YOUR case, it is a matter of the lesser of two evils. May everything go in your best interest. If your Dr. says you need the optifast, by all means DO IT. Most likely this is a method of making a fast more healthy by providing your body with needed nutrients.. Therefore, if this is the case, the Nutrifast + the fast would be better than any fast without it... May you come through your surgery well and accomplish your goals in the best way possible.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Wow...I have nothing to say except I am praying for you. :heart:
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Gosh girl, that's rough! I'm sorry, I know it's got to be a hard thing to do. Unfortunately, everyone's right. If anyone did have suggestions for you, I would really question their input. We're here for you though! All I can say is, do what the doc said! :heart:
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Sending a hug to you.

    No medical advice, but I really do sympathize with your situation. I wish it could be fixed with something magic on MFP, but calorie-wise, we can't really give you valid and safe advice on this. It's too important. :heart:
  • jackiemommy123
    Juice fast. Watch fat, sick and nearly dead. It's not the safest, but it sounds like your condition may be dangerous. Definitely do with your doctors supervision.
  • newking
    newking Posts: 70 Member
    Your Dr already signed you up, that means our advice isn't needed, LOL. I wish you the best.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Do the opti fast, it works. I attended their groups when I was injured and had to beg the dr. to let me in there because I wasn't quite "heavy" enough, but he let me in and I saw some incredible results. The support is fabulous, the shakes don't taste that bad, and seeing people hold up pants that fall off, or cutting belts in half is really encouraging.

    It will not destroy you psychologically they have groups meetings and they are prepared for most emotional and psychological responses to the plan. At least that was my experience.

    I really beleive you can do it and look forward to your post in a few short months saying it was fun, you made new friends, lost tons of weight, and are releived at having had your successful surgery.
  • jesszds82
    I agree. You have to consult your doctor and listen to him/her. Maybe even go get a second opinion from another doctor if it makes you feel like you're covering all of your bases. I'm sending you hugs, and you will get through this. We are all here for you! <3
  • mambagirl
    mambagirl Posts: 137 Member
    Please don't follow ANY diets when you have a medical condition that requires brain surgery! The ONLY diet that you need to follow is the one given to you by your DR.
  • akj_25
    akj_25 Posts: 244 Member
    follow doctors suggestion to a T. -- even better consult a nutritionalist to follow you and your diet progress closely.

    you have to follow their plan 100% - no cheating.
    and it has to be done under supervision of a professional (dr or nutritionalist)
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    As I hope everyone who posts will tell you, follow doctor orders.

    The only thing I want to ask is why do you have to wait until Feb 12th to start the optifast?