Tell the person above you some constructive advice?



  • myers0machine
    Okay first of your glowing which shows to anyone your happy and for-filled in life at the moment either that or you just had some amazing sex one or the other I don't care I would say you are little over weight so make sure you are tracking your Marcos on a daily basis stay clear of the processed foods and fizzy drinks keep it clean (not int he bedroom tho dont want to risk losing that glow) your be a sexy sexy curvy women in no time just don't mistake fat as sexy curvy women you will be your never be pole thin but you can have low bodyfat train hard train your muscle and believe me your be rocking a look women will kill to have
  • ShadowMinx
    ShadowMinx Posts: 38 Member
    I have cut out soda and all that garbage since I was 15.
  • MomiTia
    MomiTia Posts: 94 Member
    You dont seem a minx at all :) might wanna rethink!
  • fuzzieme
    fuzzieme Posts: 454 Member
    All I can think to say is have the little girl hold on with both hands. But I don't mean that, because she's obviously in good hands. Just couldn't find anything wrong here :D
  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    This is the weirdest thread I have ever seen, and that is saying something.
  • myers0machine
    Suggesting something supernatural; uncanny: "the weird crying of a seal".
    A person's destiny.
    Induce a sense of disbelief or alienation in someone.
    Yet you still found yourself reading and adding a comment therefore showing us a whole lot I would say you look like a happy women but behind that smile I see lot of stress a women who is confused maybe women who doesn't want to face her age see lot of worries not to do with how you look but family problems maybe but back to your body can't see much of it but goin by your profile picture and neck line etc can see you are almost there few more pounds to loss stay on track try to eat as clean as you can keep working out and in time ya reach you goal
  • bananapancakebella
    Remember not to get too obsessed. Take some time to have fun! You seem to have things together, so my advice is to remember to relax and spend time with the people you love.
  • LouMonoLou
    Don't be afraid to tell what you feel and show your feelings.
  • koridoobah
    koridoobah Posts: 38 Member
    tuck your hair hair behind your ears... let that pretty face show!
  • Tennolina
    Tennolina Posts: 2,413
    Keep up the positive attitude. Never stop being grateful! :)
  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    Wow. That was uncanny. ...cue Twilight Zone music. Dude, I know at your age you think you are all kinds of perceptive, but isn't the fact that most of the responses are "yeah, really don't know what to say" a tipoff about the thread? If you need a platform, why don't you stick to your blog or maybe start a newsletter at your gym. THAT is my constructive advice to you.
  • Jennicia
    Jennicia Posts: 479 Member
    NEVER, EVER GIVE UP!!! To the original poster.....You are very educated and I actually appreciate true, genuine honesty.
  • RobfromLakewood

    is something we think we are doing for others, but it really helps ourselves. It allows us to let go of resentments and resentment is like taking poison and expecting the object of our resentment to die.

    (On a specific note to the person above me, this in no way implies you don't follow this principal, but I find this to be just generally good constructive advice. From your pictures, you've seemed to have reached your goal of 'Hot Mom')
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    don't fry bacon naked

    It has less calories if you do it this way, for reals!!
  • myers0machine
    Wow. That was uncanny. ...cue Twilight Zone music. Dude, I know at your age you think you are all kinds of perceptive, but isn't the fact that most of the responses are "yeah, really don't know what to say" a tipoff about the thread? If you need a platform, why don't you stick to your blog or maybe start a newsletter at your gym. THAT is my constructive advice to you.
    Wow. That was uncanny. ...cue Twilight Zone music. Dude, I know at your age you think you are all kinds of perceptive, but isn't the fact that most of the responses are "yeah, really don't know what to say" a tipoff about the thread? If you need a platform, why don't you stick to your blog or maybe start a newsletter at your gym. THAT is my constructive advice to you.

    If you wish to talk then message me if you wish to play the GAME then play I will explain the idea of the game is as followed tell the person above you some constructive advice you can't just miss people out and jump to me but I have said if you wish to talk then message me be more then happy to talk to you and there we go using the word dude hmmm okay maybe I do think I am all kinds of perceptive as you say maybe I am not but age is a number why would it matter and clearly as you can tell this is a middle finger up to all the up them vain warriors out there and all the silly topics on this site my favourite "rate me o please rate every ones a 10" arhhh no how can so many be so false so thought would try something new and clearly people like yourself love being told lies so to make you sleep better tonight yes I rate you a 10 wow you look amazing

    And I train at home has I don't need to show of I don't need to pay the gym money when I can train for free simple really but anyways hope you understand the game try best not to miss a person out again :) and for someone who ain't liking the thread your sure are refreshing the page a lot :)

    Some can some cant handle the truth shame it has affected you in such a way o well good bye

    Can't please everyone I guess but come on peeps lets keep the truth coming :) dont cry about it if you can post you most be able to handle the fed back :)
  • myers0machine

    Looking a little over weight and probably best to stay away from the bacon To lose fat, you need to create a caloric deficit. Meaning, you need to be BELOW your calorie maintenance level so that you end up burning more calories than you consume. When that happens, your stored body fat will be burned for energy instead.
    Eat healthy – reduce the amount of overly processed foods such as take-aways and fast food and incorporate whole and fresh food.
    K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple, Stupid) – There is no reason to get lost in a myriad of fad diets, overly complicated protocols and number crunching. Keep it simple and relax.
    Move Around – By this I mean either go to the gym, go for a walk or whatever it is that will get you moving about. The benefits of moving around far outweigh the benefits of sitting on the couch for hours on end.
    Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself – So you had a take-away or went out for a meal and couldn’t control what you were eating (as in how it was prepared and what was included in it), so what? One meal won’t ruin any progress and can sometimes benefit you as I have mentioned here.
    Start Small - Small changes will be easier for you to cope with than a complete overhaul from day 1
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    The aim of your game is for the person above to comment, not YOU comment on everyone else's posts!!! Stop preaching and concentrate on your insecure personality man, jesus, reading what you're putting is cringe worthy!!!!!


    Looking a little over weight and probably best to stay away from the bacon To lose fat, you need to create a caloric deficit. Meaning, you need to be BELOW your calorie maintenance level so that you end up burning more calories than you consume. When that happens, your stored body fat will be burned for energy instead.
    Eat healthy – reduce the amount of overly processed foods such as take-aways and fast food and incorporate whole and fresh food.
    K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple, Stupid) – There is no reason to get lost in a myriad of fad diets, overly complicated protocols and number crunching. Keep it simple and relax.
    Move Around – By this I mean either go to the gym, go for a walk or whatever it is that will get you moving about. The benefits of moving around far outweigh the benefits of sitting on the couch for hours on end.
    Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself – So you had a take-away or went out for a meal and couldn’t control what you were eating (as in how it was prepared and what was included in it), so what? One meal won’t ruin any progress and can sometimes benefit you as I have mentioned here.
    Start Small - Small changes will be easier for you to cope with than a complete overhaul from day 1
  • justgowithit17
    justgowithit17 Posts: 1,392 Member
    The aim of your game is for the person above to comment, not YOU comment on everyone else's posts!!! Stop preaching and concentrate on your insecure personality man, jesus, reading what you're putting is cringe worthy!!!!!


    Looking a little over weight and probably best to stay away from the bacon To lose fat, you need to create a caloric deficit. Meaning, you need to be BELOW your calorie maintenance level so that you end up burning more calories than you consume. When that happens, your stored body fat will be burned for energy instead.
    Eat healthy – reduce the amount of overly processed foods such as take-aways and fast food and incorporate whole and fresh food.
    K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple, Stupid) – There is no reason to get lost in a myriad of fad diets, overly complicated protocols and number crunching. Keep it simple and relax.
    Move Around – By this I mean either go to the gym, go for a walk or whatever it is that will get you moving about. The benefits of moving around far outweigh the benefits of sitting on the couch for hours on end.
    Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself – So you had a take-away or went out for a meal and couldn’t control what you were eating (as in how it was prepared and what was included in it), so what? One meal won’t ruin any progress and can sometimes benefit you as I have mentioned here.
    Start Small - Small changes will be easier for you to cope with than a complete overhaul from day 1

    ben, lol he is giving you some good advice :p anyways, you should smile in your proffy pic
  • myers0machine
    Sadly my friend well not my friend clearly but indeed my aim of this game is to start a war keyboard warriors at the ready funny how so many people grown men grow big and I mean big hairy balls when am the computer as some one like you would not even dream of saying a word out of line to me in person just head down and walk on but over a computer you seem to grow some balls hmm well I am the insecure man as you can see I love winding people up started this tread cause I can you however could of picked not to post but you did so what did you want to hear back not another one okay your a ten wow you look amazing so thin wow keep it up buddy

    Come on peeps handle the advice better haha

    /justgowithit17 you look fun and out going would say try to keep of the alcohol I no it be hard :) and keep of the junk no sweeties for you will clear up your skin but what I can see would say few more pounds of and your be there pretty healthy women overall little beauty so keep make up to minimum :)

    /anifani4 was wondering when some one would pick up on that Though school having dyslexia(not the greatest word to spell bit of goggle to help me there)of course didn't get the teaching which is around now so didnt show up to school much so sadly lots of basic knowledge and leaving school at young age didnt help but still no reason not to and of course I have been goin thought private training and am getting better aside for being bored this is why am on here but yes unlike most it would take me a great deal of time to write with punctuation but I do try and will continue to typry but for now am being lazy :) forgive me
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    Options could stand to learn how to use punctuation.