Anybody else here with social anxiety?



  • terriblyn
    terriblyn Posts: 107 Member
    A few years ago, I went through a trauma and began to experience anxiety attacks. Seriously scary and then really annoying as they can come out of nowhere at just the wrong time...
    I found through the practice of sitting meditation, nearly all of the symptoms are relieved. Try it! It's free, and you can do it anywhere! Good luck on your journey! It will get better!!
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    Bleh. Yes. I've had it for some years & last year I was finally able to get myself off meds. It was a struggle but I didn't want to be dependent on them anymore - Xanax is a horrible thing that I wasn't warned about what it can do to you. I still have anxiety, but for the most part I'm able to keep in under control right now.

    I used to be the biggest social butterfly too. No one can really understand how I went from that, to barely being able to around more than a few people at a time - that I know personally. Strangers it's even worse.

    If you haven't already, get off caffeine. It'll help a boatload. You can also manage some through diet, but I'll leave it to a professional to talk to you about that. (And I'm not talking about a general practitioner. More often than not they'll keep trying to shove pills down your throat.)
  • titanium96
    titanium96 Posts: 153 Member
    I had it for a little while but depression is my demon!
  • dragonfly_em
    dragonfly_em Posts: 122 Member
    i just thought i've always been totally awkward and weird tho for the most part i'm quite happy in myself, so reading thru all this makes me realize i'm not alone and that i really need to take action and sort myself out coz it is so debilitating at times
  • BigBigBertha
    BigBigBertha Posts: 208 Member
  • symonspatrick
    symonspatrick Posts: 213 Member
    Yes. I have the same type of thoughts and feelings as you. I wish I had the quick fix for it but I am still dealing with it myself. I am glad you posted this though because somehow it feels comforting to know I am not the only one dealing with these issues.
  • 1990sophia1990
    1990sophia1990 Posts: 225 Member
    This is definitely me through and through!
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    I used to have severe social anxiety to the point of locking myself in my flat for months on end and only coming out to buy groceries.

    Luckily I have mostly overcome it now. I still get nervous in certain situations, but I think I function pretty well considering.

    I overcame it by analyzing my fears and then coming up with "assignments" that would force me to talk to people. Started out with not that scary situations and then went up and up to scarier and scarier things.
    I also practice meditation and mindfulness to keep my anxiety under control when I have to talk to people.
  • Rho_Ro
    Rho_Ro Posts: 201 Member
    I feel for every one of you. I have flare ups of my depression every now and then and am quite accepting of it now, although it has taken me years to work through. I recognise now that I've had mild anxiety on occasions as well.

    I'm not writing to tell you about me but more about my son who is now 27. His counselor told me last year that my son has severe anxiety. He was bullied a lot at school: at Intermediate school his class mates sat on his head while the others held him down (he's 6' 5" now); he retaliated against the bullies and the teacher put him out of the class; he was constantly called names. He was regularly unwell in Year 10 to the point that he was home most of the time. At one point he wouldn't go past the end of our driveway or get on a public bus. He then became angry most of the time. He left home and lived with other young people who had mental health issues in a supervised home. His grandmother died and he decided to go flatting. He got a job at a Cinema but eventually his doctor advised him not to go back because of his stress and anxiety. His anger got worse.

    Eventually he came across a wonderful doctor who listened to him and referred him to the Anxiety Clinic. His doctor at the Clinic explained to him that our thinking process has about three levels before you get to where you either take flight or fight (primitive man's response), however in his case he would go straight to the last one. He was put on a combination of drugs known as Californian rocket fuel - mirtazapine and venlafaxin - and they give him a 5 minute window where he has the opportunity to think about the incident and evaluate it and then decide whether to get angry or not. He does get frustrated and pissed off but he doesn't fly off the handle or have the massive anxiety attacks he used to have. He still sees his counselor but seems to be trying to wean himself off.

    I can see him being in control and well grounded within 5 years easily, maybe even a couple of years. He is presently giving up smoking which is just one step on the way to taking control of his life. I am very proud of him and think he is quite amazing.

    So there is definitely hope. The trick is to find the right path towards help. Ask your doctor about an Anxiety Clinic. The one my son went to was a government funded one. Ask your psychiatrist about Californian rocket fuel - we found a forum with comments from people who had been put on it, so have a look at their comments and remember this example. My son had an upset stomach from the word go and was tempted to give up, but one person on the forum said to stick with it no matter what for at least 4 weeks. At the end of the 4th week, the side effects stopped and he hasn't look back since.

  • 98777
    98777 Posts: 108 Member
    I've been dealing with severe social anxiety for my entire life. I know exactly what you're going through. I'm still struggling each day...
  • Dougf90
    Dougf90 Posts: 95 Member
    Yes, losing the weight helped a little but it still freaks me out being around people. I can workout for 90 minutes and still have more energy than I do after being around people for just 30 minutes... it's draining.

    Not sure if it will honestly get better without professional help, xanax has helped me in the past.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    You know...I made the connection like maybe 2 years ago that I have undiagnosed anxiety. I link it back to a **** ton of childhood drama and harsh criticisms from my parents. I later thought I had developed social anxiety...I hated going anywhere...and being in crowded areas caused me to go into minor panic attacks.

    Today, still undiagnosed...I get major panic attacks for no linked reasons, but I have contributed my social anxiety to my self esteem and poor body image. This is one reason why I want to look HOT so I don't feel so insecure around a group of people. :)

    I hope all the best on your journey. Start making your connections to what specifically triggers the panic when it happens and hopefully you will learn from it :)
  • AnnaMolly17
    AnnaMolly17 Posts: 91 Member
    I think facing your fears is the best way to get over something that makes you anxious. The more social situations you try and face, the more you will realize that it really isn't too big a deal, and feel more comfortable with situations. It's like the weight room for me. At first I felt really awkward and out of place, but the more I went, the more comfortable I felt.

    Best of luck to you!
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Necropost, but yes. I've been struggling with this my entire life. Online I talk and I'm interactive. In real life, unless I know you really well, I don't talk.
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    You are not alone, tho i can socialise with people on the internet and people who socialise with me, i find it almost impossible to approach people and definately not start a conversation most of the time (occasionaly like a split personality i have no issues) but the majority of the time my mouth clams up and my brain thinks of nothing to say other then negative thoughts.

    So i've spent most of my life avoiding close group parties and if i do i'll sit quietly in a corner.

    Alot of that could come from physical birth defects that made me a target for bullies most of my 40year life and even taken advantage of by so called best friends so i don't trust anyone. However if i know you well enough i'd get comfortable and open up it jsut takes alot to get there and easy to revert is the slightest thing goes ary.
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    Me. I used to have such extreme anxiety, I was home-schooled and rarely hung out with anyone or did anything where I had to interact with people. Then, I went WAY out of my comfort zone in college, joined all the clubs, forced myself to meet everyone on my floor, went up for jobs that forced me to interact with people...was I uncomfortable? HECK yes. But it eventually got better. MUCH better. And now I love people, and the anxiety comes less and less. It really is just practice. But sometimes I still do just need to hide in my room with my laptop and my cat, which is okay too. Because now I know when I have to be social it's not so anxiety causing as it used to be.
  • Alexfit12
    Alexfit12 Posts: 54
    I've had the same problem for many years, and sometimes still do. What helped me was a bunch of audioprograms about getting of shyness and social anxiety. I kept listening to them, till eventually I got addicted to audiobooks and slowly graduated to NLP, personal development and other types of those books.

    Now I'm doing pretty well and I'm working as a business negotiation trainer of all things. I still have moments when I go to the toilet just to have a moment of quiet to myself and on days I have to do group work from 9am to 10pm I feel overwhelmed. But considering how scared I used to be of any social gathering, I know I've made huge improvements.

    You may think this is bull****, but hypnosis recordings have also helped me. And hypnosis doesn't work as you might think or see on tv. If a pleasant voice is whispering in your ear every night that you're great and you can do this, eventually you start to believe it!

    You can add me if you need some advice or want me to suggest some audiobooks that might helps. You just put your headphones in and listen. And most of the time you feel better about yourself and what you're going through, because you learn to understand it, to accept it, and eventually to conquer it.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I was really bad with social anxiety for years. I'm getting better but sometimes some situations are overwhelming, I blush a lot when I talk to new people, sometimes I can't handle being at college because I become nervous for no reason.

    I found what helped me was when I started losing weight. Exercise helps so much, its unbelievable. Uses excess energy and gives you self confidence! I find that if I don't exercise one day I start over thinking and worry more.
  • CactusF1ower
    CactusF1ower Posts: 174 Member
    Bumping for a loved one that suffers from this took