Bride-to-be support group

marybethbeech Posts: 181
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I'm getting married in August and I have some pretty aggressive fitness and weight loss goals to get me ready for my wedding day. Are there any other brides-to-be who would be interested in starting a motivation group?


  • awellday
    awellday Posts: 14
    I am no longer a bride to be, but i just got married two months ago, so i can relate to all the emotions you are feeling! i as well had high goals, which i did not meet, but i started way to late in the game.

    My biggest motivatior was my dress. I kept a picture of it in my workout bag, so everytime i was at the gym changing, i would see the picture and get that burst of motivation i needed to complete a hard workout!!
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    I am a bride-to-be as well! My date is a bit farther off than yours though. Not until July 2011. A support group would be great though!
  • cgriffin8
    cgriffin8 Posts: 18
    I just wanted to let you know that there is another support group already going for is titled Brides-to-be challenge post #2....under the motivation and support category.

    Congrats and good luck!
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