Help Craving Alcohol



  • keenesmom
    keenesmom Posts: 115 Member
    Maybe instead of denying yourself all of these things, you can let yourself have them in moderation. If they fit into your goals for the day, there is no reason not to have them.

    Vodka and tonic you can make with diet tonic water (regular tonic is deceptively high in calories) for 70 cals a drink.

    Yes. Or wine. Stop thinking that you have to suffer to lose weight. You just have to work and count calories.

    I've lost 40# and am at my goal weight. Throughout this process I never deprived myself of any food/drink that I wanted. Have it, count it and exercise each day. A 4 oz glass of red wine is roughly 100 calories...have a 4 oz glass and nurse it so it lasts...worked for me.
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    Congratulations cdandrea05.

    Its finding that motivation to sustain you. Very well done. Hope i find mine
  • PatrickSwayzesGhost
    PatrickSwayzesGhost Posts: 300 Member
    I have to find a less severe sustainable regime. At pres i am doing the Dukan diet to kick start me so am eating almost nothing but protein.
    There's your problem.
    I am looking at the IIFYM since MFP makes calorie counting possible for me.
    There's the solution. Now, go have a drink.
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    Thank you thank you thank you.

    Been busy chatting to you guys, with headphones on. Hubby is now in bed No Alcohol. He didn't offer me anything cos i was obviously busy plus i distracted him with the cost of a proposed school trip. Then back to typing n headphones on.

    Craving is stillthere but i haven't acted on it and I'm too lazy to go downstairs to get a drink.

    Crisis averted for for tonight
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I have to find a less severe sustainable regime. At pres i am doing the Dukan diet to kick start me so am eating almost nothing but protein.
    There's your problem.
    I am looking at the IIFYM since MFP makes calorie counting possible for me.
    There's the solution. Now, go have a drink.

    Exactly this. Find what works for you today, tomorrow, and can be manageable for years to come. There's no "kickstart" required. As long as you're at a calorie deficit, you'll lose. Make healthy choices and you're be healthier and a lot happier.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    This whole thing seems like a really bad idea. Try what others suggested and be sustainable, for you and your husbands sake.
  • lambchoplewis
    I stopped drinking every day about 9 months ago I got sick and tired of being sick and tired. I tracked everything on MFP and exercise. But, every now and then, I indulge and find I that I overeat (binge eat)!! I get wasted fast as I weigh less and my tolerance is not as high as it used to be. Then, after a few drinks and a food binge, I find it takes two days to feel better and 3-5 to get back to weight before the binge.

    I look forward to drinking every now and then but wish I could have two drinks and not eat everything in site.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I am just wondering what SQA is ?
  • PatrickSwayzesGhost
    PatrickSwayzesGhost Posts: 300 Member
    I am just wondering what SQA is ?

    From original post:
    Have come home and all I want to do is have Serious Quantities of Alcohol (SQA).
  • lambchoplewis
    Also - calculate the savings of NOT drinking - amazing!!!
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I am the same way. But I can admit, I have a drinking problem. There is no such thing as one drink or one shot for me. If it's there, I will drink it until I physically am unable to drink anything anymore. I know I have to quit but it's so hard for me to imagine life without drinking. I crave it quite a bit, and it doesn't go away. Of course, the calories are outrageous. Help??

    The first step in helping yourself is admitting you have a problem. The next is your desire to do something about it. Third, you approach it like any other addiction you have -- seek help. Contact AA and see if you can start attending meetings. Willpower will only take you so far - the rest is support from others. It has nothing to do with calories, either. Good luck.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    OP, calling the fact that you wanted a drink and didn't have one (by means of severe distraction) doesn't really sound like a healthy relationship with alcohol at all. I know you said you aren't an alcoholic, but someone who can't drink casually OR choose not to have a drink if it isn't going to work with their day (for whatever reason - it doesn't fit your macros, your calories, you're at work, it's 7am... whatever!) needs to talk to a professional about their cravings.
  • rlwinton
    rlwinton Posts: 101
    I used to have huge cravings for alcohol too, when a day couldn't pass without me going to the bar and getting schwasted. I feel so much more lighter and healthier since giving it up. I don't have to worry about counting drinks, who's gonna drive or what to say when people I'm not saying what works for me should work for you. People in here are talking about moderation, so one thing is don't NEED may want it, but you don't NEED it. I have been completely sober for almost a year.....its a great feeling! So consider everyone's viewpoint and think about it! And if you need support you can add me!
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    I don't buy the 'sugar addict' line ..... look, you are depriving yourself of treats and things that are part of enjoying a happy lifestyle. Of course you get home and want to have something you have deemed 'bad' ... the craving sensations will continue until you learn to balance your wants of sweets and fatty foods with the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You can have both, you know.

    I think this varies by person. When I eat sugar or a simple carb like pasta, I get a sort of "high" from it. Then I suffer a sugar crash, and then I really, really, really want more sugar. I'm not diabetic, but I could see how I could probably become one if I kept on this path.

    Keep in mind, I normally have very strong willpower - I'm able to stay under my calorie goal almost every day. But if I get into the cookie jar, watch out.

    I don't deny myself sugar completely - I couldn't live like that. But I am just very, very careful about it. I pick and choose when I'm going to have sugar and how much I'm going to have. Frequently I'll have a dessert after dinner - later in the evening, because that limits the damage. I will very rarely have sugar at breakfast any longer - as that will usually cause a bad day overall.

    As I said, I do what I need to do to stay in control (and still have a life). I'm not complaining and I don't feel deprived, I'm just doing what works for me.
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    I stopped drinking every day about 9 months ago I got sick and tired of being sick and tired. I tracked everything on MFP and exercise. But, every now and then, I indulge and find I that I overeat (binge eat)!! I get wasted fast as I weigh less and my tolerance is not as high as it used to be. Then, after a few drinks and a food binge, I find it takes two days to feel better and 3-5 to get back to weight before the binge.

    I look forward to drinking every now and then but wish I could have two drinks and not eat everything in site.

    Sounds familiar to me. You have my sympathy and empathy. Isn't life a b***** when you just loved food and drink.
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    I am just wondering what SQA is ?
    Serious Quantities of Alcohol!
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    If you don't want to have it then you need to commit to it. Best bet is to not have it available in your house so you'd have to ask yourself if the effort of going out to get one and the cost of it is worth it to you. And if you cannot beat the need and end up going out then you probably burned a portion of the calories you'd be consuming (if just one) which isn't too shabby either. Hope you aren't going cold turkey because that would be why you are having such a rough time.

  • raquelleigh
    I like beer too.I have only been here two weeks and have lost 3 pounds. Let me tell you how much I like beer. If alcohol free beer tasted anything like real beer I would totally buy it. I am a Pollock so alcohol has always been around. But what I have done is carefully plan my meals where I can have a drink or two with my dinner if I want to (although on occasion I slip lol ). I can have a serving of potatoes, or the 100 calorie yogurt covered pretzels or even a piece of cake.. (Yum) I also eat in between the 1240 MFP gave me and the 1364 that is my TDEE. I can't exercise much because I have a very bad lung disease so I did my TDEE as a desk job which is what I have. But allowing for some of my favorite things in my diet has really been so much better than feeling horrible all the time. I am not an expert so take this at face value but it has worked for me and helped my feel like I am not missing out on anything.
  • CristyMusicLovr
    CristyMusicLovr Posts: 179 Member
    skinny girl margaritas ; )
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    If you don't want to have it then you need to commit to it. Best bet is to not have it available in your house so you'd have to ask yourself if the effort of going out to get one and the cost of it is worth it to you. And if you cannot beat the need and end up going out then you probably burned a portion of the calories you'd be consuming (if just one) which isn't too shabby either. Hope you aren't going cold turkey because that would be why you are having such a rough time.


    I would agree that it is best not to have it in the house, but i still have a couple of hundred quid of wine and spirits from Christmas. No way is that going any where but down my neck.

    Believe me anythingi still will find a way to incorporate it in my macros. Eventually.