getting into this too fast?



  • Otter1422
    Otter1422 Posts: 162 Member
    I think you are the only one that can say if the changes you are making are too fast for you or not. Just do what you feel you can handle and be happy with the fact that you are doing better than you use to. I started out just walking when everyday in the 20-30 minute range and eating a little healthier. Now I am in the gym everyday for some pretty intense workouts and trying pretty hard to watch my eating. I just started The Body for Life Challenge. Biggest thing is be happy you have chosen to make a change. Feel good about yourself for that and even if you have a slip up day or two that is OK remember everyday used to be a slip up day before you chose to change your habits. Good luck!
  • justjo83
    justjo83 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks to all you kind people. I feel very welcomed here - and guess what? I decided to give your suggestions some thought and you are absolutely right. Going on a strict no carb diet isn't for me. It isn't for anyone. I feel like barfing after eating all that bacon, chicken, and fish today. I DEVOURED an entire cup of pineapple because of it! I saw that can in the pantry and went for it.

    From now on its balance, balance, balance. I'm literally nauseated from all that meat I ate today and I LOVE meat. But I want to cut most of it out to make room for tasty green beans, spinach, pineapple, cabbage, oh and my favorite and the biggest low carb no-no ever, GRAPEFRUIT!

    Thanks friends!

    That's really good to hear. I think you are on a great start to sucess. I wish you the best of luck!