Ingredients to avoid, especially if your not loosing weight

marinewifey03 Posts: 8 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
The following is a list of the top ingredients that are in the foods people eat everyday. These things are even in supposed "healthy" foods, and diet foods but should be avoided as much as possible for the sake of your health and well being. They are also the things keeping people from loosing weight when they are doing everything they are supposed to and still not loosing.

Avoid the following foods/ingredients:

Soy protein isolate, soy protein concentrate, soy or soybean oil, texturized vegetable protein. These ingredients and other "processed" soy products have been known to cause reproductive harm, hypothyroidism and other hormonal imbalances.

Non organic foods- Pesticide residues on non organic foods can clog the liver and build up on the intestinal wall inhibiting absorption and digestion of nutrients from the foods we eat.

Hydrogenated oil or partially hydrogenated oil- Hydrogenation is a chemical hardening method that completely alters the oils molecular structure & it no longer resembles a natural fat. Instead it becomes an unhealthy trans fat and your body treats it as a toxin.

Typical refined table salt- Contains none of the valuable minerals or trace elements that unrefined sea salt has, and your body sees it as a poison. Also contains anti caking agents which can be aluminum based. Aluminum is linked with heavy metal toxicity and possibly even Alzheimers disease. Safe alternative is Celtic Sea salt (unrefined).

Sugar, sucrose, maltose, dextrose, glucose- all sugars that cause the body to be in an acidic state. You body trys to fight this by taking minerals from the body tissues (EX: body may take calcium from the bones and teeth to protect the blood, eventually causing osteoporosis and tooth decay)Also, cancer cells can ONLY survive in an acidic environment and will die in an alkaline environment. Tumors are enormous sugar absorbers.

High fructose corn syrup, corn syrup & solids- Raises blood levels of cholesterol, makes blood cells more prone to clotting, accelerates aging process, depletes bodys chromium (chromium wakes up insulin receptors) impairs immune system functions, liver cant process it so its turned into fat, blocks leptin production (leptin regulates appetite), puts body into a stressed state which triggers insulin resistance.

Sweet & low, Splenda, & NutraSweet- aka saccharin, sucralose & aspartame are all toxic to liver and overwhelm it. Liver gets clogged and cant burn fat or absorb nutrients so you gain weight and cant loose it. When your body runs out of places to store fat, it begins storing fat onto your vital organs. Toxins are stored in your body fat, the more fat on your body the more toxins you can store. Your organs become sluggish & inefficient, and your body turns acidic. Safe alternative is Stevia

Whole wheat (Bread etc)- Most w/w products are processed whole wheat and have become deficient in nutrients. It can lead to digestive disorders by inhibiting the bodys absorbtion of calcium, copper, zinc,magnesium, and also neutralizes digestive enzymes. w/w also breaks down into sugar very quickly and causes insulin spikes. Safe alternative is a sprouted grain bread like Ezekiel 4:9 sprouted grain bread.

If you want to learn more , you should check out
im in no way affiliated with them, but they give an abundance of useful information on nutrition and its an excellent resource :happy: .


  • Lusadi
    Lusadi Posts: 79
    A lot of what you posted seems like pseudo-science to me. I would be careful and try to get the information from a more reliable source before you count on it.
  • Bentleymama86
    Bentleymama86 Posts: 89 Member
    A lot of what you posted seems like pseudo-science to me. I would be careful and try to get the information from a more reliable source before you count on it.

    Im gonna have to agree with this
  • marinewifey03
    marinewifey03 Posts: 8 Member
    I have researched from more than one source. Not everyone will agree on the topics listed of course, but it was very helpful for myself, Ive lost weight, have more energy and just feel genuinely great. I figured it cant hurt to pass on the info that really changed my life, hopefully it is helpful for others as well. :)
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    BUMP for later.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Wow, whole wheat causes digestive disorders .. now I've heard it all.
  • lsand
    lsand Posts: 78 Member
    :wink: Alot of these things are common knowledge, but it doesn't hurt to hear them again. Glad you are able to make more healthy choices. It does take alot more effort!
  • lsand
    lsand Posts: 78 Member
    Well, for alot of people it does. That's why there's so many gluten free foods now.
  • starmer_10
    starmer_10 Posts: 1
    Its all about eating what is natural to the Earth. Not about eating what we have created from what is on the earth.
  • pandalady8
    pandalady8 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm going to have to second some of the above posts. I'm a graduate student studying cancer biology and pharmacology. I certainly won't claim to know everything, but a lot of the above "claims" are false or questionable at best. While some of the general suggestions are not bad to follow (trans fats are bad, excess sugar is bad, etc) the reasons are not. I.E. your body is designed to stay withing a VERY narrow pH range. If your body did get acidic, you'd probably die immediately. Snopes has even flagged some of these claims (with further explanation by John's Hopkins University, Just my 2 cents.
  • soooofab
    soooofab Posts: 4
    GR8 info. The "whole wheat" bread on the shelf is not always whole wheat (read the label stay away from ENRICHED, BLEACHED etc.) In addition to that more people are becoming intolerant to wheat and gluten due to the over processing of our food. Whole food period is best for our bodies. When you start removing too many ingredients from the whole food, we are not able to digest them.

    Do your research in all cases.
  • soooofab
    soooofab Posts: 4
    I totally agree!
  • Ladeejulz
    Ladeejulz Posts: 56
    I have researched from more than one source. Not everyone will agree on the topics listed of course, but it was very helpful for myself, Ive lost weight, have more energy and just feel genuinely great. I figured it cant hurt to pass on the info that really changed my life, hopefully it is helpful for others as well. :)

    Hello everyone!!

    I have heard this information from my dietitian. She has explained to me that our bodies cannot process all the chemicals we are giving it. Products like margerine and artifical sweetners are not good for us. She has suggested that I use real butter if I need to and real sugar if needed. Sweetners should only be used by diabetics and this has been known for many many years. As for soy, she said that some women's hormones are affected by soy and it should be avoided if that is the case. She has also told me that so called diet food is making us more overweight becasue when they take out the fat and such, they have to replace it with something and those artificial products are making us more overweight. She did give me the statistics for this but I cannot remember. As for the acidity in our bodies, I know nothing about and my dietitian has never mentioned anything like that so I cannot comment on the validity of that.

    I just wanted to share the info I have been given by my dietitian. It has been working for me and I feel better than I have in many years. Hope this helps someone.

    Take care!


    P.S. I just wanted to say that I only know about the things I have mentioned above and not all the info given in the original post. TKS!!
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    BeautifulScarsWECHANGED Posts: 749 Member
    You have some valid information here....but I didn't see MSG on the list. MSG makes you crave more food, therefore increasing your calorie count. There's more science involved, but I don't want to bore you all.
  • newbierun14
    newbierun14 Posts: 23 Member
    While some of your advice is sound, avoiding artificial sweeteners and other chemicals, some of it is a little off. I'm not a dietitian or nutritionist, but I am a biochemist. The main one I think that needs to be cleared up is that you should avoid glucose, in actuality your body needs glucose and if you eat anything with carbohydrates you will be eating glucose. Your brain cannot work, meaning your body cannot function, unless a supply of glucose is present. Whenever your brain starts to get sluggish or you start to get a headache, good chances are your body is lacking a supply of this sugar.

    The other thing I wanted to touch on is the organic thing, organic does not always mean organic. The FDA does not regulate who can mark there food as organic or not. The best thing to do is to look at farmers market, and to know where your food is coming from. If you don't have direct access to the farm your food is coming from, do some research about the food in your super market and where it is coming from.

    Your body likes natural foods and not everything should be demonized. For a long time natural fat was thought to be bad stuff, but really your body needs some to function. My advice is to look at the ingredients in the food you buy and to not buy processed foods. I don't want it to come off as preachy but I feel like some of this needed to be cleared up.
  • Awne
    Awne Posts: 18 Member
    Sweet & low, Splenda, & NutraSweet- aka saccharin, sucralose & aspartame are all toxic to liver and overwhelm it. Liver gets clogged and cant burn fat or absorb nutrients so you gain weight and cant loose it. When your body runs out of places to store fat, it begins storing fat onto your vital organs. Toxins are stored in your body fat, the more fat on your body the more toxins you can store. Your organs become sluggish & inefficient, and your body turns acidic. Safe alternative is Stevia

    I used to be addicted to diet coke and had become very ill...the doctors tested me for every auto immune disease possible and they all came back clear, I was so ill I slept 14hours a day and couldnt go to work...I was in severe pain and really thought I was gonna die. It turns out I had an intolerance to aspartame. I couldnt believe something so simple could make me so ill. I havent touched a fizzy drink since
  • DreamRose
    DreamRose Posts: 5
    Can I just ask, does this apply to Soya Milk Light?? Or just other soya products?
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