Please Analyze my Food Diary



  • Maris_Swan
    Maris_Swan Posts: 197 Member
    You're drinking too many of your calories and watch refined carbs and sodium. Best of luck to you!
  • pamwhite712
    pamwhite712 Posts: 193 Member
    Are you getting enough sleep? That's important too.

    I used to hate hearing "New moms! Great way to lose weight- sleep!" at the time in your life when you get the LEAST amount of sleep. :smile:
  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    I didn't read everything but I would weigh all food and use a heart rate monitor to see what you are burning. This overestimates by a ton and so doesn't the machines.

    As for eating back exercise calories YES!!!! MFP already gives you a deficit and you do not want a larger one as it can stall weight loss!
  • langsyne
    langsyne Posts: 106 Member
    Increase veg and fruit, cut back on grains and pastas. don't worry about the butter - it's real food and you only had a small quantitiy.
    Diet soda is sweet which tricks your body to treat it just like sugar, you're better off with a light beer ;)
    You should try to get 40% carb, 30% protein and 30% fat at each meal and snack. This will help fill you up and stave off sugar cravings.
  • lmkaks
    lmkaks Posts: 119 Member
    Wow, there's a lot of random advice here! Don't eat too much in the evening? Don't eat carbs?

    No-one ever got fat eating in the evening or eating carbs. Your body doesn't know the time, and carbs don't make you fat. Too much food makes you fat.

    I would say you have two possibilities here, You are either eating too much sodium, causing water retention, or you are eating too many calories.

    Are you weighing and measuring everything correctly? You would be amazed at how easy it is to underestimate.
    What are your stats? Height, weight, activity level, BF%?

    Thank you.

    Yes, I weigh and measure everything, especially when I am cooking dinner. The ONLY place I can see coming off track is when I make a dish that has four servings, but the servings are not measureable (so for example, if I make a pasta dish, instead of saying it makes four, one cup servings, it just says four servings. So I eyeball the entire meal and take 1/4. But even if I am off, it wouldn't be by much and I am usually anwhere from 500-200 calories under. However, maybe from now on I will weigh the entire, finished meal and take 1/4 of it according to the scale?)

    Height: 5'9"
    CW: 211lbs
    Activity Level: Workout 4x a week.
    BF%: Not sure...
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Wow, there's a lot of random advice here! Don't eat too much in the evening? Don't eat carbs?

    No-one ever got fat eating in the evening or eating carbs. Your body doesn't know the time, and carbs don't make you fat. Too much food makes you fat.

    I would say you have two possibilities here, You are either eating too much sodium, causing water retention, or you are eating too many calories.

    Are you weighing and measuring everything correctly? You would be amazed at how easy it is to underestimate.
    What are your stats? Height, weight, activity level, BF%?

    Agree with this.

    Unless you have a medical condition. If you have PCOS for example, then you need to go low carb.

    I see you work out 4 times per week-- is this a new routine?
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    Your choices aren't bad but maybe you are consuming too many calories? I don't know your height or weight so I could be wrong. Do you eat back your calories after you workout? If so try NOT eating them back and/or try mixing up your workout routine with cardio and strength days. I hope some of these tips help :)
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Wow, there's a lot of random advice here! Don't eat too much in the evening? Don't eat carbs?

    No-one ever got fat eating in the evening or eating carbs. Your body doesn't know the time, and carbs don't make you fat. Too much food makes you fat.

    I would say you have two possibilities here, You are either eating too much sodium, causing water retention, or you are eating too many calories.

    Are you weighing and measuring everything correctly? You would be amazed at how easy it is to underestimate.
    What are your stats? Height, weight, activity level, BF%?

    Thank you.

    Yes, I weigh and measure everything, especially when I am cooking dinner. The ONLY place I can see coming off track is when I make a dish that has four servings, but the servings are not measureable (so for example, if I make a pasta dish, instead of saying it makes four, one cup servings, it just says four servings. So I eyeball the entire meal and take 1/4. But even if I am off, it wouldn't be by much and I am usually anwhere from 500-200 calories under. However, maybe from now on I will weigh the entire, finished meal and take 1/4 of it according to the scale?)

    Height: 5'9"
    CW: 211lbs
    Activity Level: Workout 4x a week.
    BF%: Not sure...

    How intensive are your workouts and how long for? Do you do strength training? What is your lifestyle like around your workouts? Do you have a desk job, etc?
  • liannesaut
    liannesaut Posts: 34 Member
    I tend to agree that the quality of calories matters - try to focus on clean eating. I'm struggling with this right now but giving it my best shot. While I don't want to start another "please analyze my dairy" thread, I am VERY open to any feedback that more experienced MFP'ers might have (PM Me!!) . And feel free to take a look at my dairy for some snack and meal ideas! :D
  • lmkaks
    lmkaks Posts: 119 Member
    Wow, there's a lot of random advice here! Don't eat too much in the evening? Don't eat carbs?

    No-one ever got fat eating in the evening or eating carbs. Your body doesn't know the time, and carbs don't make you fat. Too much food makes you fat.

    I would say you have two possibilities here, You are either eating too much sodium, causing water retention, or you are eating too many calories.

    Are you weighing and measuring everything correctly? You would be amazed at how easy it is to underestimate.
    What are your stats? Height, weight, activity level, BF%?

    Thank you.

    Yes, I weigh and measure everything, especially when I am cooking dinner. The ONLY place I can see coming off track is when I make a dish that has four servings, but the servings are not measureable (so for example, if I make a pasta dish, instead of saying it makes four, one cup servings, it just says four servings. So I eyeball the entire meal and take 1/4. But even if I am off, it wouldn't be by much and I am usually anwhere from 500-200 calories under. However, maybe from now on I will weigh the entire, finished meal and take 1/4 of it according to the scale?)

    Height: 5'9"
    CW: 211lbs
    Activity Level: Workout 4x a week.
    BF%: Not sure...

    How intensive are your workouts and how long for? Do you do strength training? What is your lifestyle like around your workouts? Do you have a desk job, etc?

    Pretty intense. They are 30 minutes and I am heavy breathing through most of it. It is mostly strength training.
    I am a teacher, so usually on my feet (but today am at my desk, and on MFP, becuase of a test my students are taking all day)
    I am a mother of three, including a four month-old. I am lucky if I get to sit down once between the hours of 5 and 9 PM.
  • Timmmy40
    Timmmy40 Posts: 152 Member
    Good morning, and great advice. Sometimes it is not how much you eat it is the kinds of food you eat. Calories are not all the same. Veggies and fruit metabolize differently in your body. The same thing with sugar. I stay away from butter and use I can't believe it is not butter and other substitutes. I weigh everything. I count everything that I eat. Even little bites of food. Do not beat yourself up over not losing right away. It took time to put the weight on, and it is going to take time to take it off. The main thing is to be honest with yourself. For example, was it really a ½ cup of rice or was it really 1 cup? How much exercise are you doing? Exercise is a key to losing weight. You have to think this is a lifestyle change not a diet. You may have to tweak your food and see maybe you are not eating enough or maybe you are eating too much. Keep Punching All Is Possible! It Is A Choice! No Excuses! Do Not Quit!!
  • altinker
    altinker Posts: 173
    She's got 380 calories of extra exercise shown. If you have a slow metabolism due to thyroid or other issues, then 1800 calories may be too much. Especially if you have a hard time eating them and aren't seeing results. I have a girlfriend who is 50. She kept her calories at 1200 and wasn't losing weight. She had 50 lbs to go. She went to the doctor, and the doctor told her to take a couple of supplements to help kick start her metabolism.

    Last time I went out to lunch with her, she had lost about 25 or 30 lbs. She ordered a chicken noodle soup because soups can be nutrient dense but low calorie. Of course, restaurant soup is probably pretty high in sodium.

    The other thing to consider is that maybe you are building muscle from working out. I don't know how long you've been working out, but whenever I start working out after an absence, I might go up a pound or two for 3 or 4 weeks.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    One you don't seem to be getting enough water. I'd also try to cut down the carbs some. I find that is the only way that I can loose. Best of luck! Don't beat your self up slow and steady you can do it. I've been leading a new life style since Feb 17th last year and have lost 58 lbs. Lots slower than some. You can do it! Friend me if interested.
  • lmkaks
    lmkaks Posts: 119 Member
    I am floored by everyone's advice, encouragement and feedback. Thank you all SO much. Really.

    I am not going to quit. Even though I have lost one lb in four weeks...I do feel that I can't go back to my old habits and lifestyle. I am enjoying eating this way, but it would be nice to see results as well.

    Anyway, for what it is worth, thank you all for your help.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Wow, there's a lot of random advice here! Don't eat too much in the evening? Don't eat carbs?

    No-one ever got fat eating in the evening or eating carbs. Your body doesn't know the time, and carbs don't make you fat. Too much food makes you fat.

    I would say you have two possibilities here, You are either eating too much sodium, causing water retention, or you are eating too many calories.

    Are you weighing and measuring everything correctly? You would be amazed at how easy it is to underestimate.
    What are your stats? Height, weight, activity level, BF%?

    Thank you.

    Yes, I weigh and measure everything, especially when I am cooking dinner. The ONLY place I can see coming off track is when I make a dish that has four servings, but the servings are not measureable (so for example, if I make a pasta dish, instead of saying it makes four, one cup servings, it just says four servings. So I eyeball the entire meal and take 1/4. But even if I am off, it wouldn't be by much and I am usually anwhere from 500-200 calories under. However, maybe from now on I will weigh the entire, finished meal and take 1/4 of it according to the scale?)

    Height: 5'9"
    CW: 211lbs
    Activity Level: Workout 4x a week.
    BF%: Not sure...

    How intensive are your workouts and how long for? Do you do strength training? What is your lifestyle like around your workouts? Do you have a desk job, etc?

    Pretty intense. They are 30 minutes and I am heavy breathing through most of it. It is mostly strength training.
    I am a teacher, so usually on my feet (but today am at my desk, and on MFP, becuase of a test my students are taking all day)
    I am a mother of three, including a four month-old. I am lucky if I get to sit down once between the hours of 5 and 9 PM.

    It could well be that you aren't eating enough then, as you have a fairly active lifestyle.

    These are your results from fat2fit:

    Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) 2080
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 2383
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2686
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) 2989
    Extremely Active (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.) 3293

    I would put you down as moderately active, so a 20% calorie deficit from that is around 2150 cals a day.

    Also bear in mind that you are strength training which can also make you gain.

    My recommendations:

    1. Take measurements as well as focus on the scale - very important while lifting weights.
    2. Cut down the amount of sodium you eat.
    3. Try upping your calories a little.

    Weight loss is a lot about trial and error, it took me about 4 months to figure out what I need to eat at to lose weight. I would try upping your calories to 2000 a day for the next 4 weeks, and see how it goes. If you lose, great, you've found your ideal calories. If you gain/stay the same, then re-adjust.

    It can be a long process, but the biggest thing I've learnt on here is that patience is key.
  • dls1957
    dls1957 Posts: 34 Member
    I have gained another lb. I don't know what is happening. Would you mind looking at what I am eating and telling me what I am doing wrong? I have only gone over my calories once since January 2nd (that was this past Saturday) and I didn't log anything this past Sunday becuase I was bummed out about a gain so I just didn't log (but HIGHLY doubt I went over that day as well).

    I have a net loss of 1lb. This is depressing.

    I am not gaining but I am not loosing much either. If anyone wants to look at my diary please do. I just changed my site to include sugar, I was tracking fiber. Any insite would be greatly appreciated. I am 5' 3 1/2 " and 56 yrs old. I would like to loose 10 #'s and want to start lifting but do not know where to start. Thanks.
  • dianebpotter
    Sugar from fruit is natural sugar and high in fiber too. which are filling and good for you. I have noticed that when I add fresh fruit and veggies, I will fill fuller longer and will lose weight better.

    I noticed on your food diary that your calories are kinda of all over, one day you have a lot left over, the next day a few left over. I think that maybe a look at how many calories your taking in may be an issue. Your body needs to maintain a certain amount of calories just to function.

    You may have to tweek things for your body type . I am new to this process too and wish you all the success in the world. :smile:
  • StayFitNana
    Others have said this but it looks to me like your sodium intake is too high. That coupled with the fact that your not drinking enough water, you should drink 1/2 oz per body weight. Remember the 8 glasses a day recommendation is only an estimate based on an average. Pre packaged foods have a bunch of sodium so careful on how much as that you do. Otherwise for where your at and the calories in/caloires out theory you are ok. The best news about this is you dont have to eat less. :wink:
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    I have not looked at your food diary, but I am finally having success with an added strategy. This is not a strategy that would likely work all by itself. It works when added to a whole foods, clean, vegetarian or omnivore diet that is mostly vegetables,.

    I have been doing a whole foods, mostly organic, omnivore, low glycemic, fairly clean diet for decades. My health per blood tests and other standard measures (sans wt!) is above average. Yet, I cannot lose this 40lbs that I have gradually accumulated since the 1980s. In retrospect, this about the time I began eating less meat and more complex carbohydrates. I was already no-junk food person who had been eating strictly what I could bring home and cook from my local food co-op and farmers' mrkt. It follows that I would try low-carb diets that became so popular. I would lose a few pounds then stagnate and then they would come back. I tried going to the gym, because I recall that when I was dancing 5-6 days a week or when I college student and walking 4-6 miles daily I was thin. Yet, when I exercise aggressively now, I gain weight--and it is not from eating more. Exercise dampens my appetitle drastically. In fact, my doctor monitored me while on a super low cal diet, on which I lost a few pounds then stagnated. Does any of this sound like your quandry.

    If so, evalutate your diet for water consumption (target = 8-12 glasses daily), adequate sleep, and nutrition. If you do a low-glycemic mostly vegetarian meals you are probably at a place where 50-75% of your foods are plants. Of these most should be vegetables and legumes. Fruit and nuts and seeds are key, but in much smaller portions. Whole grains--especially brown long-grain rice are another key piece in small quanitities. Moreover, my diet ranges 30-60% raw (more in the summer and less in winter).

    If you are doing these things and staying within your recommended range of calorie & nutrition intake, then there is no way your diet has room for junk food or sodapop. If you have any highly processed food in your diet--even if it is a "health brand" eliiminate it. For example, I do not buy nor eat natural oat bran Os cereals; it is highly processed. I do buy and eat oatmeal.

    If this is you, then you may be ready to ADD with what I am currently having success. If not, clean up your diet another notch for as many months as it takes for it to feel natural and set. It is adviseable to get professional guidance for this and the ADDITION I will share. I am not a medical nor nutritional professional. I am sharing only what is working for me and encouraging you to discuss what I share with your own nutritional and/or medical professional.

    I have been reading about pH (acid & alkaline balance with the body). I am reading that our skin works best slightly acidic. Our blood should be slightly alkaline. In this light I learned that I was not eating enough green vegetables nor good fats. Also, in testing my tap water I found that it was very acidic, so that all my hydration could be preventing the release of my unhealthy body fat. I am eating more greens--especially parsley and am filtering and treating my water. I have lost nearly 4 lbs in 6 days. Already this is twice as fast a weight lost that I have every had AND it did not require a reduction in calories or change in physical routine--BUT it likely works only in conjunction with a healthly diet. I added a new piece of knowledge to my repetoire and shifted my vegetable profile a little and added more healthy fats.

    This pH addition is new to me, so it will 6 to 12 wks before I am absolutely certain that this is the missing piece for which I have been looking. When I loose 12-15 lbs, I will be making a follow-up appointment with my own doctor.