new to exercising

As the title states im new to exercising and leading healthy life. I am overweight and way out of shape. What is the best way to start a exercise plan for someone so out of shape that syretching makes me exhausted.


  • Momf3boys
    Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
    Walking is a great form of exercise and a fantastic way to get started. You can start slow and as time goes on pick up the pace and pick up on the you start to lose weight you can add cardio but I think walking is a great start :)
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Walking is a great form of exercise and a fantastic way to get started. You can start slow and as time goes on pick up the pace and pick up on the you start to lose weight you can add cardio but I think walking is a great start :)

    Walk as far as fast as you can. Set goals for yourself. If you don't want to go out to walk Leslie Sansone has some great DVD's called Walk Away the Pounds you can do right in your home.
  • dmunnie2
    Sounds like walking is the way to go thanks for the help
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    I love Leslie Sansone's Walk off the pound's dvd's. You can look them up on Amazon or check them out at your local library. They can probably be found on you tube.
  • traceylynns
    traceylynns Posts: 155 Member
    Swimming is good to.
  • 30ismyyear
    30ismyyear Posts: 145 Member
    I agree, start by walking... I am too, very new to exercise and incredibly out of shape but I have an exercise bike in my house so I've started on that. It's easier than dealing with my coastal weather ;) I also found some good tips on pinterest... check it out if you want. I find it good to look at for motivation too!
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    :happy: Walking, or even sitting exercises. Also, it would be a good idea to start some sort of weight lifting now, even if it's just small weights. More muscle, higher metabolism! Add me! I have tons of useful info on weight loss!
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Start where you are and do as much as you can, but push yourself a little bit further every time.

    What I've found with fitness is that whatever you do (how much weight you lift, how fast you run, how long you can stay on the elliptical) doesn't matter. What matters is doing a little better every time.

    It also doesn't matter WHAT it is you do. I started out by doing the elliptical and bike at the gym until I'd built a bit of a cardio base, then I added in circuit training machines. Later, I started running by doing Couch to 5K, and then I ventured into the free weight area to do New Rules of Lifting.

    Starting is the important thing, and then you can figure out what motivates you to keep going.
  • kfesta52
    kfesta52 Posts: 98 Member
    A lot of people on MFP seem to have great luck with a program called Couch to 5K (C25K). The idea is to work your way slowly up to walking or running a 5K, starting at your current fitness level, whatever that may be. Many people stick with walking the workouts, and many others get running. If you need a program that will tell you what to do each day, that would be a good one. There's even an app.

    Good luck! :)
  • Fleeo
    Fleeo Posts: 2 Member
    I am the same. Starting and finding a routine is hard. I've started going for longer walks then usual but the thoughts of going to the gym is scary for me. I wouldn't know what to do with myself in the place as I have only used the treadmill.
  • dmunnie2
    Alot of great advice thanks for all the help
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Walking is a great form of exercise and a fantastic way to get started. You can start slow and as time goes on pick up the pace and pick up on the you start to lose weight you can add cardio but I think walking is a great start :)

    Walk as far as fast as you can. Set goals for yourself. If you don't want to go out to walk Leslie Sansone has some great DVD's called Walk Away the Pounds you can do right in your home.

    I agree and add my vote to both of these comments. Just get up off the couch and do something. Even if you just march in place during a TV show. Do it 4 times a week. And the next week. And the next week. When you start to feel comfortable, add on 10 more minutes.
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    Good luck on starting! It's the best thing you can do for yourself! Just remember to take it slow so you don't burn out or injure yourself & Listen to your body. Most importantly, it will be hard at first to get in the habit but stick with it!