I dont want to be the fat bridesmaid!



  • krissym82
    I hear you Erin! I am in a wedding this year as well. Just keep at it!! YOU CAN DO IT! :-)
  • kristinlc88
    kristinlc88 Posts: 63 Member
    As of now, I'm going to be the fat maid of honor. Everyone else in the bridal party is a size 10 and below, and right now I have a size 18 dress.

    BUT I have until August, so I have this. I at least want to get down to a 12, I would be happy with that.

    I could use all the support I can get, and if anyone else wants to add me, feel free. We can all do it and we WON'T be the "fat bridesmaid"!
  • Homeschoolingmommy
    Homeschoolingmommy Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in the same boat at well. All of the bridesmaids are little hotties and I was horrified when the bride had us all go try on and order dresses together, WHILE I WAS 6 MONTHS PREGNANT with#3! I went to the shower and they all wanted to know if my dress fit now and I lied and said it was too big, but the truth is that is still fits the same :(. I am on week 3 of my 70 lb weight loss journey and I'm down 9 lbs! I am cutting my calories and doing Turbo Jam (First exercise I've ever LOVED!) 5-6 days a week. I'm praying that I can stay on track and shock them all when I fit right in with all the tiny (haven't had any kids yet) bridesmaids. We can do this!!!!!
  • hsbryant88
    hsbryant88 Posts: 12 Member
    Opposite for me but i know how you feel. I'm actually the bride and all my bridesmaids are smaller than me. I don't want to be the bride who looked worse than her bridesmaids. Keep up the work you can do it!! You got this!! :)
  • christiking1980
    christiking1980 Posts: 8 Member
    I am in the same boat! I am going to be a maid of honor in a wedding on July 20th. I started two weeks ago at 212.6 and I am only 4'11"..... :S We can do this!!!
  • bettyboopsd
    bettyboopsd Posts: 29 Member
    Hi there everyone... I joined about a week ago but I was doing a juice fast... I've decided to get off the juice fast and start counting calories and being involved on mfp more... I'll need encouragment... I am also going to be in a wedding this year... in OCTOBER.... so I have some time... only I will be the MOB...thats right... mother of the bride.. we too like to look great in your Pictures...good luck to you all and I cant wait to see you succeed....
  • erinsundberg
    erinsundberg Posts: 26 Member
    As of now, I'm going to be the fat maid of honor. Everyone else in the bridal party is a size 10 and below, and right now I have a size 18 dress.

    BUT I have until August, so I have this. I at least want to get down to a 12, I would be happy with that.

    I could use all the support I can get, and if anyone else wants to add me, feel free. We can all do it and we WON'T be the "fat bridesmaid"!

    You sound exactly like me, except I tried on a size 18 dress and i couldnt do up the zipper. I'm the maid of honour as well, all the other girls are a size 6 and under.
  • HappyWife04
    HappyWife04 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm not a bridesmaid but my BIL is getting married in May and I'm hoping I can lose about 25 Lbs. by the time the wedding rolls around. it's memorial day weekend so I have about 4 months. If I lose 2 Lbs. a week, I should be able to... Good Luck.
  • Susiq2222
    Susiq2222 Posts: 38 Member
    My son is getting married in August and that has given me the drive to lose the weight. I just don't want to look back on the pictures and hate how I look!!! Feel free to add me
  • rubdabuddha
    I'm totally with you. My brother is getting married this June, but I have to go in for final fitting for a bridesmaid dress in march. Strapless and short does not look good on a fluffy girl as myself. I just say start slowly and not too fast as it might make you slip( I know it does me). Log the calories and workout! We will be gorgeous bridesmaids... We got dis!!!!
  • kristinlc88
    kristinlc88 Posts: 63 Member
    As of now, I'm going to be the fat maid of honor. Everyone else in the bridal party is a size 10 and below, and right now I have a size 18 dress.

    BUT I have until August, so I have this. I at least want to get down to a 12, I would be happy with that.

    I could use all the support I can get, and if anyone else wants to add me, feel free. We can all do it and we WON'T be the "fat bridesmaid"!

    You sound exactly like me, except I tried on a size 18 dress and i couldnt do up the zipper. I'm the maid of honour as well, all the other girls are a size 6 and under.

    It's pretty uncomfortable knowing they're all sticks. Especially since standing alongside all of them I feel like I look even bigger.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    I know no one "wants" to be the fat bridesmaid, but inevitably someone will. From a males point of view, I think it's more important that you be honored to be part or your friends/sisters/brothers etc. entourage, rather than worry about how people think you look. The spot light is gonna be on the bride/groom anyway.
    That's not to say that trying to lose weight shouldn't be your goal, but lots of females make this out to be a bigger deal than it really is..............................unless of course you have "friends" that like to berate each other about one's weight in a dress.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • LisaLamb1
    LisaLamb1 Posts: 149 Member
    I tried not to be a fat bride, didn't work! Oh well, no excuses now, that was almost 7 years ago. You are beautiful, and I am sure your friend is just glad to have you by their side, that being said, I have no doubt you will achieve your goal and outshine everyone on that day!
  • tlesa88
    tlesa88 Posts: 56 Member
    This is such a fantastic topic! Both of my parents are re-marrying this year. My Dad in July and my Mom in October. I am also hoping to get where I want to be before being a bridesmaid. It's nice to know that we aren't alone on this journey! Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    Start lifting heavy... ASAP!! Buy The new rules of lifting for women, or start doing stronglifts 5x5!!
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I am a low cal girl, but you are welcome to add me. Laughter counts as calories burned in my book, and I do try to make people laugh at least once a day. Everyone is always welcome to add me. Congrats on your brothers upcoming wedding!
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    I think your goal (150) is VERY attainable. Unlike you, I don't want to be the fat "bride" (I'm looking at a July wedding) and I refuse to be the weight that I am now. I MUST drop at least 50 before then and I'm determined to do so...truth be told my goal is at least 10lbs a mos until July (end of July) which is actually 70lbs. We can do this--WELCOME!
  • zeleni
    zeleni Posts: 75 Member
    I totally want to join this support group!!

    I was in two wedding parties a year and a half ago, and while in one party I was the 'fat' one (with two of the other bridesmaids having kids 3 and 4 months before the wedding!!), the other one, I was the 'middle' one. I have been asked to be in another bridal party, but the wedding isn't until 2014. I don't care if I am the 'fat' bridesmaid, I just want to look good in pictures and feel great in my dress.

    Feel free to add me for motivation and support!!
  • sguer56
    sguer56 Posts: 13
    I too, will be in a wedding in August, but my goal is not necessarily related to being a bridesmaid. I do need a lot of encouragement, however, as I tend to fall off because I think about the tremendous journey I have ahead of me (ultimately to lose 150 lbs) If you would like, add me as a friend so we can compare bridesmaid successes :-)
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