I want to cry and pack it all in so not fair



  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    You can't give up after one bad weigh in. It's going to happen. In fact, it's going to happen many times before you reach your goal, trust me on that. We've all had them and there are MANY reasons why.

    If you recently changed or upped your exercise routine, it could be water retention. Your muscles tend to hold on to water after a change as a way to heal and protect themselves. It's normal, natural and (fortunately) comes off easy. Drink your water the next few days and it will come off again.

    It also could be water weight if you haven't been getting enough water, eating too much sodium or if you are coming up on your monthly. It could also be as simple at weighing at a different time of day, on a different scale or in different clothes.

    You also may not be eating as well as you think if you aren't weighing or measuring your food.
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    1. DON'T GIVE UP.
    2. Listen to Dan.
    3. Nice polka-dot socks!

    ^oh yeah, this too! Those socks are great AND you have great legs. Jealous.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    Listen to Dan, and keep tracking your weight and measurements. Fluctuations happen. I'm up a pound from yesterday, but I've been doing this since April so I know it's because I ate waaaaaaaayyyyyy too many carbs yesterday. I always bloat when I do that. Because of that, I also know that if I drink lots of water and stick to my macros over the next couple days, I'll drop that pound over the weekend.

    Good luck. Eat more food! :) Your muscles will thank you.
  • Nissi51
    Nissi51 Posts: 381 Member
    Practise patience!!!! You are on the right track. Time babe...this requires time. And...the scale SUCKS!!!!! Remember you are weighing your entire body, bones, water everything... It could be water retention, hormones, time of month, muscles retaining water from weight training.. How are you feeling? Are your clothes loser? Take measurements and fat %, these are better indicators of your progress. Stay the course, shake off the scale results letdown, dust off and hit a great workout then eat! 1500 cals sounds better if you are training!
  • blanhe2
    blanhe2 Posts: 88
    You need to eat your exercise calories, you are not eating enough!!! 1200 Cal is barely enough for your body to function, you can't do that and exercise on that. The 1200 cals is already a deficit.
  • KittyViolet
    KittyViolet Posts: 220 Member
    Measure measure measure! I always used the scale in conjunction with measuring tape. Sometimes, the scale would be lighter, but my measurements were the same, or even a bit bigger, and other times the scale would read heavier but my measurements had shrunk. And of course, try to only weigh-in once a week and do it first thing in the morning.
  • not here to be mean.. but really? just like that, you are wanting to quit?
    look at this as your body giving you all the more reason to push harder, and NOT give up.
    2 little lbs arent the end of the world. I havent even weight myself, but im sure my body fluctuated a couple of times since my last weigh in..

    Please, dont look at yourself as a failure, but as a work in progress. Its what I tell everyone. You will reach your goal weight, but not with a negative attitude like that.
  • I had a day like that yesterday! Woke up feeling like *kitten* which is not normal. Boss pissed me off the day before. I have been lifting hard, eating clean, eating 6-7 times per day. Been a long time since I had a treat, I had 8 white choc, keylime cookies. I didnt even feel bad about it. Talked to my trainer.. everybody has a bad day. Back on it today. I cant loose any weight.. because Im lifting weight. Maybe you can drop off a few more calories to see if the scale will move. YOu may not be losing weight you might be losing inches. Dont get discouraged. Staying off the scale may help. I see it all the time at work. I am a manager at Anytime fitness. ((( Big hug))) chin up, start a new day, stay strong and keep going... it all takes time. :)
  • Good advice... didnt know she was eating under what she is burning. She needs to eat 5-6 times a day to get metabolism going.
  • katisere
    katisere Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks everyone for your support and great posts. I will never quit but just in a pi$$ed off mood today. Tomorrow is a new day onwards and upwards. I will look into the mapping link...Thanks everyone and good luck on your journey :)
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    If you havent exercised much before maybe its muscle, how long have you been working out for?

    No it's not muscle.

    How much are you eating and what sort of exercise are you doing?

    It is most likely water weight Body weight naturally fluctuates day to day. If you are eating at a deficit you'll still be losing fat so dont let the scale discourage you.

    I am eating around 1200 calories a day, and some days I might eat back about 100 of calories burnt. I do 30 days shred and walking almost everyday. I have noticed my legs are more toned and can see the muscles defining more in my legs. I drink about 2L of water a day.

    You dont know what you are doing.

    Do this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    PM me any Qs.

    PS: my body fluctuates up to 9lbs per day due to fluid and eating habits.
    My body weight drops every week while cutting.

    This is proof that 1200 cals doesnt work if you dont know what you are doing.

    This! Listen to Dan :)
  • Dark_Roast
    Dark_Roast Posts: 17,689 Member
    Don't give up!

    Eat more!

    Hide the scale, I fluxuate 3-4 pounds from one day to the next!

    Listen to the guys talking about TDEE, they KNOW what they are talking about!
  • I understand. I was working out really hard, lots of cardio and losing to be ready for our Warrior Dash this summer. After Warrior Dash, which was brutal, hot (95+ degrees) , and hours of exhaustion, I stepped on the scale and had gained four pounds! WTH??? I was so upset because I felt (by my clothes) that I had lost. And, really, I had. Just fluctuations in fluids and such.
  • 52in13
    52in13 Posts: 38 Member
    Don't give up. My weight fluctuated by 3 lbs in one day. I drank a ton of water (7 cups) and it went back down the next. Give it another week before you kick yourself, I never knew water weight could fluctuate that much!
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    It is not muscle. Do you know how long it takes to actually put on muscle?

    It could be anything - water weight, food in your belly, you need to pee... anything

    My weight can go up 5 pounds from any combination of these things
  • MenaMena
    MenaMena Posts: 232 Member
    I was going to add listen to Dan but then I saw that so many had already but decided to add listen to Dan anyway because it is the best advice that I have ever received. Hang in there and yes, listen to Dan.

    Thanks Dan.
  • Kris1997
    Kris1997 Posts: 241
    I'm in the same place you are. I've lowered my calories. I've been working out doing the shred.....and nothing. Very discouraging. BUT I refuse to give up. One day it will all pay off.... I hope.
  • andyisandy
    andyisandy Posts: 433 Member
    If you havent exercised much before maybe its muscle, how long have you been working out for?

    No it's not muscle.

    How much are you eating and what sort of exercise are you doing?

    It is most likely water weight Body weight naturally fluctuates day to day. If you are eating at a deficit you'll still be losing fat so dont let the scale discourage you.

    I am eating around 1200 calories a day, and some days I might eat back about 100 of calories burnt. I do 30 days shred and walking almost everyday. I have noticed my legs are more toned and can see the muscles defining more in my legs. I drink about 2L of water a day.

    You dont know what you are doing.

    Do this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    PM me any Qs.

    PS: my body fluctuates up to 9lbs per day due to fluid and eating habits.
    My body weight drops every week while cutting.

    This is proof that 1200 cals doesnt work if you dont know what you are doing.
    that would be my first choice is fallow dan advice on in place of a road map to figure out your tdee or such or secondly eat most your exerces cals back. Also what do you weight goal set to? is it 1 or 2 pounds a week?
  • xNickie
    xNickie Posts: 49
    ALWAYS weigh yourself first thing in the morning when you wake up, never weigh yourself after eating or drinking. Up your calorie intake to around 1500 - 1600 whilst doing 30DS, drink plenty of water and you'll be fine! :smile:
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    If you havent exercised much before maybe its muscle, how long have you been working out for?

    No it's not muscle.

    How much are you eating and what sort of exercise are you doing?

    It is most likely water weight Body weight naturally fluctuates day to day. If you are eating at a deficit you'll still be losing fat so dont let the scale discourage you.

    I am eating around 1200 calories a day, and some days I might eat back about 100 of calories burnt. I do 30 days shred and walking almost everyday. I have noticed my legs are more toned and can see the muscles defining more in my legs. I drink about 2L of water a day.

    You dont know what you are doing.

    Do this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    PM me any Qs.

    PS: my body fluctuates up to 9lbs per day due to fluid and eating habits.
    My body weight drops every week while cutting.

    This is proof that 1200 cals doesnt work if you dont know what you are doing.

    This! Listen to Dan :)
    Exactly this. Exactly.