Dairy-free, Nut-free, Low-carb HELP :)

I am on a dairy free, nut free and low carb diet. I had gestational diabetes and need to watch my carb intake to prevent developing type 2 diabetes, however, not being able to have milk or nuts really limits the snacks I can have that contain protein. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks!

Also, I have found that I can't have too much soy either. :)


  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Have you asked your doctor to refer you to a registered dietician? What you are asking is really beyond the remit of this board, IMO it would be very difficult to get a balance of all the nutrients your body needs with so many restrictions. Low glycaemic index/ glycaemic load would be easier.
  • KatieHall77
    KatieHall77 Posts: 129 Member
    Looks like meats, eggs, and low carb vegetables (leafy greens, bell peppers, etc) are going to be the base of your diet.
    Fritattas are a good meal- chopped veggies are lightly sauteed and egg is added and cooked slowly.
    Meat dishes and vegetable dishes as well as salads, lettuce wrapped sandwiches also come to mind.

    When you say nuts, does that include seeds, such as sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and flax seeds? I find seeds a very useful part of my low carb diet- such as milled flax seed for making MIMs.
  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    Canned tuna or salmon and mayo on rice crackers, zucchini or tomatoes - You can get the canola mayo or make your own to avoid soy. Depending on how low you are trying to stay, 15 rice crackers have 25 carbs.


    Veggies with hummus or guacamole as a dip

    Frittatas as mentioned above are great. You can pre-make them in muffin tins for single servings that are easy to grab and go.

    Salads or Soup - You can make a big batch of soup and portion out into individual servings in ziploc bags and freeze. They only take a short time to thaw out.

    Also, just having some pre-cooked protein of some sort on hand. We almost always have cooked chicken breast or moose in the fridge.
  • I'm doing dairy, nut and low carb too. I've taken to snacking on meats like salami bits. If you need something quick that you can just grab and go, atkins makes bars they sell at places like walmart, that should meet those needs. be careful what veggies you decide to snack on, some are not very low in carbs (carrots for example).