Quitting Smoking



  • emstethem
    emstethem Posts: 263 Member
    Oh Yes and the E-Cigarette is AWESOME! Tastes just like your favorite cigarette (you can buy the flavor you might like). I would DEFINITELY giving the E-Cigarette a try!
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    I quit the day my Doctor told me I had cancer. That was 4 years, and 4 months ago. Chantix was a God send.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I know this isn't a smoking cessation site, but I really think that it will take every thing I have, in every area of my life to quit this disgusting addiction. I really want to be healthy. I am definately concerned that I will be crabby with my family and that I will eat myself into a blob! Any suggestions from anyone who has struggled with this?

    Hey...this is a health and fitness site...part of being healthy and fit is giving up the stinkies. I quit back in sept...though I'm using a personal vaporizer (i.e. e-cig)...(steer clear of the mall kiosks...I like Joytech)... as harm reduction therapy and it's kept me from committing mass murder.

    While not perfect, they're worlds better than a cigarette...I can breath easily...I can go for hikes, runs, ride my bike...lift my weights, all without gasping for every breath.

    Friend me if you like.

    Not everyone can use Chantix. :( Or other pills... If you are one of those people Ecigs are a good outlet to try!! But don't get ones that look like cigs or taste like tobacco... get something you will enjoy. I "Vape" a vanilla hazelnut flavor and it keeps me from eating sweets!!!

    I actually like Firelight's Tobacco flavored liquid. It sounds weird, but to me, it actually tastes like I think tobacco should taste, not like a cigarette. Plus, since I can get it in 50 ml bottles, it costs me next to nothing compared to the flavored stuff that you can only get in 15s. :)
  • SarahStruss
    SarahStruss Posts: 9 Member
    Allan Carr's "Easy Way To Stop Smoking"


    1100 reviews, average review 4.8 / 5 stars . . . it works and costs as much as a pack of smokes in Chicago. Give it a shot.

    I used this book along with 2 acupuncture sessions to quit smoking. It has been over 3 months since I quit and I no longer want to smoke. I believe that I have finally done it, finally, after smoking for almost 20 years (I'm almost 32 and started when I was 12).I still believe that you really have to want to quit. Nothing you try will work unless you're ready. I don't have the urge to smoke unless I'm drinking. My husband smokes around me and it doesn't bother me a bit, actually it helps a bit, the smell sometimes satisfies the urge.

    When I first quit I would chew on straws, or cinnamon gum. Sometimes if I had a strong urge I would smell cinnamon sticks. I know it sounds weird, but it worked.

    I also downloaded an app for my phone called "Since iQuit". It tracks the amount of time it's been since you've quit, the amount of money you've saved and how many cigarettes you haven't smoked. I used to smoke 23 cigarettes, so almost a pack and when I quit a pack was $12.00. My stats for today are....

    I am 14 weeks, 1 day, 7 minutes and 32 seconds free of cigarettes
    by not smoking 2296.33 cigarettes...
    I have saved $1198.09

    Isn't that awesome!! You can do it too. The one that gets me is the amount of cigarettes. 3 months - 2300 cigarettes, WOW.

    My mantra during the tough days was "All I have to do today is not put any nicotine in my system." It seemed to help me.

    If you have any questions just ask! I wish you luck.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I quit for three months last year. I didn't want to quit, but I was SUPPOSED to be having reduction surgery on the girls, and they wouldn't even submit paperwork to insurance until I'd been nicotine free 30 days. As soon as I hit day thirty (and I am talking COLD turkey, no patches, just zero nicotine vaping) I called and made the appointment. It took a month to find out the insurance denied me, had a really stressful day a month later, and boom. It was on again.

    Now that I'm exercising again, I'm finding that I don't want them as much, thereby cutting down without actually doing so on purpose.

    Prior to the insurance snafu, I'd tried chantix (made me more insane than I already am, and the dreams were NOT worth it), patches, and some magnet glued behind my ear. The only thing that honestly worked for me was that desire to get what I REALLY wanted by being smoke free.
  • junctiongirl
    junctiongirl Posts: 57 Member
    I Quit smoking Jan 2 of this year. I am now approaching a month smoke free. Last night was the biggest test, out at the bar with friends. I'm happy to say I managed to stay inside and did not Smoke! I'm pretty stoked.
  • Jo4applerose
    Jo4applerose Posts: 36 Member
    This is all free and state of the art be sure to check out the day by day videos by Joel to quit smoking. He is world renowned and even the online books and videos are free. Cold Turkey is the best way to quit they will explain why as well. Go to whyquit.com you will be amazed at all the info. They touch base also on weight loss and quitting. :0) It is FREE and hard to believe. Friend me if you want more details. You can do it dont be left behind.
  • Jo4applerose
    Jo4applerose Posts: 36 Member
    Also for those who quit they have relapse prevention videos as well. Crucial to success when treating such a dreadful addiction. Congratulations to those who quit best health decision you wil ever make. I am grateful for every day free.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    I know this isn't a smoking cessation site, but I really think that it will take every thing I have, in every area of my life to quit this disgusting addiction. I really want to be healthy. I am definately concerned that I will be crabby with my family and that I will eat myself into a blob! Any suggestions from anyone who has struggled with this?

    Change your habits! Honestly I firmly believe that smoking is more habit then addiction. I worked with a gal who was quitting smoking with her husband and they went to someone to help them do it and the gist of the program was: change your habits. When you get up in the morning if the first thing you do is light up then do something else. Hop in the shower, go for a walk, make breakfast. Also one of the things that they had to do was pick a spot outside to smoke and that is the ONLY place you could go when you had to smoke regardless if it was freezing out, hot as balls, or raining. She said you don't realize how long it takes to smoke an entire cigarette when you're freezing your butt off.

    And for the record I am an ex-smoker. I haven't touched a cigarette in 18 years. I quit cold turkey but to help myself stay smoke-free I changed my habits as well and it worked.

    Good luck!
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    Mark Twain said, "Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times." I used this quote to explain why I hadn't quit. I smoked for years ... 30 years to be exact. I have been free from the cigarettes for 8 years now. In the past I had used every method known to man and nothing worked. This last time I used the Commit lozengers. Although they helped me quit, I don't think they were the reason I was successful.

    Every time I tried to quit before it was to be healthy, or the right thing to do, or to live longer. These reasons were just to intangible for me. This last time I quit I had decided to do something big to celebrate turning 50. I wanted to complete a triathlon. After I began training it became apparent that I could not do these three sports and continue to smoke. So started the process of quitting. I continue to me a major work out fanatic. I also continue to be free of cigarettes.

    8 years free! WooHoo, you can do it too!
  • cyndi2012
    cyndi2012 Posts: 65 Member
    Allan Carr's "Easy Way To Stop Smoking"


    1100 reviews, average review 4.8 / 5 stars . . . it works and costs as much as a pack of smokes in Chicago. Give it a shot.

  • I quit smoking a little but over a year ago.. if i have any advice it would be to do it gradually. Pay attention to how much you smoke daily and cut down slowly- that way its not like you are just stopping a habit youve had for a long time out of nowhere and the side effects will be less drastic. I chewed ALOT of gum and i would use mouthwash or brush my teeth everytime i had the urge to smoke.
  • I am 2 years smoke free!!! I remember the day like it was yesterday. I work for a construction company, in the office. I was out in the shop area and I had a cigarrette in my hand. I lit it and took one puff and I just had this overwhelming sense of doom. A picture came acrossed in my mind of me in my 40s and on 24 hour oxygen, unable to breath. (My boss has COPD and is on 24 hour oxygen and doesn't come in anymore. His son is running things now). Right then and there I tossed the cigarette onto the concrete and didn't smoke the rest of the day. I was in my car later heading home and thought that since I had almost a half a pack left, that I shouldnt just let them go to waste. So I told myself I would just finish the pack and then quit. God had something else in mind tho. I lit it up and immediately got sick. I haven't touched one since. The smell of cigarrette smoke is so nauseating now.

    This may sound a bit morbid or whatever, but what helped me at first was I read everything bad about smoking; the people who died, lung cancer, pictures of someone's lungs who smoked, I read anything that was sick or disgusting that dealt with smoking.