Two blue dresses display my progress [pics + details]



  • Nice work! You look great : )
  • heatherpg47
    heatherpg47 Posts: 211 Member
    Congrats your determination is inspiring and you look great!
  • faceoff4
    faceoff4 Posts: 1,599 Member
    you look awesome!! Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing the positive success with us!
  • majordlite
    majordlite Posts: 266 Member
    You look terrific...and happy!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    There is a tremendous difference here. I hope that you can see it in your pictures. Listen, one of the hardest things to do is to begin to see ourselves as the new us... rather than the way we were. Funny thing is that when I was morbidly obese, I used to see myself as looking better than I did... I did not see myself as obese... Now, I have to look at myself not as being obese... It is obvious if I look at it but perceptively it can play mean tricks on us.

    You are well on your way; yes, you have some left to do... but you have made a great start. As you start lifting heavier, expect the scale victories to slow down... I am somewhat of an example. I wear the same basic size pants that I did when I last weighed 170... but I currently weigh... 225. 55 lb difference but the same basic size (my stomach was a bit flatter then but otherwise...) My arms and chest are bigger than they were then.. but then again, that is a good thing. Muscle weighs more per cubic inch than fat does. Therefore, you may weigh more... but look thinner (more fit)... Best wishes on continuing to WIN.
  • trickycoolj
    trickycoolj Posts: 37 Member
    I have found that MFP underestimates calorie burn for me cycling on my indoor trainer. (I envy your flat commute! I have a 5 mi commute with a 500ft hill between me and work, going to be a long time before I try that!) if you don't have one, pick up a heart rate monitor and use that to get your average cals burned in your activity. There are even monitors that work in conjunction with iPhone cycling apps, check out Wahoo sensors they are a good price. You can also use the HRM to monitor calorie burn during workouts too. You never know, maybe your burn is higher than you think! Don't get discouraged, you've made great progress already so you know you can meet your goals!
  • soniabogonia
    soniabogonia Posts: 778 Member
    You look great! Stay with it. :flowerforyou:
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    You look lovely and elegant in the new blue dress. You really know how to dress to show yourself off beautifully.
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    You're 5'4" and 225 in that picture!? Damn girl! 225 looks good on you!! :love:
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    You're 5'4" and 225 in that picture!? Damn girl! 225 looks good on you!! :love:

    Ooooh 5'11"!! Ugh! I'm about 40 pounds from 225! I hope I look that good! (I'm only 5'6" soooo I probably wont! lol)
  • sammielealea
    sammielealea Posts: 245 Member
    You need to remind yourself every time you look in the mirror how wonderful you are and how much your hard work has paid off . . . sometimes it just takes a little more time for us to actually "see" the changes that have been made. There are some really amazing threads on MFP about breaking through plataues . . . Keep motivated, you're doing so well!
  • Oustanding!!!
  • Calantorntain
    Calantorntain Posts: 172 Member
    I'm curious how supportive your boyfriend was during this part of your journey...and how he's responding to the newer you!

    I'm in a long distance relationship, and so we only see each other once a month. This means he doesn't get to be around for the day-to-day nitty gritty, and it also means that less healthy eating habits don't tempt me. But he's certainly there for me; I complain to him sometimes about being tired, or hungry, and he's there to listen, and support me.

    But over all, the reason that weight loss is working for me, is because I'm doing it for me. A lot of my motivation comes from wanting to fit in non-plus sized clothes, and being healthier, and being able to bike faster. And there certainly is the desire to be prettier. But... for myself. Not other people. If that makes any sense. If my boyfriend was here, jabbing me with his elbow and telling me to go to the gym, I would sit at home eating cheetos out of spite!

    He definitely appreciates the physical changes, but is clever enough not to harp on them. It's not really what I want him to do. It's great that he tells me I'm looking better, or that he likes my *kitten*, or whatever, but these occasions are rare. If they were too frequent, I would wonder if his attraction to me was overwhelmingly superficial.
  • You look great! Do you lift with a personal trainer, or have you created your own program?
  • Calantorntain
    Calantorntain Posts: 172 Member
    You look great! Do you lift with a personal trainer, or have you created your own program?

    Neither! There's a really detailed six month program laid out in New Rules of Lifting for Women, and I'm following that.
  • As a 5'11" woman myself, I want to thank you for the inspiration!
  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
    Great progress....well done!
  • ZozoMonster
    ZozoMonster Posts: 270 Member
    Amazing progress! Well done :D
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    So just to drive us all nuts again who are obsessing whether 1200 calories are much were you consuming during your weight loss AND did you "eat back" your earned exercise cals?

    I aim for around 1500 calories. Some days it is less, some days it is more. 1500 is on the lower end of what I should eat daily, and that's because I know it will be evened out once a week or so by late night guacamole binges with my roommate, or brunch out with friends.

    I don't "eat back" my exercise calories because I think MFP grossly overestimates how many calories are burned during physical activity (at least for tall, overweight people). On days where I do lots of physical activity I will often eat a bit more, but nowhere near the number that MFP calculated for me.

    HI! Well first off, you look great!! I love it! And I REALLY like the second blue dress, I want it.

    My suggestion regarding your plateau is that you may want to consider eating more. Your BMR must be higher than mine by quite a bit (I'm 5'5', 161 pounds) and mine is around 1490ish. (I just put your numbers into a calculator I like and it said your BMR is 1999.) Different calculators will give you slightly different numbers, but I don't think it's a good idea to eat below your BMR for too long. And if you are active, you can eat even more! I like this site for figuring out both BMR and TDEE:

    Basically you should be eating somewhere between your BMR and TDEE, but eating below BMR is not a good thing.

    Also I do practice what I preach, my BMR is 1490 and my TDEE is anywhere from 2100-2400, and right now I am eating 1900 on average, daily, and I am losing weight.

    Just my thoughts. Congratulations again on your progress!
  • Magoominuseighty
    Magoominuseighty Posts: 18 Member
    You are doing great! Don't give up and you will find success. Maybe switch up your workout, try something new? Maybe your body has gotten used to the same workouts? Just a couple ideas, that also helps with burnout and boredom with your workouts.
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