I am new to the site and loving it!

I joined a few weeks ago and this is really helping me to keep track of everything and stay on target for my goal. My doctor introduced me to it.


  • mityjoe67
    mityjoe67 Posts: 15 Member
    That is so awesome. A friend of mine at work who lost a huge amount of weight introduced me to it and this is quite an awesome tool
  • Earguy
    Earguy Posts: 35
    Yeah, it's a good bunch. Similar to Weight Watchers Online, but a little more open, friendly, and fun.
  • slimcakelady
    slimcakelady Posts: 81 Member
    Yeah, it's a good bunch. Similar to Weight Watchers Online, but a little more open, friendly, and fun.
    ...and don't forget it's FREE!!!
  • hey there, i'm new too :D
  • pattycakes10117
    pattycakes10117 Posts: 55 Member
    Yes, I like it too. I am realizing that if I overeat....which I try not to do.....I need to make sure I exercise!!
    I am watching dvd's for a bible study called First Place 4 Fitness...while I ride my recumbant bike and easy rider.
    Good Luck. I have lost only 2 so far...but I am trying!

  • pattycakes10117
    pattycakes10117 Posts: 55 Member
    Good Luck to you as well. We can do this. :smile:
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    25 days sober.. ohh wait lol..
  • lilahk95
    lilahk95 Posts: 81 Member
    Welcome. Add me as a friend if you like.
  • Hey I just joined 3 days ago, and just entering in my logs today. I haven't been on long enough to see any effects yet, But we will see. I am hopping to loose 50 lbs by this summer, or at least 25, Goal to get under 200 by Feb 14. I have 15lbs to loose to make my goal. I am looking for people to help me stay on track and keep me going. I know I can do it, but going alone is almost impossible, and I love the fact that this is free, and has a lot of the same things as Weight Watchers, only we are watching calories instead of points. So Let us work to gether to reach our goals.

    My christmas Present from my mother was a certificate for new clothes, and I am hoping to loose the weight before my certificate expires (which I do not know when, so I am saying by summer or early fall)
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    You're welcome to add me. We all have a common goal. :D
  • They say that with the 1200kcal/day you may lose 1kg in 5weeks.Isn't it too little? I was expecting more...