
I just signed up for my first Zumba class. It is an 8-week program, once a week. Is there anything I should know before going to my first class? What should I take with me?


  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    First and foremost - enjoy!

    Take with you? Wear comfy clothes, and take a towel and plenty of water.

    Make sure your shoes don't have too much tread, either - there's a lot of twisting and pivoting moves in zumba, and too much tread will hurt your knees.

    There's plenty of videos on YouTube if you want to get a flavour of the routines in classes from all over.

    Have fun :)
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    Yeah, I've seen a lot of videos, and heard a lot of people like it... so I finally got the courage to sign up for a class... how much water should I take?
  • NaeNaeJanae
    NaeNaeJanae Posts: 261 Member
    I usually need to refill my 32 oz water bottle once during my 90 min zumba class. Wear good shoes, and shake your groove thing!!!! Have fun and laugh! I usually bounce off the girls around me, even after 1 year! ha ha! Sadly, they are used to it now. :)
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    Thanks! I will definitely be sure to take water. Would it be beneficial to me to wear my heart rate monitor to see how much I burn? Does anybody else do this?
  • I love Zumba and have been doing classes since last August.

    Don't worry about being a klutz, everyone starts at the beginning! I think learning the foot moves first is better, then worry about adding arms. Ask your instructor if you get stuck, they can help you :)

    I drink a 32 oz bottle in my 50 minute class. Definitely take a towel. I've also had more comfort since I changed to the drywick kind of athletic wear because even now I still hate to sweat.

    Shoes with little tread is a must. I started with normal athletic shoes but eventually purchased some dance sneakers meant for dance exercise.

    I wear a BodyMediaFit LINK armband 23 hours a day and it definitely helps challenge me. When I started Zumba I was burning about 300-350 calories per class. Now I am around 475-550 per class.

    I started at 2 nights a week, then changed to 3 mornings a week, now I go to class 3x a week and do Zumba Wii fitness at home 2x a week.

    Enjoy, have fun and dance because no one is watching you so don't worry about them!
  • i do zumba at home and love it !!!!! you will need towel water and just have fun don't get upset if you don't do the moves prefect the main thing is you are up and moving thats what they say in the videos the are easy and fun dances i my self love the toning dvd and the rush 29 min work out ....just have fun and good luck
  • altinker
    altinker Posts: 173
    Definitely wear an HRM. There are estimates all over the place that say everyone burns 1000 cals an hour. I just do Zumba at home, and I range between 350 and 500 an hour, depending on intensity and effort I put into it.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    Thanks! I will definitely be sure to take water. Would it be beneficial to me to wear my heart rate monitor to see how much I burn? Does anybody else do this?

    Yes, take it.. I just found out the one I went too yesterday with a new instructor is VERY low impact and not worth going for me..
  • HeavenLeAngel127
    HeavenLeAngel127 Posts: 211 Member
    Try out different instructors, each has their own style.
    Some stick primarily to salsa and such moves (personally not my fav but I know a few girls who love it)
    Some have a little bit more of a hip hip flow... (I get down:wink: )
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    Try out different instructors, each has their own style.
    Some stick primarily to salsa and such moves (personally not my fav but I know a few girls who love it)
    Some have a little bit more of a hip hip flow... (I get down:wink: )

    I am with you on that.. all my clubbing days come in handy for Zumba.. :)
  • nettip
    nettip Posts: 113 Member
    I love zumba tone classes, take water and and go the loo before you start the class, due to my upped water intake when i started i was always running of mid class for a wee lol
  • brunetteavoxgirl
    brunetteavoxgirl Posts: 88 Member
    Definitely wear an HRM. There are estimates all over the place that say everyone burns 1000 cals an hour. I just do Zumba at home, and I range between 350 and 500 an hour, depending on intensity and effort I put into it.
    I think that depends on your weight. I wore my HRM this morning in Zumba, and I burned 780something calories. That being said, my weight is waywayway higher than I want it to be, soooooo.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    the new instructor that I went to was low intensity.. I didn't even burn 400 cals yesterday...LOL..I do more on the Wii Zumba..
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    Thanks everyone for the help. Taking this class is way out of my comfort zone, but I am trying to branch out and try new things. I hope to have fun, and it may lead to more Zumba classes in the future. We'll see... :wink:
  • I just started Zumba last week and I'm addicted. I was very sore after the first class. The classes afterwards were great. i feel great after doing a 60 minute class. Have fun!!!!
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    Definitely wear your HRM. I just started a second weekly class and this girl is REALLY high impact so I burn about 100 cals more than my normal class. Also if you do a home one, I found that I burn about 200 cals less than in class.
  • I'm trying Zimbabwe for the first time tomorrow too and looking forward to it :) I'm doing to increase my exercise levels but also a way too meet new people. hope your session goes well
  • *zumba Damn auto correct!
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    First off enjoy yourself and have fun with it. Ive been doing Zumba about 7 months now ( 1-2 times a week classes) and have tried different styles of instructors so if you find this one is too fast etc for you always keep trying a different one.

    1. Bring a bottle of water or 2
    2. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes that move easily...alot of tread can hurt the knees
    3. Bring a sweat towel
    4. Believe me NO ONE is watching you so just do what you can and keep moving. Dont worry about looking silly etc no one is ever doing the same thing in a class lol.
    5. If you have a HRM wear it. I usually burn anywhere from 350-500 cals depending on how much i am moving and what songs we are doing.

    Have fun is the most important thing of all!
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    Thanks everyone for the help. Taking this class is way out of my comfort zone, but I am trying to branch out and try new things. I hope to have fun, and it may lead to more Zumba classes in the future. We'll see... :wink:

    I was the same way ...stayed in the back of the class for the longest time. Now i am in the front and i even put myself further out of my comfort zone doing a zumba performance in the middle of our Mall on a stage!!