
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Weight loss is not linear, it is cumulative. Having more good days will build up over time.

    Plus, scales are specially designed to mess with our heads. Last week was nearly perfect and I really pushed myself in my workouts. This week I was a little tired, didn't push myself in dance class, didn't participate in social hour, ate lots of high sodium foods, forgot to take some much needed Midol before bed, could feel the bloat in my waist and joints, and I lost two pounds.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    I would have hit the jackpot if I were paid for these threads today. :grumble:

    Your body can fluctuate more than that (not fat, not muscle) on a daily basis. That is all you need to know!

    ^^^This. Even if your diary was public, this would still be the answer.
  • Yaxomoxay
    Yaxomoxay Posts: 25 Member
    Even thinking about the Cheesecake Factory will make you gain weight.

    Losing weight is freaking hard and the fact that you consoled yourself by overeating means that you are still in the old mindset. It doesn't matter if food is a reward or a consolation: you used it as a reaction to you dieting results.

    Next time reward/console/punish yourself by buying a pair of jeans that doesn't fit you (barely), promise yourself to be able to fit in there soon and do what it takes to reach the short term goal.

    In addition buy a book that explains how the body works, not a dieting book.
  • Diary is now public.

    First week went great nutritionally, worked out Tues, Thurs, Sat. ---- Gained 3 lbs.
    This week, not so great nurtitionally, no work outs
    Lost 2 lbs.
  • Hey, I know this may mean nothing to you but I always think of this quote when I want to quit,
    " Just when the caterpillar thought it was over he turned into a butterfly!" Don't quit, simply refocus. I too have been having a horrible time trying to figure out hows and whys. Keep at it! chat with me if you want support!
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I'd heard about that pasta. I'm curious, was it good?
    I know, I know, step away from the pornographic pasta dish.

    Don't quit. We all have bad days.

    Muscle weighs more than fat. :bigsmile:
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I follow my diet to a T..... A STINKING T last week, and GAINED 3 POUNDS. This week, I was discouraged, and didn't watch/track everything I ate, and also ate at the CHEESECAKE FACTORY, pasta and of course a slice of cheesecake and I stepped on the scale today to find I'm 2 pounds lighter. WTH>!>!>!!>!??!?

    Am I not doing this right or what?

    Welcome to the crazy world of losing weight :laugh:

    It seems like you have only just started on the weight loss thing?

    So you kept things to a T for the first week then you went over for the second week?

    then next week, you will probably feel guilty and go back to doing things from the first thing...and to cut a long story short you will be up and down like a yo yo lol.

    You will experience all sorts of fluid changes and metabolism changes when you first really need to persevere for a few weeks with the whole T thing and then re evaluate any changes you need to make...this is what worked for me at the start
  • fiferize
    fiferize Posts: 141
    Try a 21 day elimination diet. Find out what you are intollerant to.
    Google JJ VIrgin Diet.

    Don't quit just find out what makes you gain vs lose.
  • jvdx
    jvdx Posts: 57
    lold, "3 stinking pounds"
    3 pounds is nothing, 3 pounds is a decent turd.
    probably water weight, dont sweat it.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Don't expect the scale to move in a straight line.
  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    I think what you're dealing with is a mental battle of whether or not you *want* to change your habits, not the actual results of that change. You don't have enough data to see if it is "working" (like others have said, weight fluctuates and, if taken daily, should be averaged on a weekly basis,) but you seem to be looking for reasons to stay the same. If you keep doing what you're doing, you will have the same results. If you change your habits for 2 months (not 2 weeks,) you will ABSOLUTELY get different results. Have some patience, some dedication or---if you think it's too hard to change---quit. Just don't yo-yo and then get frustrated when you don't get results.
  • Whatever you do, don't give up.

    Okay, if you're working out, you may be gaining muscle. You may be retaining water weight. Look, don't pay attention to the scale. Pay attention to how you feel. If you are doing the elliptical, and you notice you can stay at a consistent rate at higher resistance, that's improvement. If you're noticing an ankle shape, instead of cankles, you're getting somewhere. If you noticed collarbones that never existed before, you're doing something right. The scale is only going to measure what you weight at that time. Weight changes throughout the day based on water composition, food consumed, etc. Stick to a calorie goal, work out almost everyday for at least 30-40 minutes, and don't give up. I have the same problem.

    The scale isn't moving, but honestly I feel stronger, healthier and I need to lose 100 pounds! I think that when the body gets forced to start using some fat, fat will start melting away. In the meantime, keep your body, workouts and eating patterns in beast mode...but don't set your calorie goals too low. Anything under 1200 for someone who is significantly overweight is probably too low...and will cause the metabolism to slow down "thinking" it's in starvation mode. You have to taper down the calories slowly. If you used to eat 3000+ calories a day, go down to 2000. When you start a pattern of working out, eating right, and living a healthier lifestyle. drop it to 1800. Whatever you do , never overestimate exercise and when in doubt, overestimate calories. Sometimes the activity calculator calculates too high. I would suggest getting a heart rate monitor that will be more accurate as far as calories lost.
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    Quit and then what? A guaranteed gain? Every time I think of quitting I think of the alternative and the fight to lose is more appealing than continuing gaining weight.....

    I've never thought about it that way, but you're so right! I'm going to think of that whenever I'm having a bad day now!

    On topic though, don't give up. Everybody has good weeks and bad weeks and you just have to ignore the numbers sometimes and just persevere. Like others have said, maybe weigh yourself less often and don't obsess about what the scales say and instead just aim to be healthy and feel good. Just take it one day at a time, don't despair! I had a bad day earlier this week and I just put it down to experience and drew a line under it and started again the next day!
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    You were under at least 2 days (I only looked at about a week) and by under I mean not even 700 calories and not even 400 :noway: That won't help you lose weight. If you're over one day it's fine, don't eat nothing the next day to "make up for it" Seriously, look at the post I linked before ( and read the info there about how you'll lose weight by eating more
  • Tatiyanya
    Tatiyanya Posts: 255 Member
    Cant help without knowing what you eat, how much you burn etc.

    Tho word of advice.

    Don't quit.
    Don't even /diet/.
    Diet is something you torment yourself with for few/teen weeks and then revert to bad habbits.
    Diet like that fixes /nothing/.
    If you want results, results that stay and no yoyoing I'd strongly suggest lifestyle change.
    Requires less sacrifice, if you read why 1000-1200 kcal is bad you will soon discover how much you can eat while still being in HEALTHY calories range :)
    Metabolism is a *****, i don't get how it works myself sometimes, but hey,practice , discipline,clean eating . And nothing trully worth having comes easy :)
    Read, learn, try to understandyour body and don't give up. Giving up gives you /nothing/.
    Pasta,cheesecakes and general junk food is what usualy brought us to this website in first place.
  • Bonsager
    Bonsager Posts: 6 Member
    I don't have the answer for you, but I hope you find the personal strength to power through this plateau with a smile and a fist pump! Good luck.
  • Valentine1973
    Valentine1973 Posts: 1 Member
    Worry not, we were blessed with being women and our job is to retain water, and this makes our body weight be like a yo-yo. It depends on the day of the month and how much water were drinking or not. Do not be afraid of failure, becuase that is how we learn, be afraid of not trying.
  • Yaxomoxay
    Yaxomoxay Posts: 25 Member
    You ate under 700 calories!!x
    Your body was starving!
  • Nissi51
    Nissi51 Posts: 381 Member
    A good day of eating is not 800 calories! I had a quick look at your journal - not enough calories, not enough protein, good carbs and veggies. 5-6 meals per day, proper hydration, adequate sleep, good fats, stay away from high processed foods and then practice patience. You need to get in for the looooooooooong haul
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    That has happened to me too. Try upping your calories a bit and drink more water.