248 to 160 - 1 year in

So as of today, I have logged 365 days in a row on MFP, which means I've been using it for a year now.

A year ago, I weighed 248 pounds at 5'6". I felt like crap. I'd done a few things to improve my diet, but MFP was really the turning point for me. It made things so convenient that there was no excuse to not log things, and being able to scan barcodes and look things up while I was out and about really helped greatly.

I still have 20 pounds I'd like to lose, but I figured this milestone deserved some progress pictures.

I don't have a picture of myself at 248, as it was just too depressing. I do have a picture at 235, and I more or less consider this my "before"


Here I am in August, at 190:

And here I am on January 12th, at 160:

I did it mainly by portion control and regular exercise, mostly walking with some hiking once a week, and lately elliptical training as it's been too cold to go outside.

I feel pretty good now, and I hope this next year will be as productive as the previous one has been. And for anyone who is at the start of your journey: You can do it, you really can. You just need to take those first steps.


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