One of the dumbest PC things to date.

motown13 Posts: 688 Member
Soon the world will be wimpy, or at least the USA is going to be the wimpiest country that exists. I was just listening to news radio, and some group is saying that teachers should no longer mark school papers in red pen, because red upsets the kids.... it is recommended that they use blue "or other not so intimidating colors".

Are you freaking serious?


  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    The pussification of America continues...
  • shak29
    shak29 Posts: 114 Member
    WOW! That is all i got.
  • Windy_
    Windy_ Posts: 1,012 Member
    How does this pussify anyone? It's an *F* or *wrong* whether it's in blue, black, red or green.

    Our elementary schools haven't used red ink in over 10 years. They felt it stood out too much and other kids could easily see it. When you have a kid that's already struggling why add being teased by their classmates to it?

    How does this effect you?
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    One of my relatives works at a school and can't do that. Peeps need to suck it up.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    I've heard this for years.

    Teachers still use red pen.

    But people love to get on a soapbox and complain how the country is falling apart over something that isn't even happening.
  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    How does this effect you?

    because i live in the world in which these kids are raised
  • Windy_
    Windy_ Posts: 1,012 Member
    How does this effect you?

    because i live in the world in which these kids are raised

    And how is not using a red pen going to effect the way these kids are being raised?
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I've heard this for years.

    Teachers still use red pen.

    But people love to get on a soapbox and complain how the country is falling apart over something that isn't even happening.
    I love you, love Windy.

    People with common sense I heart.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I am a teacher, and I am currently looking at my red pen.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    How does this effect you?

    because i live in the world in which these kids are raised

    And how is not using a red pen going to effect the way these kids are being raised?

    Because it has to be red pen aarrgghhh!! I was graded with a red pen and it made me the tough man I am today! Kids are so soft, we had it hard. We are going to be the weakest country in the world and probably get invaded by Canada!! This is a country full of whiners and babies and everyone wants to rant about the stupidest things MUST USE RED PEN AAARRRGGGHHH!!!

  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    I've heard this for years.

    Teachers still use red pen.

    But people love to get on a soapbox and complain how the country is falling apart over something that isn't even happening.
    I love you, love Windy.

    People with common sense I heart.

  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    This is old. It has been around for a few years now.
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    How does this effect you?

    because i live in the world in which these kids are raised

    And how is not using a red pen going to effect the way these kids are being raised?

    Because it has to be red pen aarrgghhh!! I was graded with a red pen and it made me the tough man I am today! Kids are so soft, we had it hard. We are going to be the weakest country in the world and probably get invaded by Canada!! This is a country full of whiners and babies and everyone wants to rant about the stupidest things MUST USE RED PEN AAARRRGGGHHH!!!


  • AdoraK
    AdoraK Posts: 724 Member
    How does this pussify anyone? It's an *F* or *wrong* whether it's in blue, black, red or green.

    Our elementary schools haven't used red ink in over 10 years. They felt it stood out too much and other kids could easily see it. When you have a kid that's already struggling why add being teased by their classmates to it?

    How does this effect you?

    ^^^ Agree 100%

    An F is an F no matter what color it is in. Parents need to react to the grades there kids get and help them find constructive ways to improve. Adding insult to injure in not going to help.

    It is exactly like calling a person fat and thinking that it will motivate them to drop some weight...
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    The pussification of America continues...

    yeh, and i hate my generation.
  • atrebor18
    atrebor18 Posts: 235 Member
    I'm a future teacher and I think the whole idea is ridiculous but some kids really do struggle, school is a lot different then even when I was a kid. I grade in whatever color marker or pen is closest, a grade is a grade no matter what color you get it in. Also parents need to wake up and HELP their kids if they are getting a poor grade. Sure you might be busy with work and whatnot but make your child a priority. There are a lot of resources available, use them! And giving five minutes a night (or morning or whenever) to read a story won't kill you and will really benefit your kid. Okay end of my rant but I can't stress enough how important early literacy is as well as supportive parents. There are way bigger problems in education then grading pen colors.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    You should see how they do report cards now. You need an education degree to decipher it. Rather than grading them for subjects, they score them for benchmarks. I sent a comment informing them that educational jargon is utterly useless to a parent looking to reinforce performance.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    You need a new news station, this has been studied for years. Personally, all the red depresses *me*, so I try to use purple or green, but our office manager won't buy those colors.
  • Pablito66
    Pablito66 Posts: 24 Member
    I say bring back the DUNCE cap!