I'm struggling with this 1200 Calories a day thing...



  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Cook your lean proteins and veggies with healthy fats, like olive oil. Or add nuts. Have solid food for breakfast. Greek yogurt has as many calories as most shakes and most people like to add fruit or granola to it, thus adding more calories.

    For the doubters, if someone got fat eating junk food, they are not used to eating the shear quantity that you get from healthy foods. McDs is not known for its fiber content.

    This is true. But 1200 calories of straight, raw, broccoli is still not so massive an amount of food as to cause sincere issues towards reaching a sustainable calorie goal.

    This issue comes up too often for it to be quite believable. I don't know if it's some form of vanity (wanting congratulations on being an overweight person suddenly "unable" to eat) or what, but it is beyond explanation of simple "healthy foods vs unhealthy foods."

    Fine, go eat seven pounds of broccoli. Sound delish.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Eat based on energy demands, not when you are hungry while assuming a calorie deficit. If you do, you will feel full eating far less than what your body actually needs due to messed up hunger cues.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Cook your lean proteins and veggies with healthy fats, like olive oil. Or add nuts. Have solid food for breakfast. Greek yogurt has as many calories as most shakes and most people like to add fruit or granola to it, thus adding more calories.

    For the doubters, if someone got fat eating junk food, they are not used to eating the shear quantity that you get from healthy foods. McDs is not known for its fiber content.

    This is true. But 1200 calories of straight, raw, broccoli is still not so massive an amount of food as to cause sincere issues towards reaching a sustainable calorie goal.

    This issue comes up too often for it to be quite believable. I don't know if it's some form of vanity (wanting congratulations on being an overweight person suddenly "unable" to eat) or what, but it is beyond explanation of simple "healthy foods vs unhealthy foods."

    Fine, go eat seven pounds of broccoli. Sound delish.

    :laugh: Broccoli isn't my thing.

    Again, I'm not denying that healthier foods generally require more volume to become full on. They do. I'll rephrase what I'm saying: Eating a bare minimum calorie goal, no matter what you consume, should not be problematic. If it, you are doing something wrong - and likely that "something wrong" has something to do with thinking that less food=more virtuous. That can be dangerous and set up mental justifications for starvation tactics.

    Also, I VERY much doubt every single time this topic comes up it is due to the poster having gone from Big Mac's to straight salads and broccoli. Very few people make that kind of switch - and for good reason.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Eat based on energy demands, not when you are hungry while assuming a calorie deficit. If you do, you will feel full eating far less than what your body actually needs due to messed up hunger cues.

    This. Listen to your brain, not your stomach.
  • Phany04
    Phany04 Posts: 52 Member
    Have you ever consider that some of us have metabolic problems that make us gain weight? Even on a very strict diet.
    Anyways, the reason why we are here is to learn how to eat healthy and substitute what we were eating for healthier versions.

    Back to what is important: try adding food that have a little more calories but that are not empty calories. Don't forget that if your diet is too strict, you might be putting yourself at risk of giving up.
    How did you get overweight in the first place?


    Always makes me giggle when people say they can't eat 1200 calories a day.

    They had to have been eating at least double this to need to lose weight in the first place.
  • Phany04
    Phany04 Posts: 52 Member
    Cook your lean proteins and veggies with healthy fats, like olive oil. Or add nuts. Have solid food for breakfast. Greek yogurt has as many calories as most shakes and most people like to add fruit or granola to it, thus adding more calories.

    For the doubters, if someone got fat eating junk food, they are not used to eating the shear quantity that you get from healthy foods. McDs is not known for its fiber content.

    ^ true
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Have you ever consider that some of us have metabolic problems that make us gain weight? Even on a very strict diet.
    Anyways, the reason why we are here is to learn how to eat healthy and substitute what we were eating for healthier versions.

    Back to what is important: try adding food that have a little more calories but that are not empty calories. Don't forget that if your diet is too strict, you might be putting yourself at risk of giving up.

    This is also possible. For some people. Not for the two or three people a day who post this question, like clockwork, the entire time I've been here. Some people have very valid medical issues reaching calorie goal - metabolic problems, IBS, physical injuries. When that is disclosed, most of us go "Hey, we're sorry" and retract our snark.
  • ums3961
    ums3961 Posts: 20
    When did you start your diet Nov of 2012? I can't see how you haven't lost any weight. I started on a 1200 calorie/day diet myself on the 7th of Jan. this yr. I have lost 5lbs. and feel better than I did before I started it. I thought 1200 cals. were enough per day from the information I have read, but more cals per day for men maybe 1600. Maybe you are getting to much protein compared to everything else. I would have to research that myself, I am new to all of this but it seems to be working for me so far. I ate over 1300 cals. maybe twice. I think when you do eat you can pick things with higher calories without much problem. I have to watch what I eat not to eat to many, because a lot of things have a lot of calories.
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    Have you ever consider that some of us have metabolic problems that make us gain weight? Even on a very strict diet.
    Anyways, the reason why we are here is to learn how to eat healthy and substitute what we were eating for healthier versions.

    Back to what is important: try adding food that have a little more calories but that are not empty calories. Don't forget that if your diet is too strict, you might be putting yourself at risk of giving up.

    This is also possible. For some people. Not for the two or three people a day who post this question, like clockwork, the entire time I've been here. Some people have very valid medical issues reaching calorie goal - metabolic problems, IBS, physical injuries. When that is disclosed, most of us go "Hey, we're sorry" and retract our snark.

    Ah Quirky, you beat me to it!
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    First of all no one should be hungry when losing weight & there is no excuss for not being able to reach 1200 cals, or any weight goal. This is just a small example of how you can up your cals. Personally, I couldn't just eat 7 nuts or a tbsp of any of the following, so the calories will mount up big time.

    Dry Roasted Almonds, No Salt, 7 nuts
    49 calories
    pumpkin seeds-hulled & unsalted 1 tbsp............46 calories
    Walnut Pieces - Unsalted, 1 Tbsp. .................... 53 calories
    1/2 tbsp golden raisins, 1 Tablespoon
    32 calories
    Almond Butter - 100% Almonds, 1 Tbsp (15g) .......99 calories
  • lippygidg
    lippygidg Posts: 68 Member
    Im also on the 1200 cal. I cant say I struggle getting them in but by the end of the day with breakfast and lunch pre planned. getting a balance of vegetables and fruits . I usually have left overs at the end too depending on dinner. when I do and IF I'm hungry I'll have a "late night snack" so to speak , and eat an apple with peanut butter or something like Special K red berries cereal.
    And for those of you who keeps saying 1200 calories isnt enough to live on ... yes it is if you dont have alot of activity in your day ( do to work, your type of work ect .. and I dont mean purposeful workouts , just your type of jobs. ) besides if you eliminate the crap we eat and balance out your meals ... 1200 is more then enough. I have only been at it for about 25 consist ant days ( with the calorie counting) but I have not felt hungry or anything like that at all ... I actually feel great eating better. Maybe its a mind set ... but I wish everyone luck in their weight loss journey :)
  • Phany04
    Phany04 Posts: 52 Member
    Have you ever consider that some of us have metabolic problems that make us gain weight? Even on a very strict diet.
    Anyways, the reason why we are here is to learn how to eat healthy and substitute what we were eating for healthier versions.

    Back to what is important: try adding food that have a little more calories but that are not empty calories. Don't forget that if your diet is too strict, you might be putting yourself at risk of giving up.

    This is also possible. For some people. Not for the two or three people a day who post this question, like clockwork, the entire time I've been here. Some people have very valid medical issues reaching calorie goal - metabolic problems, IBS, physical injuries. When that is disclosed, most of us go "Hey, we're sorry" and retract our snark.

    Ah Quirky, you beat me to it!

    Lol. Well, I'm glad you guys are not attacking overweight people. :)
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    Lol. Well, I'm glad you guys are not attacking overweight people. :)

    No, not attacking. I'm overweight, too.
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    No....no attacking overweight people. Just stupid people.

    My almost 5 year old, who weighs 36 pounds eats about 1200 calories a day. He's 40 some inches tall.

    I don't believe an adult woman who's more than likely over 5 ft tall, and not having a health issue, is 'having problems' eating more calories than a 5 yr old.

    All it takes is upping portion sizes.

    And note: My 5 year old does not drink soda, does not drink fruit juices (except maybe once a month), does not eat chips or fried foods (again, except maybe once a month) and eats an amazing variety of veggies, fruits, nuts and meats (we don't feed him many processed foods). He asks for chocolate or ice cream maybe once a week.

    Wow! Just realized after looking at height weight charts, the boy is 50% percentile for height, 10% for weight.....man. Kid's gotta eat more! Or run around less.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    I have a hard time believing that you cannot reach 1200 calories... you were obviously eating more than 1200 calories a day before if you gained weight.

    Well, you can eat 1000 calories of junk in one meal and still be hungry afterwards. Think about it, the average sandwich at Mcdonalds is 500 calories, add in fries for an average of 400. 900 calories total in one meal, and you'll still be hungry 3 - 4 hours later.

    If you've lived on that type of diet for awhile, you get full quick on nutritionally rich and fiberous foods. That's the exact problem I had when I cut the junk and fast food and started eating veggies and fresh meats. I can easily eat 2500 in junk a day, but 1600 in fresh foods I really feel like I'm stuffing myself.

    Still don't get it. I ate like absolute crap before i started losing weight and I still can't stay around 1200 calories of nutritious food. If I do not eat at least 1500 calories a day I want to start eating my friends arms and legs. I am 4'9.5" tall and still need 1500 calories a day to not be a raging b!tch... not joking.Most days I am eating 1900ish after I work out.

    I know blah blah blah everyone is different but seriously the only issue should be having problems staying at 1200 calories.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member

    Lol. Well, I'm glad you guys are not attacking overweight people. :)

    No, not attacking. I'm overweight, too.

    Fat kid right here... still have over 90 pounds to lose
  • katb25
    katb25 Posts: 59 Member
  • katb25
    katb25 Posts: 59 Member
    ...Can people please give any advice/suggestions in plain-easy to understand english?
    Peanut Butter.




    LOL!!!!! Freakin hilarious!
  • ums3961
    ums3961 Posts: 20
    This site has a lot of information for how many calories, protien, etc a person needs daily. Go to the Best Diet Plan. Maybe that will help more than anything.Some people can eat 1200 calories a day and some need more. Because People are Different. People metabolism can be different due to age, etc. I hope this helps the girl thst is struggling! GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    ...Can people please give any advice/suggestions in plain-easy to understand english?
    Peanut Butter.




    LOL!!!!! Freakin hilarious!

    Well darn OP closed her diary. Not surprising. But if you got a chance to view it before she closed it, she's eating normally around 900 calories a day.

    Lunch was something like 2 oz of steak, 0.2 cups of corn (that's like 2 tablespoons....) and 1/4 cup of something else. No breakfast, an orange for a snack, and as little for dinner as for lunch.

    That's why the 'up portion' size comment from me....and probably why Quirky is saying she probably wants to come off as 'virtuous' (which I agree with) for not being able to eat 1200 calories.