Plus Size Barbies - Week 6



  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Challenge 3500 calories burned
    Monday - 619
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Starting Weight - 216.6
    Week 1 - goal: to be under 215 ACTUAL: 213.4
    Week 2 - goal: 210lbs/3.4lbs lost ACTUAL:212.6
    Week3- goal:Shooting for 210lbs again :D ACTUAL:210.4
    Week 4-goal:208lbs ACTUAL:208.6
    Week 5- goal:206lbs ACTUAL:208.0
    #lbs lost-8.6lbs
    #lbs to go-58.4lbs
    Week 6-goal: 206lbs

    So I have been Hardcore slacking the point of zero exercise last week...

    Thank you for a challenge to kick some butt!
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    Wahhhhhhhhh! :angry: I can't weigh in cause I'm on the road w/out a scale. Plus I worked 13 hours yesterday and didn't see the new thread posted and now I'm behind ON MY OWN CHALLENGE!

    Monday- 233 calories (bogus :grumble: )

    I'll post all my weight business next week when I can update it.
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    Wow this week challenge is no joke! i will do my best!

    Weigh in:
    Starting weight: 220lbs
    Week 1: goal- (218) Actual- 220lbs
    Week 2: goal- (218) Actual- 218.5 lbs
    Week 3: goal- (216) Actual- 218.5 lbs
    Week 4: goal- (217) Actual- 217.4 lbs
    Week 5: goal (215.4) Actual- 215.6 lbs
    # lbs lost: 4.4 lbs
    # lbs to go: lbs...wanna weigh 125 lbs

    Week 6 goal: 213 lbs
  • Rhoslynn
    Rhoslynn Posts: 20 Member
    So I kind of gave up last week, not sure what happened really, but I'm back now and going to go at it full force, so here we go :)

    Weigh in: 5/4/10
    Starting weight: 270.1
    Week 1: goal- 268 Actual- 268.7
    Week 2: goal- 266 Actual- 266.8
    Week 3: goal- 265 Actual- 266.1
    Week 4: missed
    Week 5: goal- 264 Actual- 267
    # lbs lost: 3.1
    Week 6: goal- 264

    I'm aiming for my same goal as the week before I quit, and I started Biggest Loser on the Wii which is a tough workout but I feel great afterward, so I can do this! We all can do this!

    Challenge: Burn 3500 Calories
    Monday: 422 calories
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Monday - 313
  • Betten
    Betten Posts: 41 Member
    The scale moved!! I said yesterday I felt like it was going to start! And today i woke up and got in the scale expecting to see the same "201.whatever" and it said 200.8!!! I know it doesn't seem like a lot but I have been doing really good and the scale hasn't budged until today! =)
  • NewMe80xoxo
    NewMe80xoxo Posts: 172
    BAD NEWS: I did the Biggest Loser Cardio Max DVD yesterday and I think I did something wrong b/c now I'm so sore I can't hardly walk or sit..and bending over is out of the question. I know what its like to be sore form working out from when I used to go to the gym and it didnt feel like this. I did a little walk this morning around a local park and lake. and Hopefully I will get my night mile in..This week I'm going to keep doing my miles only b/c I gotta be in tip top shape next week to start the C25K with sweetie!!!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    What areas are sore?
  • cbnorris
    cbnorris Posts: 204 Member
    Starting Weight - 193.4 (3/29)
    Week 1 - goal 2 lbs, weight 190.8 - 2.6 lbs (4/5)
    Week 2 - goal: 1.8 lbs, weight 190.2 - 0.6 lbs (4/12)
    Week 3 - goal: 1.6 lbs, weight 186.8 - 3.4 lbs (4/19)
    Week 4 - goal: 1.8 lbs , did not weigh
    Week 5 - no goal set, weight 183.6 - 3.2 lbs (5/3)
    # lbs LOST: 9.8 lbs
    # lbs TO GO: 43.6lbs
    Week 6 - goal: 1.6 lbs
  • NewMe80xoxo
    NewMe80xoxo Posts: 172
    My upper thighs and my butt cheeks on the sides!!! GRRR!!! I'm really trying not to give in to them!~
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    NewMe: Do some stretching! I had the same thing happen to me when I started Slim In 6. Just keep going it will get better.When are you starting c25k? I want to start too!
  • tinabosquez
    tinabosquez Posts: 107
    Are we supposed to log it in here too?

    Walking, 3.0 mph, mod. pace, walking dog 33 minutes 242 calories
    Bicycling, <10 mph, leisure (cycling, biking, bike riding) 30 minutes 270 calories
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Challenge 3500 calories burned
    Monday - 619
    Tuesday - 650 (total 1269)
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I'm pissed. I was really excited for this challenge and I just can't do it this week.

    I left for work before 6am and didn't get back to my room until 9:30pm. I am just phyically exhausted and would love to try to push myself to workout but I have to be back to work by 5:30am tomorrow (in 7.5 hours). I've had 35 minutes personal time today. 55 if you include my 20 min treadmill walk at 4am which was literaly the maximum amount of time I could spend without being late for work.

    On top of that my brain is still thinking I'm on central time even though Knoxville is eastern so I feel like I worked out at 3AM, after 5 hours of sleep , followed up by 15 hours of work, without taking a lunch break (brought food to work to eat while continuing to work).

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Need to go to sleep so I can do it all over again tomorrow. :explode:

    If the challenge was to burn 500 calories every 48 hours I'm right on track.
    Monday 200ish
    Tuesday 300ish
    Or vise versa. I'm so tired right now I'm not even sure anymore. Night ladies. :frown:
  • momieof2
    momieof2 Posts: 98
    I'm pissed. I was really excited for this challenge and I just can't do it this week.

    I left for work before 6am and didn't get back to my room until 9:30pm. I am just phyically exhausted and would love to try to push myself to workout but I have to be back to work by 5:30am tomorrow (in 7.5 hours). I've had 35 minutes personal time today. 55 if you include my 20 min treadmill walk at 4am which was literaly the maximum amount of time I could spend without being late for work.

    On top of that my brain is still thinking I'm on central time even though Knoxville is eastern so I feel like I worked out at 3AM, after 5 hours of sleep , followed up by 15 hours of work, without taking a lunch break (brought food to work to eat while continuing to work).

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Need to go to sleep so I can do it all over again tomorrow. :explode:

    If the challenge was to burn 500 calories every 48 hours I'm right on track.
    Monday 200ish
    Tuesday 300ish
    Or vise versa. I'm so tired right now I'm not even sure anymore. Night ladies. :frown:

    You should be really proud of yourself! You are still working out! You’re not using it as excuse. Good for you!:happy:
    Hang in there! When will your schedule get back to normal?
  • momieof2
    momieof2 Posts: 98
    :heart: Challenge: Burn 3500 calories this week through exercise:heart:
    Monday - 694 Calories
    Tuesday - 440 Calories
    Wednesday -
    Thursday -
    Friday -
    Saturday -
    Sunday –

    Total: 1134 / To Go: 2366
  • momieof2
    momieof2 Posts: 98
    NewMe: Do some stretching! I had the same thing happen to me when I started Slim In 6. Just keep going it will get better.When are you starting c25k? I want to start too!

    Um what is c25k???? I do Slim in 6 too and love it!!
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I'm pissed. I was really excited for this challenge and I just can't do it this week.

    I left for work before 6am and didn't get back to my room until 9:30pm. I am just phyically exhausted and would love to try to push myself to workout but I have to be back to work by 5:30am tomorrow (in 7.5 hours). I've had 35 minutes personal time today. 55 if you include my 20 min treadmill walk at 4am which was literaly the maximum amount of time I could spend without being late for work.

    On top of that my brain is still thinking I'm on central time even though Knoxville is eastern so I feel like I worked out at 3AM, after 5 hours of sleep , followed up by 15 hours of work, without taking a lunch break (brought food to work to eat while continuing to work).

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Need to go to sleep so I can do it all over again tomorrow. :explode:

    If the challenge was to burn 500 calories every 48 hours I'm right on track.
    Monday 200ish
    Tuesday 300ish
    Or vise versa. I'm so tired right now I'm not even sure anymore. Night ladies. :frown:

    You should be really proud of yourself! You are still working out! You’re not using it as excuse. Good for you!:happy:
    Hang in there! When will your schedule get back to normal?

    12 hour drive home on Friday. So Saturday. Can't wait to sleep in my own bed!
  • XcarlyX
    XcarlyX Posts: 26
    It's gunna be harddd lol but Im so in for it lol i cant waitt go fom plus size barbie to bikini barbie
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