Springing SIXERS week 3



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    yea amy(baha) the scale has done this to me too. i am up about 5#s since fridays weigh in. i seem to hold water in the humid air. don't know why.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Just a quick check in

    I completed 6 successful days of "clean eating", and now my sister-in-law is doing it with me, which helps in the support area. Didn't change the pain and my abdomen looks like I'm 4 months pregnant and my side is killing me. Go for complete blood tests this morning, so hopefully it will magically tell me something.

    My goal this week is to go back to calorie counting as I overdid it all last week, fighting the cravings for the "junk". I'm allowing myself 1500 calories for this week and then will adjust as I see how it goes. So far so good.

    Hope you all are doing well and had a great weekend. I'll catch up on this week's thread.

    Hugs to all,
  • bahamomma87
    bahamomma87 Posts: 164
    Lorna-- im so proud of you .... you know whatever is going on with you seems similar to one of my best friends.... she is in her late 30's, started having striking abdomen pains all the time, her upper abdomen is swollen to look a few months pregnant too, and they have yet to find out what is wrong with her... she just started all the tests though!!! .... just sounded so familiar ! the only thing she has been able to eat that doesnt give her pains is eggs! thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers

    Cathy-- yea i know right?? its madly annoying LOL ! ..... water weight .... grrr... haha

    Verda-- THANK YOU SO MUCH ! i needed your post of encouragement! I went off points one or two days last week but nothing to call home about ..... and to go up so much im determined its because i havent been drinking my water .... and that im working out 5 days a week ..... good muscle burning workouts!!!!!

    My goal this week :

    stay within my point range everyday with healthy foods
    get my 5-day firm workout plan in
    get two walks with leslie sansone

    I will skip this weigh in .... next weeks weigh in is 2 days after my birthday... and im doubtful that I will get from 268 to the 250's .... but lets see how much of this is water weight !!!!!! and how much muscle after a good week of eating/exercise! Im pushing for making 259 by the end of the challenge ! gives me a few weeks!
  • pamh5555
    pamh5555 Posts: 191 Member
    SW - Dec 1 - 215
    CW - May 3 - 192.5
    GW - Dec 11 - 125

    Lost 22.5 lbs

    Mini Goal - May 31 - 185
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning my lovely ladies!!! Happy Monday!

    Pam...WOW! You're doing fabulous!

    Amy (baha)...Keep at it! Like Verda and Cathy said, you are doing great and you WILL see results! And yes...drink LOTS of water!

    Lorna...I'm constantly thinking of you. Good job on the clean eating. I hope you get everything figured out soon! **HUGS**

    Amy (pyr)...way to go on the running! That's awesome! Keep it up!

    Tiff...Yay for signing up for the 10K...GREAT motivation! And tell Tamm CONGRATS!

    To everyone else...GOOD MORNING!

    Well...I had a nice weekend. The weather was BEAUTIFUL (except for a little rain yesterday). Didn't do as well eating or exercise -wise as I would have liked, but when I peeked at the scale this morning, I should still be good for weigh-in tomorrow! Friday my parents and little brother ended up coming over for dinner. My dad helped fix the celing light in my kitchen and with a few other odd things around our house. I made a yummy French Onion Chicken and Potato Bake for dinner with a garden salad! Then went to bed early after they left as I was exhausted...so no exercise! Then Saturday Kadence and I went for a 2 mile walk and then I spend most of the rest of the day doing work outside and cleaning the house. Still ended up going over in calories, even though all food choices were pretty healthy. Then Sunday I had a good breakfast, spent the afternoon shopping and skipped lunch, and so ended up over-doing it on dinner and then had ice cream in the evening...totally blew it on calories! Oh well...not going to beat myself up! Back on track today!

    The meal plan:
    B-oatmeal, 1/2 c. skim milk, 2 c. coffee, 4 tbsp. sugar-free creamer
    S-trail mix bar, banana
    L-baby carrots, celery with 2 tbsp. natural PB, 15 Kashi TLC fire roasted vegetable crackers, light yogurt
    S-golden delicious apple
    D-Leftover homemade Meatloaf burger, 1 hamburger bun, garden salad with spritzer dressing
    S-Cool whip free with strawberries

    Exercise plan:
    2 mile walk with Kadence, 15 minute Ab workout

    For next week...


    Hope everyone has a great morning!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Kristin- OMG this week was sooooooooooooooo good! I really want violet and Pete to just get together already because the impending pain to Addison should happen sooner rather than later. Plus then Addison can finally be with Sam! And Grey's! I am getting very angry at Arizona! Shes being crazy haha.

    So ya. On saturday morning I saw 195.2... well I had to go through an eagle ceremony and then a grad party yesterday... Well this morning I saw 197.4 again.. :( this makes me sad. GOOD NEWS though!!! Today I have my last final in the monring! Then it is straight to the gym to kick my own butt around for the first time in close to a month! :noway: Ya but here is the great news! That after today I am pretty much 100% free! SO I can go to the gym whenever, and for however long! I cant wait. I can finally go the extra mile. After tomorrows weigh in I am getting my wisdom teeth removed though :( so I am not sure how long it will be til I am feeling 100% but I still wont do anything to put on anymore weight. I am going to go for a 5lb loss on week 4. I am really going to push myself!

    Alrighty well I have to finish getting ready for my final! Be back sometime later!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    YAY B! Have a GREAT workout at the gym! And after you recover from getting your wisdom teeth out, I expect to hear about all the great workouts you will have on a regular basis!! :) And yes...I agree with you about Arizona making me mad! They need to just have a baby! But I really like Addison and Pete together...but I do think there's more history with her and Sam and with Pete and Violet (obviously). Just hope Violet is really recovered. This week should be good...interested to see how things progress!

    Well...time for some lunch! Have a great afternoon all!
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    good evening everyone! Back from my vacation. Cruises are great! The fun and food is fabulous as you might tell by the added weight. LOL... My lawn up soooo high that I thought I would need a goat to trim it down first. Mowed it all tonite. Whew! I will try to catch up on everyones personals during the week. Take care everyone!
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Checking in... super busy with school now. but I try to update my main page. I'll check back in soon! Hope you all are well! P.s. i've been TRYING to stick with my diet plan this week... praying for a loss. I REALLY need one. and I have my best friends wedding in 6 weeks... some how, there's never enough time. but I WILL STAY FOCUSED! I will look beautiful in that dress... Amen. LOL
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