Starting P90X tonight....any advice?

jsc4him Posts: 40 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I am starting the P90X exercise program tonight with my hubby. I am 60# overweight but have worked out in the past. I did not do the fit test but I think I can ahdle it. Any advice for a P90X beginner?


  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    "Do your best, and forget the rest". - Tony Horton
    There's going to be moves that you won't be able to keep up with or do as many reps as the people on the DVD.

    - Make sure you write down how many reps/weights you use, as you will improve it's great to look back at how many you did when you started.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Modify, modify, modify if you have to :happy:. Stretch lots and drink your recovery drink!

    P.S. I failed the fit test miserably before my first round did just fine ... I'm on my second round now.
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    I just started today too, and the first workout kicked my *kitten*. It was awesome!

    Don't let yourself get frustrated though. I had a really hard time with the ab workout that's tacked on after the chest and back session...just had to do the best I could.
  • hkuiuc99
    hkuiuc99 Posts: 79 Member
    I would say like the rest, do the most of each exercise as you can (write it down) and push yourself to do more next time. I sometimes have to modify some of the harder moves for me but as long as you are trying your best it gets easier each time you do it!
    I had a hard time when I first started to do it everyday because I was so sore the next day but that gets better with time!

    Good luck!
  • BikiniTiff
    BikiniTiff Posts: 3
    Don't beat yourself up and don't give up. You probably won't be able to keep up and that's okay. You will be able to eventually. Just press play every day!!! Do what you can and modify!
  • GeeDee215
    GeeDee215 Posts: 4 Member
    what IS in do you do certain dvds on certain days ect? seems like theres SO many.

    you're only really using 3 or 4 cds at a time, for several weeks, then you switch up after a few weeks with some routines that sort of build off the previous ones.
  • GeeDee215
    GeeDee215 Posts: 4 Member
    i'm in pretty good shape --- i've been running and lifting for a few years now --- but the program was *brutal* when i first started. if you do it and find it too difficult, there's the power 90 program that precedes it, and you can start there and move up to p90x.

    But if you do it, know that you *can* do it. Just do as much as you can, and modify if you have to. by the end of the first phase, you should be able to feel more comfortable with the exercises, and do more reps or up your weights.

    BTW: Ab Ripper X. I don't really know what to say about it that hasn't been said already. Just consider yourself warned.

    Good luck...and BRING IT!
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    I"m finishing my first round in about 10 days.

    Here's my advice:

    1) Realize that nutrition is major component to your success. Follow the fitness guide in terms of therCarb/Protien/Fat ratios for each phase. Don't under eat. You burn tons of calories on this program and you can send your body into starvation mode quickly.
    2) Stay off the scale!!!!!!!! Soem people lose weight quickly other not so much. Results vary but don't use the scale as a measure of your success. Taking Day 1, 30 , 60 and 90 day pictures are key to see the changes in your body that may not appear on the scale.
    3) You will be sore. The day 2 workout, Plyometrics did a number on my legs the first time.
    4) Write everything down, weights reps, what you did to modify the exercises.
    5) And as Tony Says, Modify, Pace yourself and take breaks. You won;t be able to do what the peoiple in the videos do but if you could your wouldn't need to be doing P90X in the first place.
    6) Get on the Beachbody message board with other people starting at the same time. It is great support and motivation as you will all be struggling with the same things and will have the same questions.

    Good Luck and Keep Pushing Play!
  • hbilling
    hbilling Posts: 1
    Don't do all the push-ups or try to do everything they do on the video. You are not supposed to be able to do it all your first try!
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    I just finished my first round yesterday and I was in good shape gym and running wise before I started.....this one kicked my butt so good, but I got so much better at it that I can't wait for round 2. My tidbits (sorry for any redundancy, just consider that stressing it!).

    - don't do as many reps as you can for like the first 20 mins on your first way through the videos (i had a few times where I 'brought it' but then couldn't really finish the whole thing) - this will help you get through and see it all and let you kind of guage your progress a bit easier

    - do feel free to skip a move that is totally not doable [when you get to corn cob pull ups, you can think of me, i skipped this one till phase 3]

    - dont ever skip a weight training day completely - at least do it the next day if you have a screw up day [i consider plyometrics in this one]

    - feel free to replace any of the 'easier' days with harder cardio workouts you may already enjoy doing - eg HIIT

    - the soonder you get used to what tony is saying, i find it easier to play the DVD's with 'cues' only so that you dont get distracted by all the chatter while focusing on some really difficult moves.

    that's about the only non obvious ones i can think of.

    Goodluck! Don't QUIT in round 2 like most people and I am sure you will be very satisfied all around!
  • AliceLM
    AliceLM Posts: 2
    Stay off the scale?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Some weeks you may need to completely have a rest day. Then there are some weeks that you will want to try X Stretch. Definitely try X Stretch. It's a great workout and a precursor to the Yoga X DVD. Also, if you're able to do extra cardio during the 2nd month i recommend it. I lost 24 lbs during P90X by getting in double workouts, such as walking or jogging in the evening. But don't allow any additional workouts to get in the way of P90X.

  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    "Bring It" and have fun!
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