The Fast Diet Challenge



  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    At the risk of inviting ridicule... This is basically what I've been doing since the 1st, but I do it every other day. This same general idea is going by a bunch of names right now - JUDDD, IF, ADF, Modified alternate day fasting, etc.

    The studies are interesting (and pretty numerous) - but as far as all of that goes - it's interesting, but probably still theory at this point - in my opinion. If it turns out that there are extra benefits - great. If not - that's ok too.

    The thing about this that interests me most is the almost complete lack of willpower or obsession required to get a calorie deficit.

    It's a series of 1 day diets - after the first one or two, it's no big deal.

    I don't freak out because I can never again have pizza, burgers, etc - I'm not facing a lifetime of chicken and broccoli. If I want pizza - I have to wait at most 24 hours to have what I want (admittedly with a bit of moderation thrown in).

    I totally have enough willpower for 1 day at a time.

    I don't get ravenous. I don't get grumpy. I actually kind of look forward to my "down days" as much as my "up days" (It's kind of nice to have a day where there is no focus on food). I find I'm pretty energetic even on "down days".

    If something happens and I "ruin my diet" - so what? It's a 1 day diet - I can start again tomorrow relatively guilt free.

    So, for me - it's basically a different way of doing "calories in/calories out". Over any 2 day period I have a reasonable (if slightly low compared to the conventional wisdom of this site) calorie count.

    For whatever it's worth - so far, my fasting glucose and weight have both been favorably responding - but that would probably be identically true for switching to a lifetime of nuts and berries too.

    Now, of course, there is the question of, "Is it sustainable?"... I think it is for me, but time will tell.
  • Babychris11
    Exactly, for the remaining days of the week you precede as normal with your usual calorie allowances.

    Idea is that it slows the growth of new cells and prompts your body to repair its existing ones. It also encourages fat burning, so you lose weight.

    All of which propose longer life span and reduce chances of Cardio Vascular disease, Alzheimer's, cancer, diabetes etc.

    HUH? Just by NOT eating, the cells suddenly stop going through mitosis? REALLY? Does the cancer treating industry know this?

    No need to be so hasty woman, Jheez!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Exactly, for the remaining days of the week you precede as normal with your usual calorie allowances.

    Idea is that it slows the growth of new cells and prompts your body to repair its existing ones. It also encourages fat burning, so you lose weight.

    All of which propose longer life span and reduce chances of Cardio Vascular disease, Alzheimer's, cancer, diabetes etc.

    There's nothing wrong with intermittent fasting. A lot of people do it.

    But be aware - you're going to lose weight because 2 days a week you will have an extreme calorie deficit. Not because there is anything magical about this plan.

    And I also agree that if you are interested in fasting, check out a program like leangains or Eat Stop Eat.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    I saw the BBC/Horizon doco and liked it and am 11 days into doing Alternate Day Fasting (or 3:7) and the 30 Day Shred workout.

    I also take about 10k steps a day - that is the only exercise I am doing.

    So far have dropped a couple of kilos and - more importantly - lost a good inch from my bust, waist and hips.

    My fast days (Mon/Wed/Friday) aren't super fun or anything, but it has gotten me eating a lot more vegetables as they are low in calories - at the moment I am developing a serious habit for cherry tomatoes wrapped in lettuce leaves and carrot sticks. Even on feed days I am loving finding new stuff to wrap in lettuce leaves (which I wasn't really into before).

    On the feed days I have found myself feeling satisfied from less and breaking some habits such as eating a whole packet instead of a serving or eating out of boredom.

    Generally, I feel more tuned into my hunger and satiety cues (and of course, there have been a couple of massive EAT ALL THE THINGS days).

    It fits into my lifestyle better than what I was doing previously (45min slogs at the gym 5 x a week followed by blowing my calorie intake every day to compensate and feeling guilty about it - while steadily putting on an inch a year).

    I think it is very simple, sustainable and when I have dropped a few more inches off my tummy I will be taking it down to 5:2.

    Plenty of people will instantly get upset over it without researching it or trying it out - but they should calm down, give it a go and remember different things work for different people.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    I am interested to know if the book cites any long term studies. I would give a lot of credit to someone who maintained that diet for a year or more and are not incarcerated.

    Challenge ACCEPTED! :happy:
  • lyonnesse
    I spent Christmas with my brother and sister-in-law. I couldn't get over how slim and healthy they had become in the relatively short time since I last saw them.

    They had seen the Fast Diet Horizon programme in August, and decided to give it a go. They were amazed at how easy it was, delighted they could still enjoy their favourite food and drink, and fit it in around social pressures like Christmas.

    I'd seen the programme as well, and I'd also seen other articles in the years before. It's been known since the thirties that starvation extends life.

    Anyway, there's nothing so reliable as seeing someone you know being successful with a diet, especially people like them. I'd never have thought either of them would bother with diets. So I'm giving it a go as well. This is my third week, and I'm finding it remarkably easy. I've only lost 2 pounds but I'm happy to lose slowly, and don't want to lose more than about 16lbs. At 2lbs every 3 weeks I should be where I want to be by the end of June.
  • MomiTia
    MomiTia Posts: 94 Member
    I am interested to know if the book cites any long term studies. I would give a lot of credit to someone who maintained that diet for a year or more and are not incarcerated.

    Challenge ACCEPTED! :happy:

    Hey you have just found your challenge :) i have been fasting twice a week for the past 8 years, my medical tests are perfectly normal n no illness whatsoever, i have a pretty 2 year old that you can see in the pic and i have been negligent of macros lately but like others on this forum i pick up where i drop off. Also it is beneficial, highly so, please feel absolutely free to ask me any questions, i would love to help as long as i dont see rudeness/sarcasm :)
  • gettingfitnana303
    Hello, I've been around a lot of years and the idea of fasting isn't a new one. When I was a teenager, Twiggy, was the sensation. She caused a lot of young girls to shed pounds and look like skeletons. But during that same time, it was commonly thought that it was good for the body, and the soul, to fast two days a month. Not two days a week. If this is what you want to try, I guess I would try and discourage it. It really sounds too hard on your body. Good thoughts to you.
  • wmoomoo
    wmoomoo Posts: 159 Member
    Exactly, for the remaining days of the week you precede as normal with your usual calorie allowances.

    Idea is that it slows the growth of new cells and prompts your body to repair its existing ones. It also encourages fat burning, so you lose weight.

    All of which propose longer life span and reduce chances of Cardio Vascular disease, Alzheimer's, cancer, diabetes etc.

    New healthy cells or cancerous cell? I read the study but it doesn't mention anything about that for people who are "healthy".

    Reducing the chances of any diseases is a healthy diet and life style. Not just by fasting.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    It's all about lifestyle change people not 'fad' diets.

    This statement stands in contrast to the rest of your post.

    I challenge you to find a balance between good nutrition, calorie deficit, and training.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    I think I would kill someone with my bare hands if I ate less than 500 cals in a day. That said good luck
  • GracesEternalDawn
    500 or less isn't too hard to manage on. Just stay strong, and good luck!
  • SorchaEilis
    SorchaEilis Posts: 99 Member
    This is a fad diet. And there isn't any scientific evidence that fasting has any effect on cellular regeneration/repair. If you lose weight, it'll be because of the calorie deficit, not because fasting made you healthier. Best of luck!
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    I saw that programme and it does seem compelling. Its good that it was on the BBC because I feel they have a bit more integrity than other channels.

    If I were you, I'd try one day fasting first.

    I, however could not do it. I fail to see how I could go about working on a farm every day on 500 cal.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    This is a fad diet. And there isn't any scientific evidence that fasting has any effect on cellular regeneration/repair. If you lose weight, it'll be because of the calorie deficit, not because fasting made you healthier. Best of luck!

    Actually, there did seem to be - did you watch the programme? I was very scpetical when I started watching. Maybe it is still on iplayer...
  • MomiTia
    MomiTia Posts: 94 Member
    No you dont feel like killing, your body Adapts, infact you feel happier, i personally make sure i drink water, green tea even coffee if its what i want...but it does give time to your body to repair :) i eat once a day on the fast day and the meal has a fruit, cereal and dairy in it n ofcourse veggies n sometimes lentils, incase you are working out hard you might want to add a protein drink, you are good to go or at least i am!
  • MomiTia
    MomiTia Posts: 94 Member
    I saw that programme and it does seem compelling. Its good that it was on the BBC because I feel they have a bit more integrity than other channels.

    If I were you, I'd try one day fasting first.

    I, however could not do it. I fail to see how I could go about working on a farm every day on 500 cal.

    I sure hope its not "everyday"
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,717 Member
    I did 5:2 fasting for a couple of months and lost weight really steadily. More steadily than I am now on the same average daily deficit. I did find it a bit difficult and cheated by netting 500 on my down days rather than just eating 500 because would do a big 600 cal cardio workout. No problems with working out fasted. Did get that funny ketosis taste in my mouth though.

    I probably should try to go back to that eating pattern. I got out of the habit when I stopped while on vacation.
  • alowry007
    alowry007 Posts: 52 Member
    You never know until you try. However, I would be afraid to try so many at the same time. :)
  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member