Newbie.. trying to lose a new way

Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I have heard about this place for some time now and know many who have had wonderful success with the help of this place and the people who are in here. I came here tonight after eating a huge bowl of ice cream.. and not realizing I did it. I am an emotional / binge eater. I have had an unhealthy attachment to food my whole life. A yo-yo of weights and sizes. 5 years ago I lost 50 pounds and was so happy. I could breathe without gasping, I could play with my 2 kids without my knees going out on me, we were ALL happier and healthier. But after I had my 3rd child <3 I gained the weight slowly.. but now that I have gained all I had lost and have tried to lose with no luck... I decided I needed more support than i was giving myself. Part of my problem is that I do have hypothyroidism/ Hashimotos. I am medicated for it and hoping that it will help in the long run. I am hoping to meet people with similar stories and am open to hear your advice. I thank you all for your time. :)


  • AnnaE
    AnnaE Posts: 53 Member
    Welcome. I can't help on the Hashimoto's but I can identify with the weight gain after having children!
    Slow and steady, use ALL the resources and support available to you here.
    Good luck. friend me if you like.
  • Adirafox
    Adirafox Posts: 107 Member
    Hello! I have Hashimoto's as well, though after the birth of my second child I actually was HYPERthyroid for a bit, and am now on a super low dosage and hoping that maybe the next time my blood is checked they will tell me that I can stop taking the medicine. For me, as long as I am taking the medicine I don't notice any symptoms, so I might not be able to be much help there.

    MFP is great because in addition to just tracking your food, which is a proven weight loss strategy that works, it lets you see how many calories the food has. I've learned to plan out what I am going to eat before we have a junk food night or go out by looking online at the best choices. I've also started trying to make healthier choices for my family's junk food night so that we are ALL eating better.

    For me, the hardest part of being healthy and being at a weight I am happy with is keeping track of what I eat and HOW MUCH I eat, so this tool is great!