Any other females on this journey with PCOS?

Sometimes it just seems like we have to work a little harder to lose weight with this hormonal imbalance.. Maybe it's just me? Anybody in the same boat?


  • rissadiane
    rissadiane Posts: 355 Member
    Meeeeee!! And the only thing that works well consistently (for me anyway) is limiting my carbs to fruits and vegetables, and only occasionally having bread and stuff! Feel free to add me if you want
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    I am not trying to lose a ton of weight(10 pounds all together) and I'm not sure if its just because of the small amount of fat, or my PCOS. Its taken me since September to lose 5 lbs. I'll be happy if I lose 3 more though.
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    Yeap! I'm with you on that...I'm losing its slow though...

    I am on Birthcontrol to help control it though. Add me.
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    Saaaaame. It takes me twice as much time to lose as much as it takes others half a year. It's disheartening, but at least it does happen. :)
  • I don't have it, but I do have trouble with my cycle and severe cramps. Bad enough where I can't hardly get out of bed. I have tried BCP, but it doesn't help. It's so frustrating.
  • arsonsmom
    arsonsmom Posts: 234 Member
    I've been diagnosed since I was 16...It is horrible if I am not exercising then I will gain weight... I have to eat 200 calories less than what MFP suggest as well!! I know its frustrating but I have lost 140 pounds on my own just keep going!!
  • kad292
    kad292 Posts: 3
    Feel free to add me! I was diagnosed several years ago before anyone really knew what it was and one of my sisters has it as well. I too try to limit my carbs and by nature am mostly vegetarian/vegan. Good luck on your journey, I too have a ways to go.
  • Yep. Atkins works great for me.
  • I have it as well! However I cannot take Birth control because when I do my body makes blood clots! So I have decided to go get bariatric surgery! But I have been suffering weight issues since was 8 and I always drop the weight fast but then gain it back plus more :( I am sure you will do great! Just take one day at a time!
  • hisgirl86
    hisgirl86 Posts: 142 Member
    Yes...It sucks. It does always seem like we have to work harder. But it can be done :) Feel free to add me. And I think if you do a search, there's a PCOS group around here as well...
  • Jongfaith
    Jongfaith Posts: 195
    Sure do! Hope one day to reverse it by losing enough weight... We can do it!
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    PCOS diagnosed for about a year now - i'm on metformin (1000mg daily) - tis a struggle, but so far being honest with mfp and slight movement (as i'm naturally very sedentary so i'm going the 'slight' route for now so i don't scare myself off haha) - seems to be working. 5lbs, 2 weeks...woohoo :)
  • shabbychick81
    shabbychick81 Posts: 168 Member
    hi! i have been suffering since i was 17, the day i turned 30, all heck broke loose. chest pains, joint pains,losing hair, gaining lots of weight, crying, rage, heart skipping beats. i have always watched carbs but it wasn't till i found paleo 70 days ago that i got better. i am so much better. no pain, hair is not falling out, joints don't hurt, i eat more now than i ever have, acne gone! so if you need anything please feel free to ask! my doctor is very impressed that i am medication free and doing so well.
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    Yup. Just starting this whole weight loss thing seriously, so far so good, so I don't know if it will be extra hard because of the PCOS or not, but I know that it definitely is harder for some women with PCOS who have insulin resistance (I don't yet, luckily).

    I'm just going with the "slow and steady" attitude and hopefully I can keep cutting away at the weight little by little.
  • boxem180
    boxem180 Posts: 63 Member
    I was diagnosed in July and began Metformin in August. I'm on a low carb, low salt diet and I've also reduced greatly my intake of caffeine and alcohol. My weight loss stalled over the holidays but I'm back on track now. We do lose weight slower and it sucks to see the same thing on the scale week after week but we can do it. :) I'm grateful for you other cysters being on here so I have a place to find inspiration.
    Good luck to all of you!
  • PCOS depresses me and I don't even have the worst case, just the weight, irregular periods. mood swings apparently and rude facial hair. It seems so unfair sometimes, as if your body is fighting you not to lose weight, and the thing is docs always tell you with this condition you must lose weight. I have decided though that I can no longer let it control my life and that is why I am here.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I was diagnosed six years ago, but weight only became an issue in the last three years. I have been struggling to lose weight with no sustainable success. I am considering giving South Beach Diet a try. I'm not on BCP since I am TTC.
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    I was diagnosed six years ago, but weight only became an issue in the last three years. I have been struggling to lose weight with no sustainable success. I am considering giving South Beach Diet a try. I'm not on BCP since I am TTC.

    Good luck! I'm planning to start TTC later this year and I'm really scared about it because I know it can be so hard for some women with PCOS. I wish you all the best!
  • diagnosed a year ago, I have been on meds for the past nine to try and get my hormones back on track (didn't work) All i wanted was over the year was to loose 10 pounds, that didn't happen. So here i am giving this ago. Its hard for me to stay focused when my friend lost 40 in three months. Its enough for me to scream at the scale. Just need to vent i guess.
  • daniellroar
    daniellroar Posts: 5 Member
    I have PCOS and I was told by the doctor a year ago to try and lose weight after gaining 5 stones in 2 years since my pcos kicked itself into more action. I was told to go back in a year if i was not having any success. After a year of eating better and exercising at least 4 times a week i had gained another 2 stones and went back 3 weeks ago. I was given metformin to help which i'm in my 3rd week of. I've lost 12lb in these 3 weeks! so i'd say it definitely helps. obviously it only makes your body respond to the food and exercise like a normal persons so you still have to work at it but its so much more motivating!

    saying that im now stuck at that for the last week but hey it was a good start!