some reasons people sabotage their new lifestyles

I see these posts time and time again. People are going along for a week or two just fine, then bam a party comes up or the weekend hits, and everything is thrown out the door, and all the progress made is for nothing. Here's some reasons why For many people who set out to lose weight they narrow their focus to what to eat and how to exercise but they leave out one very key ingredient that is how toTHINK!. If you want to lose weight and not sabotage your efforts and put the weight back on then I encourage you to take a couple of minutes to read on and discover how you can learn to think differently and make losing weight a total success.

1. Their reason for eating healthy ends. Many people are so focused on reaching their goal that once it is reached they find there is no motivation to go on. In order to keep the weight off you want to develop a mindset that includes leading a healthy lifestyle for years to come.

2. Stay focused on the positive. It is easy to get overwhelmed with weight loss and this can lead to sabotage. In order to keep weight off you will want to train your brain to focus on all of the good and positive things that losing the weight has brought into your life. This builds your motivation and appreciation for all your efforts.

3. Not being flexible. There will be times in life when the right foods are unavailable or you are too busy to get to the gym. For these time allow for a mindset that is flexible and move to an alternate plan instead of giving up.

4. Looking at your efforts as a temporary diet instead of a lifestyle. The biggest reason people sabotage their weight loss is because they are looking at their efforts as a limited diet. In order to keep the weight off you will want to look for long-term ways to eat that keep you satisfied both mentally and physically.

Remember this is a lifestyle change, not a temporary quick fix, if you don't understand your behaviour patterns and why you sabotage yourself, you won't be likely to be very successful in weight loss. Think, even if it's about putting a piece of chocolate into your mouth, question why the chocolate, why not a handful of almonds..just think about it, it's the only way to make permanent changes. Even when it comes to exercise, think about why you're doing it, not because you can eat ice cream, or to just burn a few caklories..although it's a nice perk..but you're making your body work more efficiently. You are building strength and a healthier body, you are energizing it, making it work to your advantage..burning extra calories, helping your posture, making you look good and feel good....Just take a moment and to think.


  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Good post!
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    1. Their reason for eating healthy ends. Many people are so focused on reaching their goal that once it is reached they find there is no motivation to go on. In order to keep the weight off you want to develop a mindset that includes leading a healthy lifestyle for years to come.

    It's interesting to me that you posted this today. I was recently thinking about why some people (including myself) have failed to maintain our weight loss. I think your first point is very critical, at least in my experience.

    I think eating right is the best way to fuel our bodies, and caloric deficits are the best way to lose weight. Exercise is like this bonus we can give ourselves as it makes our bodies healthier, stronger, etc. But what if we don't like exercise, because our definition of exercise is "that thing we do when we go to the gym and listen to an instructor call out movements for an hour"? Or maybe it's "run on the treadmill for 30 minutes" or "go from Machine A to B to C, repeat 3 times". None of those personally sound appealing to me.

    For me, what got it to finally click, is that I want my "diet" to support my active lifestyle that I have developed. I like two things: mountain biking and Crossfit. If I make poor food choices, I make these activities much more challenging and not as fun. When I eat right and as I've lost weight, these activities are much more enjoyable and I can ride longer, or lift heavier, etc. So having these forms of exercise in place that are more appealing, at least to me, and drive me to improve myself every day, I think I have a motivation to continue making the right choices in my diet.

    Just my 2 cents. Excellent post, imagymrat.
  • snowsflake
    snowsflake Posts: 214 Member
    Well put! It is a lifestyle change, which is why I HATE the word diet! "I'm going on a diet...I'm going on a diet!" I finally had to get off the merry-go-down, and get on the lifestyle train...we don't like change and when we do it is so drastic we end up rebelling against it.

    I finally had to come to accept that I will never be perfect 100% of the time and be able to live with it. Once I did that it helped me get rid of a lot of the pressure I was putting on myself. I can still have a bad day or days, but that doesn't mean that I give up. I accept that I'm not perfect...and that's okay with me!
  • imarlett
    imarlett Posts: 228 Member
    Great post! This so applies to me, well applied. I am off the merry-go-round of binging then going on a diet. I am changing my life. Thank you for putting it so eloquently.
  • Felixanvk
    Felixanvk Posts: 69
    Thank you for your post!
    I am one of those typical ones...
    I was doing fine for 2 weeks. I went to a store to buy weight for work out. At the register, I saw some chocolate ... so I got 3 instead of 1... 3! And of course I ate them on my way home. When I add the calories value... I was sooooo discourage and I though... no body would care... this is so tiring...
    I was reading thru a magazine this morning and I saw that resurch has proven that if you have work out DVD's and weight close to your tv, you would do it.
    With all my shame, I thought, I need to loose all those 900 and more calories. So I did it, and before I eat something I try to write it so I will see how much I am putting in my mouth.
    We were doing this together with my husband but he got tired before me... this time I did not quit with him. Even though this website is my only encouraging thing... I want to loose those weights before tooo long!
    Thank you for posting...
    They were great
  • skroll
    skroll Posts: 24
    Thank you so much! I really needed that today. I am making lifestyle changes and it is not always easy but I am making progress one step and one day at a time. I have made a commitment with my heart if I can just get my head to keep me focused!!!
  • vinjama
    vinjama Posts: 52

    4. Looking at your efforts as a temporary diet instead of a lifestyle. The biggest reason people sabotage their weight loss is because they are looking at their efforts as a limited diet. In order to keep the weight off you will want to look for long-term ways to eat that keep you satisfied both mentally and physically.

    Good post. And number 4 is exactly the ideology I adhere to as well. That word "Diet" or when people say "I need to go on a diet" is the reason for why learning how to eat healthy becomes such a chore and hassle. It assumes that once all the desired weight has come off, they can quit their diet and go back to indulging once again.

    I admit, it is a struggle in the beginning in understanding proper NUTRTION. But learning the fundamentals of THAT word, I believe is the key to success and long term commitment. Nutrition, is something that one can actually develop a life long passion for.
    AFLABRAT04 Posts: 15
    bump for later! Looks like great advice....
  • OctoberBabe
    OctoberBabe Posts: 56 Member
    I agree...good post!
  • catfan
    catfan Posts: 90 Member
    Great post---As I was logging on I was trying to figure out why I constantly screw up my progress..Thanks for giving me alot to think about!!
  • KeriD
    KeriD Posts: 324
    Well said!!!! I am one of those people that gets my weight down and for some crazy reason, I feel like I don't deserve it. There is no reason I should feel that way, I had a great upbringing and I have a great life now. I get part way there and start with the mental attitude of....I'm not capable of getting any further and that I am not deserving of this weight loss. The head stuff is soooo hard to deal with!!!!!
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    thanks for posting this :) im gonna steal it and put it into my blog so i can go straight to it whenever i struggle in the future. :) right now im not. but its still great to have that in mind :)

    thank you sweetie!!! i love your knowledge and your ways of making this fit just right <3

    Edited: btw your name is right on the blog :blushing:
  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    good post, bump
  • NaturalMom
    NaturalMom Posts: 85
    So true! Well stated.
  • niki7g
    niki7g Posts: 41
    Very interesting reading!
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    :bigsmile: I need this today! Thanks!
  • Crysta1976
    Crysta1976 Posts: 184 Member
    Exactly what I needed to read today!
  • kathymurphy
    kathymurphy Posts: 38
    BEST THING I HAVE READ ON HERE SINCE I'VE BEEN ON MFP!.. Great advice. You should be a diet coach. I need to read this advice daily!!!!!!!
  • snowsflake
    snowsflake Posts: 214 Member
    It's crazy that we always want to believe our head when it comes to the bad and rarely when it comes to the good. And I can be just like that! I have to stop sometimes and recognize what I have done, how far I have come and stop thinking about how far I have to go and how long it is going to take...we can all do this. We just need a mental will happen if we let it. We all deserve to be healthy and happy. It is our God given right to do so!
  • ScarletTarah
    ScarletTarah Posts: 117 Member
    This is a very good post.