10LB to Go.TDEE & BMR questions. HELP!

I've been reading alot of post that we should be eating no more than our TDEE and no less than our BMR once you are close to your goal weight.

I have already lost a considerable amount of weight. 102 lbs since I began eating right & exercising and 116lbs total since my highest weight.

I would like to loose another 10 lbs and then start weight training to build muscle & help tone before my second year hits (12-14-13)

okay, so my QUESTION is :

How true is this statement above & should I be eating more calories? I am currently around 1530 give or take 25-50 some days & I do eat back most of my burnt calories when I exercise 3/4 days a week making my intake around 1750-1900 calories. I have not dropped any weight in 7 weeks and recently did up my calories from 1340!!!

any input would be GREATLY appreciated!!


  • kcallas88
    kcallas88 Posts: 192
    I've had success with upping my calories to 1600. However, i ate 1600 calories a day and never ate back any of my exercise calories. Personally, id have a set number and stick to that number everyday, even on days you don't work out. my weight was at a standstill for about 7 weeks too!! Hope this helps...

    You could also switch up workouts and incorporate strength training if you are not doing that already!
  • Ive thought about that, sticking to a set number. I think if all else fails I will do that. thank you!!
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    Are you tracking %BF? If so, you can keep an eye on how much lean body mass you are losing versus fat at your current deficit. Once I got within 10 lbs, I was losing nearly 0.5 lb muscle per lb fat lost, so I upped my calories to maintenance and am focusing on building some LBM before I continue. Its kind of a preference I guess, but losing weight is a lot easier the more muscle you have to maintain.
  • well I feel leaner thats for sure but my waist measurements have not changed, just my hips by 2 inches ... what would u suggest the best way to track BF%
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    There is no way to track %BF that is 100% accurate. However, all you are really interested in is your relative change anyways, so pick a method and stick to it and do it the same way every time. I use my bathroom scale, you can use calipers, measuring tape, or go to a place that can do a bod pod measurement. Of those, bod pod is probably the best, but they are $20 or so per measurement, whereas my bathroom scale I can do daily.

    Personally, I use the bathroom scale primarily (bioelectrical impedance analysis) and am getting a bod pod soon just to validate (or not) my scale.
  • I use my scale but it only has weight and have been using a measuring tape. I always feel like I am not in the same place though or if I am to take in to consideration extra skin.... I guess because my arms were much larger at one point that i something I will be working on for quite a while...
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    It's easier to give advice if we know your height/weight and maybe you open your diary up :)

    Are 10 pounds really the thing holding you back? Honestly, if you're that close to your goal, it's the body fat and not the weight that's your issue. I don't know your weight now -- it could be that those extra 10 pounds is somewhat of an unrealistic goal?

    And another question, why are you waiting to weight train? I've had by far the most success losing inches around my midsection when I've weight trained. Adding that to your routine could be the missing link in you having the success you want

    Food-wise, it's hard to say not knowing your stats, but if you're somewhat average height, you could easily eat 1500-1700 on non-exercise days and not gain weight. I wouldn't worry about that :)

    Good luck!
  • Dino924
    Dino924 Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks for posting, I'm curious as well. I'll like to lose 5 pounds and would love to lose 10, and my TDEE-20% is below my BMR, so I guess I can really just focus on composition at this point and hit the weights more? I've upped my intake to 1400 (TDEE 1670ish, BMR 1370ish) and it's been working; sometimes I go over but I try to stay below my TDEE (go over maybe once a week) and I eat back most my exercise calories.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    After reviewing your diary, I think you would benefit from eating a little bit cleaner than what you are right now. Tasty kakes and cinnamon rolls would be a good thing to cut out when shooting to get rid of that last little bit of body fat.

    Now this is just my opinion and what worked for me when losing the last 5 I wanted to lose and I am in my 40s.

    BTW: I also raised my calorie goal by 200 to lose them as well. I also did a spike day every week.
  • my height is 5'9" & weight 173

    I most def do need to eat cleaner, thats forsure. I just thought that aslong as your in your calories it didn't matter how u consumed them. And Ill be the first to admit after loosing so much already I tend to "reward" my self more often or eat those snacks because I had a great work out and am "eating back "
  • And to answer, I was waiting to weight train in fear of gaining back weight with upping my calories and gaining muscle
  • jessigracie
    jessigracie Posts: 3 Member
    I would try the eating cleaner approach. And maybe track your sugar intake since I see that currently you are not. It will be eye opening. There is a lot of debate about whether or not it matters how you get the calories as long as you're under your goal. If weight is your only concern then that approach might work for you. If being healthy or wanting to change your body composition is your goal then eating cleaner will help.
  • And to answer, I was waiting to weight train in fear of gaining back weight with upping my calories and gaining muscle

    First off congratulations on your weight loss; you should be proud of all your achievements. Secondly, you will not gain muscle while eating at a deficit. You will have possible newbie gains when you initially start weight training but that is the extent of the gains. I would strongly advice you to start strength training now and not wait any longer. You are already so close to your goal and weights will get you to where you need to be. It also could be just what your body needs right now in order to "shock" your system. Given that you are now within 10 pounds of your goal maybe ignoring the scale and focusing on body composition through strength training might be the way to go. Also consider upping your calories and adding more protein to your diet.

    Good luck!
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    And to answer, I was waiting to weight train in fear of gaining back weight with upping my calories and gaining muscle

    First off congratulations on your weight loss; you should be proud of all your achievements. Secondly, you will not gain muscle while eating at a deficit. You will have possible newbie gains when you initially start weight training but that is the extent of the gains. I would strongly advice you to start strength training now and not wait any longer. You are already so close to your goal and weights will get you to where you need to be. It also could be just what your body needs right now in order to "shock" your system. Given that you are now within 10 pounds of your goal maybe ignoring the scale and focusing on body composition through strength training might be the way to go. Also consider upping your calories and adding more protein to your diet.

    Good luck!

    This is good advice :)

    It is HARD as a woman to put on muscle, beyond the sort of "newbie gains" this poster talks about. You have to be eating above your TDEE, you have to be lifting A LOT. Don't be afraid of weights

    All I can really give is my own experience... at 5'6", in the past 6 months I've gone from 150 lbs and 36.5" around my stomach to 140 lbs (hit 140.0 exactly for the first time today, yesssss) and 31.5" around my stomach. During the 45 min or so I spend at the gym (about 3 times a week), only 10-15 min of that is cardio. I eat 1700 on days when I don't exercise, more when I do. Weights are you friend :)
  • Thank you for all this input, really eye opening!!