Any tips of sticking with the program?



  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    For me, what's been working is to not let it become a shame mechanism. I have the habit of getting into something, getting discouraged when I slip up, and then falling out of it. So telling myself, "You'll eff it up, and that's no reason to stop," has helped me.

    From there, when I see days that I went over explosively (like yesterday, going out to dinner and drinking with friends) I can say, "Okay, that was a blast, but I don't want to do that again tomorrow."
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    Really concentrate on your food diary for the first few weeks. It will amaze you to lose weight even with NO exercise if your diary is on track. Plan ahead whenever you can--if you plan a meal out-adjust the rest of your day to accommodate the foods you want to eat. Portion control is key. After your diary and food is tracking adding exercise will boost your loss and allow you the occasional treat food. Good luck-this is the EASIEST plan I have ever followed. :smile:
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    log in everyday even if you only quick add your calories. Make friends to share the journey. Just keep chipping away at it and eventually you will get to your goal.
  • Marilyn2303
    Marilyn2303 Posts: 91 Member
    In addition to tracking everthing I eat. Whether it be a full meal or a nibble of something, I check out these message boards, am in a few groups on facebook and follow another program that compliments this fine. Another motivator is go out and buy a new outfit, a size smaller than you normally wear. You'll be amazed with how quick it will fit you. I'm lucky where I live we have a discount and used clothiing store you can pick a pair of jeans for $3 and a shirt for $4 so it makes it easy and cheap.
  • Don't overcomplicate things. If your goal is weight loss, eat at a calorie deficit and hit your macros.
  • rubyrubyruby1
    rubyrubyruby1 Posts: 4 Member
    Allow yourself some cheat days or cheat foods and don't log it, it just makes you feel guilty to see that you indulged on a 500 cal piece of cake but sometimes you need to do it!
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    all of these are great ideas. I think the point is, use ALL the weapons in your arsenal.. if it motivates you to see photos of people with bodies you'd like to strive for help, post them around... if charting your progress through photographs or slide shows every month, or every weigh day help, take or make them... if you think it's fun to fiddle with apps on a phone use one.. I really reccomend a heart rate monitor and a good kitchen scale as bare minimums.
  • FionaDFair
    FionaDFair Posts: 125 Member
    There are some great tips here! I started last year and wasn't very strict with it. I logged every day, except during trips with my husband. We were supposed to be relaxing and having fun, so logging food was put aside just for those few days.

    This year I've nearly cut out soda all together, diet or regular. I've been doing my best to drink at least the recommended 8 glasses of water a day. I bring my water bottle to work and fill it on my breaks. Being well hydrated seems to help me avoid soda. I will allow myself a soda once a week if I want it.

    I also started going to the gym about three times a week with a friend. That has made a big difference. I feel strong and energized after working out at the gym. The advice about having a cheat day seems good too. I'll eat the foods that aren't necessarily healthful ones, still trying to keep the portion reasonable. I do log those foods and remind myself that it's just that day. Balance and commitment are important.
  • MrsBerto
    MrsBerto Posts: 2 Member
    I love this tip! I am going to try it :)
    Thank you
  • aakokopelli7
    aakokopelli7 Posts: 196 Member
    My number one, is find friends on here that you can make a real life connection with. That makes you care about them and what they are doing and in turn they care about you! Getting know and making real friends with people on here will keep you coming back. It's take 21 days to make a habit of something. Stick with it. When you start seeing results you will start to fall in love with this place. I LOVE MFP, and a lot of the people on it. This makes weight loss so fun!
  • Join a group and get some MFP friends. When you read their progress - diet and exercise diaries - it will help to motivate you and give you ideas. Send me a friend request if you want! Good Luck!!
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    I will tell you it's no easy task as you know. First hold yourself accountable, then make friends and hold them accountable. Change things up try different foods, different exercises. I read lots of books, online stuff and watch diet programs. I have stopped dieting over the years one after the other. I'm at 205 days on here today and still going strong. You can do it...set your mind to do it. Add me as a friend for support.
  • Jaws20
    Jaws20 Posts: 2 Member
    BRUSH YOUR TEETH- no I am not saying you have bad breath or anything like that but one trick I use is to brush my teeth when I am feeling hungry or craving food. Food never tastes good after brushing your teeth and 9 times out of 10 it does the trick or takes my mind off of food long enough to get by. I even have a toothbrush and toothpaste at work now. Good luck & I hope this tip helps.
  • Yes this exactly what got me through my first couple of weeks..Being consistent with logging my food everyday made me accountable for my food and seeing the calories made me want to make better choices to stay within my calorie goal for the day..I also read all the success stories everyday and have friends on here to hear their encouraging words and struggles which also helps..The first week or so is always the toughest but once your body gets use to all the healthier foods you will no longer crave the bad things so much..On here everybody is after ther same thing which is getting more healthy and fighting through the daily struggles of the temptations of "junk food" lol..take it one day at a time and just log everything and MFP basically does all the rest of the work for you..Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me for support :)
  • sigsby
    sigsby Posts: 220 Member
    All good advice. I simply made loging my food and exercise a part of my routine. I weigh myself first thing every morning and log it. Go have my coffee and log it. So on and so forth throughout the day. You have to really want it. After a while you will find great foods that are low in calories and it gets even easier.
  • debdatchp
    debdatchp Posts: 3 Member
    Everyone is different. Some people work better under pressure and set up challenges for themselves. Others (myself included) don't do well under pressure, at least not with dieting, and so a gentler approach is in order. If you fall off the horse, get right back on. Get lots of friends to cheer you on. You'll find a bunch of us here for each other. The next is to find go-to foods so in a weak moment, if you're going to fall off the horse again, you might able to stay on the horse by choosing a food you enjoy that is a much lesser evil than some other foods.

    My husband teaches psychology at a nearby college and some 4-letter-words he says never to use are "don't" and "Can't." It is not good to deny yourself. You'll only want that thing more. It's simple psychology - and it starts right from infancy... So if you really want a cookie, have a cookie, only do your best to keep it to one. Dr. Oz said on a recent show that once a week you should enjoy a day where you can eat whatever you want. He named it "Faturday." He said it helps regulate the metabolism better. Just make sure you keep it to one Faturday a week.

    I didn't have a lot of weight to lose, maybe about 20 lbs. I've chosen the slow and steady route, and have lost 14 lbs in about 10 months. There is no shame in that. In fact many professional say that people are more likely to keep it off by taking it off slowly. So determine the type of person you are, and whether you respond better to pressure or a more relaxed approach, and then tailor your path accordingly.

    COOKBOOKS I highly recommend with yummy recipes without sacrificing richness and flavor are: Rocco DiSpirito's Now Eat This, and Now Eat This Diet (I just enjoy the recipes, and ignore the diet) and the Cook This Not That series. Great recipes, delicious, nutritious, high protein and low calorie. ENJOY!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    BRUSH YOUR TEETH- no I am not saying you have bad breath or anything like that but one trick I use is to brush my teeth when I am feeling hungry or craving food. Food never tastes good after brushing your teeth and 9 times out of 10 it does the trick or takes my mind off of food long enough to get by. I even have a toothbrush and toothpaste at work now. Good luck & I hope this tip helps.

    True. Sometimes I suck on a mentholyptus cough drop while in the kitchen preparing a meal - nothing tastes good with those things!
  • Great advice, I'm getting better at logging everything in and it does keep me accountable.
  • Plan your main meals for the week ahead, work out if they will fit your calorie allowance, think about what low calorie snacks you are also going to have and only buy the ingredients or meals that are on your list. If its not in the cupboard you can't eat it.

    If your lacking inspiration visit recipes sites with healthy eating features. Many will guide you with calories per serving. I love

    Log on and record everyday before you go to bed. Once it is logged and your in bed you really have to resist midnight snacks and the pain of logging on again and confessing.

    I agree with many on this topic, read the success stories. You can do it too. I have lost half a stone in under a month, and saved money on food wastage. Theres no magic its logging on to mfp, planning my meals in advance, stick to the plan, portion control and exercise.
    Best of luck
  • mteller04
    mteller04 Posts: 9 Member
    Surround yourself with lots of friends on here, remove all the snack food and unhealthy stuff from your house and track, track, track! That's what got me to this point :)