HELP.....Lost my "weight loss mojo" ;-(

Hi Everybody,

I have been on a weight loss journey since last year Feb now and lost about 3 stone in total including the loss before I found mfp.

All has been working fine and I was doing really well but the last few weeks I don't seem to get into the swing of things. I struggle doing exercise at the moment with doing an Open University Course (ending in April) and working 3 days and looking after a 4 year old (and my husband lol)

Slowly but surely the pounds are creeping back on and I am getting even more frustrated ;-(

Has anybody experienced this through their journey and knows of some tricks to get back on track....please don't tell me just to get a grip and get on with it properly.....that's what I keep telling myself and it's obviously not working ;-(

Thanks for your help.



  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    I can't tell you how you can get motivated but I can tell you how I get motivated.

    -I read the first part of this blog but also some of his other posts. If he can do it then I have no excuse. Kyle is amazing.

    -Also, I picked a manta of sorts. It is on my ticker. You can write it on dry erase on your mirror or above your scale on a piece of paper. Here are some other people's mantras:

    “It matters not how slowly you go, only that you do not stop.”
    “You don’t drown from falling in the water, you only drown if you stay there"
    “What you eat in private shows up in public!”
    "If you’re driving and you get a flat tire, do you get out of the car and slash the other three? No, you fix it and get back on the road.”

    -I have a real-life person to keep me accountable who is also on MFP. I am lucky that it is my spouse but it can be anyone. They can call you at home and say "hey, where have you been, you arent logging" and make sure you are ok.

    -keeping a journal, not a weight loss journal officially, but one that you pour your heart into. This is a good substitute for emotional eating but also a good way to take care of them mental side of self esteem struggles.

    -If you can afford it, get a new work out outfit or shoes. I know that if I spend $ on something I will be damned if I wont use it and get my moneys worth.

    If you need a buddy add me! I am no expert on nutrition or fitness but I read alot on here and I log every day. Best of luck! Hugs!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    try to remember what motivated you to start losing weight in the first place, and go back to that, and give it a lot of thought and attention

    also focus on where you want to be, i.e. visualise yourself at your ideal dress size, what clothes you'd buy, or being super fit, or whatever it is you want when you get there
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Motivation is all fine and good when it's present, but it is a fickle friend that comes and goes, that's just how it works.

    If you're struggling with your eating at a deficit AND with exercise, focus on your eating right now, as that is more important of the two when it comes to weight loss. On the other hand, you might be like me and need to get going on steady workouts to get your eating back in order. When I don't workout I feel like crap mentally, which makes it easier to eat like crap. Working out on the regular somehow leads me to make better food choices.

    I don't know what to tell you to get to the gym, but what I tell myself is that NOT going is just not an option, even when I'm tired or just don't feel like moving my body. Make it a habit rather than a 'should I or shouldn't I?' type of choice. Make it easy for yourself to get back into it - if you can't manage an hour on the elliptical, or whatever you do when your motivation runs high, go for a 30 minute walk instead. Find ways to do something, even if you could be doing more, because eventually you WILL do more.

    Another big motivator for me to stick to the gym is that when I take too long a break, the muscle pain MY GOD, it is intense.

    Hope something there helps :flowerforyou:
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    This has happened to me. Try not to worry about it. I had lost 50lbs by last January but towards the end of the year I got lazy, stopped exercising so much and logging my food. I put back on around 17lbs. I was kicking myself when I started to feel bloated and unwell, so at the beginning of January i decided I needed to make more effort. Maybe you could give yourself a mini goal to work towards and a " prize " to work for? I know how hard it can be to fit in exercise when you have kids and are working, but most of us ( I don't know about you) waste a lot of time sitting watching television and this time could be used for exercise. You can even watch the television whilst exercising. The key is not to give up completely. If you can only fit in a 10 minute walk that is better than nothing. I walk at lunchtime when I am at work, I try to take the kids and dog for long walks and have been doing exercise videos at home. Sometimes it's only for 20 mins but you can burn 200 cals in 20 mins if you work hard. When the weather is a bit warmer I'm going to start running again. I've lost 6 lbs since the beginning of January and it feels so good!! I still have a way to go to get back to where I was but i intend to get there and further this time, to my goal weight. That would be fantastic. Remember that feeling. You must have had it. You have lost 22lbs which is amazing weight loss! You can do it!!! Friend me if you would like support, I could do with some too!!
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I had trouble getting back into the swing of things this month. I just kept logging each day whether it went well or not. It seemed to help me get back on track.
    CJSCHUYLER Posts: 29 Member
    Hey dear. Just wanted to throw my thoughts out there for you. I agree with HBazzal and alot of the other posts on here for you. Big thing is that you are doing great and you will continue to do great. Having someone there to support you and hold you accountable would deff keep you going. Find something different and exciting to throw into your routine. If it is that new outfit, new fitness toy like a HRM or ankle weights or even a different app for the phone, find something that sparks that excitment back up for working out. When i start to lose my Mojo i look for new songs and make a new playlist or i start to research new routines. This past week the wife and I looked into making homemade breads and dips that are healthier. Just something interesting to help out. Just remember, you have done great and will continue to do so. You'll get there dear!
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    I second the HRM. I am way more motivated when I can SEE the calories I'm burning, and it makes me work harder. And if you want a sweet treat, don't give it to yourself until you've exercised the calories away. ;) I find it gets me off my bum a lot faster at night if I know I can have a cookie or two when I'm done.
  • SRT4twg
    SRT4twg Posts: 35 Member
    Hey dear. Just wanted to throw my thoughts out there for you. I agree with HBazzal and alot of the other posts on here for you. Big thing is that you are doing great and you will continue to do great. Having someone there to support you and hold you accountable would deff keep you going. Find something different and exciting to throw into your routine. If it is that new outfit, new fitness toy like a HRM or ankle weights or even a different app for the phone, find something that sparks that excitment back up for working out. When i start to lose my Mojo i look for new songs and make a new playlist or i start to research new routines. This past week the wife and I looked into making homemade breads and dips that are healthier. Just something interesting to help out. Just remember, you have done great and will continue to do so. You'll get there dear!

    Totally agree with this. New work out cloths or weights or a heart rate monitor are wonderful inspiration at least I know for myself it is :) *Girl = love new stuff and shopping hehe*

    I thought I would also share with you some things that motivate me. My bf is never 100% on board with me loosing weight(think he likes the curves i have) but I use this to motivate me. I just think I'll show him I can loose this weight. Or i remember the multiple times someone has made a fat joke or I've been uncomfortable in a situation and I force myself to remember how I felt and tell myself "Not anymore! I can do better! I will do better!"

    Trying to visualize what I would look like as a skinnier me has never worked for me. I just can't picture it because I've been this weight forever, but picturing myself at my heaviest and remembering how I never want to go back there helps me.

    I know this sounds kind of depressing compared to everyone else suggestions but I figured if it works for me maybe it will work for someone else.
  • GomesDavid
    I think the thing about biggest loser is that they start out big, and then they get smaller and smaller...
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    Boy am I feeling you. I'm also back at school, and have just quit smoking, and my head is really not at all in this, but I've gained ten pounds in a very short time so HAVE to make it so.**

    Agree with not making it a choice. Just block in that 30 minutes of exercise to do every day, no matter what. This might also help control appetite.

    Do your best not to give in to convenience foods, or if you have to, make the smart choices every time. Instead, just make easy things: steak + salad; chicken + potato. Even just make a weekly menu of foods that you'll make over & over again, with a few lean boxed things for really overwhelming days. I am trying to do this. Have got a shopping list that will more or less always be the same.

    **and actually, I kind of like myself better at this weight (face, top half look nicer). But it CAN'T continue. I can't afford to buy a whole new wardrobe :(