Need protein packed snack ideas

So, I've been doing pretty good lately on logging my food, but I've noticed that I have a snack attack around 3-4PM at work (I'm a bank teller). I've also noticed that I am short on protein (and that's bad because I'm trying to build muscle) and that I'm constantly feeling hungry. Does anyone have any other ideas besides greek yogurt and protein bars? I'm getting bored.


  • rzc2013
    rzc2013 Posts: 4 Member
    Hard boiled eggs, almonds, apple & healthy peanut butter, low calorie cheese sticks, all are high in protein and will keep you feeling full.
  • thefewsteps
    thefewsteps Posts: 201 Member
    what she said above. i love roasted soy nuts too (edamame/mukimame)
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Beef jerky, summer sausage; heck I'll just chow on salami slices for a good high protein snack.

    Cottage Cheese

    Low cal frozen yogurt/ice cream (kinda high cal still for the amount of protein, but it isn't totally protein devoid).
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    I like the edemame in the shell and salted (I like the extra work of having to take the bean out of the pod lol, it makes me feel like I'm eating more than I am)
    Also you can eat trail mix or just dried nuts. Try to avoid the ones that are roasted as they add extra oils and the ones with chocolate and fruit unless your cool with the extra sweet (I like the sweet treats every now and then)
    More ideas:
    - cheese stick or cheese with some veggies and some crackers
    - protein shakes
    - peanut or almond butter with some fresh fruit or veggies
    - cottage cheese with some jam or fruit
    - beef jerky (generally low on the fats and calories for the amount of protein, but kindda high on the sodium and not the peperroni stick stuff I mean the real thing)
  • Dreajewkes
    Grilled chicken strips, cottage cheese, jerky, cashews, sunflower seeds, granola
  • Sarah0866
    Sarah0866 Posts: 291 Member
    eggs, whey protein, grilled chicken breast, plain greek yogurt, grilled turkey breast :)
  • aryya
    aryya Posts: 33 Member
    greek yogurt (try to get plain and put your own fruit in, or there's A LOT of sugar in it)
    protein shake
    cottage cheese
    almonds, sunflower seeds, etc
    chick peas
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
  • subconscious_ink
    subconscious_ink Posts: 194 Member
    Some awesome ideas here. I had issues with needing a protein snack today too. I like to take some plain greek yogurt and mix it with a bit of peanut butter. I don't really like either by themselves, but together they just seem to work for me.
  • adventure_em
    adventure_em Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks everyone for all these great suggestions! I also remember someone telling me about tuna fish as a good protein snack if anyone else needed some ideas. :)
  • Sarah0866
    Sarah0866 Posts: 291 Member
    Some awesome ideas here. I had issues with needing a protein snack today too. I like to take some plain greek yogurt and mix it with a bit of peanut butter. I don't really like either by themselves, but together they just seem to work for me.

    I LOVE mixing those two...YUM