HELP PLEASE!! Calorie Issues!

Ok so I have my MFP set to 1340 calories a day. I am 5'4" and currently weight 176. I want to get back down to around 135.

I feel like I'm eating all day long but I'm still left with a LOT of calories at the end of the day (after my INSANITY workout)

I have a protein shake in the morning with PB2 and almond milk
then a granola bar around 11
then a sandwich and pretzels or something like that for lunch
then a protein shake with just water immediately after workout
then i eat dinner

My workout burns around 300-400 calories depending on what day of INSANITY it is

and I still have a few hundred calories left in the day.
Is this a bad thing? Should I eat more? I feel full after I eat and I don't want to eat late at night..



  • cjdippo15
    Dinner consists of a veggie, a starch and a meat. A pretty decent well rounded meal
  • Dee_31
    Dee_31 Posts: 10 Member
    I know exactly what you're talking about, I have the exact same problem.. I end up searching for foods to eat just to get all my calories in (seeing Iam only on a 1200 anyways) but by the time I do my exercises, I have to eat more and Iam in no way shape or form hungry, but I eat anyways, eveything though I feel sick and don't want it.. This is a good topic, thanks for posting and good luck!
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    Maybe skip the PB2 and just use peanut butter? After all, you have calories to spare, why use the low cal substitute?
  • jhgreer
    jhgreer Posts: 145
    Try using skim milk for your protein shake - more calories and protein (if regular milk is an option for you).

    Try other calorie dense foods - nuts, cheese, etc

    Do you have other ways of getting your protein in besides shakes? More lean meats, beans, avocado, etc?
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    Add greek yogurt to your protein shakes. If there is a healthy fat version, like the peanut butter, use the full cal version. Keep a bag of nuts and dried fruits on your person to pick at through the day.

    All that being said. If you are honestly and truly NOT hungry. You don't feel deprived. You are meeting your weightloss goals etc, maybe your BMR is lower than average. Maybe you don't need those extra calories. it isn't common but it can happen.

    And, if you truly feel like you are out of the norm on this stuff. It doesn't hurt in the least to go to a qualified medical expert and get blood work and BMR type testing done to get more accurate counts on things.
  • cjdippo15
    I eat lean meats pretty much everyday.

    The protein shake in the morning is more because I'm running out the door

    Maybe I could add real peanut butter to the shake in the morning and try adding more nuts to my diet
  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member
    All good suggestions above! I also use rice cakes with peanut butter, handfuls of natural almonds, spinach with chicken breast on them. Good job on your work outs :)
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    I second the greek yogurt suggestion in protein shakes or with your sandwich at lunch.

    Also if you have plenty left don't be afraid of cheese, nuts and avacados...all of those could be a nice addition to a sandwich (okay maybe not the nuts but on the side maybe).
  • lhalket
    lhalket Posts: 75 Member
    thanks for posting this - I'm in the same boat. I don't do the shakes but eat healthy meals and still left with 2-300 calories at end of the day and MFP telling me I'm putting my body in starvation mode. I'm usually over on my protein and not sure what to do as I've read too much protein over time can be bad for your kidneys.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Eat a heartier breakfast.... include a yogurt or cereal or something....
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Why don't you want to eat at night?
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,077 Member
    No fruit? Apple with peanut butter (pb will up your calories quickly).
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,077 Member
    Maybe add a chobani yogurt to lunch or a smoothie
  • Superchas
    Superchas Posts: 129 Member
    1200 calories is gross input and as long as you eat this then no starvation messages

    Today i ate 2300 calories but did 2900 of exercise leaving me 2000 beneath target.

    Swings and roundabouts as on day of no exercise will go over target

    Wait to see a correlation between target weight loss and actual weight loss before jamming every last calorie in.

    Balance your calories over longer period than a day

    Firm believer in getting it off before the willpower expires

    Good luck
  • Shanan06
    I have recently lowered my calorie intake. I am finding that after going to the gym 4 times a week using the treadmill I have gained the weight back that I lost (only a pound). I have only been doing this for 2 weeks. Is this normal?
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member

    I have a protein shake in the morning with PB2 and almond milk
    then a granola bar around 11
    then a sandwich and pretzels or something like that for lunch
    then a protein shake with just water immediately after workout
    then i eat dinner

    Use real peanut butter and dairy milk (unless you have an allergy).
    Switch to a protein bar (more calories) or some nuts (also high in calories).
    Add a full-fat condiment to your sandwich.
    Use milk or almond milk instead of water.
    Eat a big, satisfying dinner.

    Problem solved :)
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I don't go by weight alone any more. I focus mainly on body fat %. I am working on getting down to 18% body fat. I am currently at 37%, so I have a lot of work to do. I eat 1800 across the board, and don't eat my work out calories back (following the road map method). I sometimes have issues trying to get enough calories in as well.

    At first it used to be really hard. I thought I had started out right. Got all low-fat/low calorie foods, etc... I was struggling to get the calories in. Then I read one of the forums on here, can't remember the title. But it was about common mistakes people make when begining to lose weight. One of them was going out and buying all low calorie stuff. While some of the stuff is good to get low calorie, you don't want to go over board with it because then it will start being a struggle to get calories in.

    One of the recommendations on the forum was to cook with regular olive oils. Not the 0 calorie sprays. That will add a lot of good fat calories to a meal. Same wtih milk. If you find that you are low on calories and you are using skim milk, try upping it to 1% or 2% so you get the added calories. Small changes like this can add a lot of calories back into your diet.
  • sarahmonsta
    sarahmonsta Posts: 185 Member

    I have a protein shake in the morning with PB2 and almond milk
    then a granola bar around 11
    then a sandwich and pretzels or something like that for lunch
    then a protein shake with just water immediately after workout
    then i eat dinner

    Use real peanut butter and dairy milk (unless you have an allergy).
    Switch to a protein bar (more calories) or some nuts (also high in calories).
    Add a full-fat condiment to your sandwich.
    Use milk or almond milk instead of water.
    Eat a big, satisfying dinner.

    Problem solved :)

    This^^^ When I originally started losing weight I had this same problem. (Not anymore though haha, I just had to raise my calories haha) But it used to be really hard for me to get all the calories I needed because I felt like I was constantly eating! Therefore; I started eating the whole versions of foods and adding stuff to them!! Good luck!! :D
  • GoTeamMeaghan
    GoTeamMeaghan Posts: 347 Member
    Using your height, weight & age, I calculated your BMR (calories you would burn if you never got out of bed) to be 1608. Using the Harris Benedict method to calculate the number of calories you burn in a day (i did a conservative estimate of exercise 3-5x a week) and it says you burn 2500 calories a day. If you want to lose 1 lb a week, subtract 500 so you should be consuming closer to 2000 calories a day. I know this sounds crazy. Especially since you're doing something as strenuous as insanity (i'm doing p90x) you shouldn't let your net calories (food-exercise) get below 1600. Feel free to check out my diary if you want some ideas. I suggest having 5 or 6 smaller meals so you don't feel like you're stuffing yourself. There's like a million different ways to calculate your calorie needs. I like the calculators at
  • pamays
    pamays Posts: 20
    I get a little over 1200 a day.. I go to the gym and burn 7 to 800 calories.. I make sure my 1200 a day is taken care of. If I ger hungry I will use some of what I burnt at the gym... Is this the correct thing to do??I never eat back what I burn at the gym