Argh! How to stop a craving?

My goodness I am severely craving battered sausage and chips from the chip shop :(
How do you stop your cravings?


  • Swedgen
    Swedgen Posts: 29
    Drink water, tea, brush your teeth. When I have really bad cravings I'll snack on a couple of rice cakes.
  • becki101_4
    becki101_4 Posts: 47 Member
    Try getting out of the house for a while, drinking lots of water, or eating something small but super filling. But honestly, for myself, if I want something really super badly I ignore all those suggestions and just give in to the craving.
  • jennmariepantoja
    jennmariepantoja Posts: 145 Member
    I had a really bad craving earlier today and I made myself a protein shake.
    Surprisingly, it did the trick!
  • Ashiieepuff
    A spoonful of peanut butter and chug a bottle of water for me! Helps me not go overboard since the peanut butter sticks in my mouth so much
  • KayteeB07
    KayteeB07 Posts: 341
    Thanks everyone :D
    I decided on a cup of diet hot chocolate which has 40 cals in x
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Try making a healthier version at home. You get exactly what you were craving, and still are able to stay healthy.
  • 3005newkid
    The peanut butter works for me too...or calling my friend who is doing MFP with me. I drove by DQ twice yesterday desperately wanting a Blizzard...kept driving though. If you can withstand it for a few minutes, it will pass...and YOU WILL CLAIM VICTORY! And may have to have another work out to get rid of the calories!
  • jkmiller82
    jkmiller82 Posts: 214 Member
    I had to look up exactly what a battered sausage was and I have to say I don't blame you one bit, haha! If it keeps nagging at you, go with a friend and share the plate. Don't deny yourself anything. Just use moderation. Once you've eaten half, log it and take a few laps around the block. I looked the calorie count up and it really doesn't look terrible if you split it. Consider it a treat and move on.

    I also agree with TheRealParisL on finding a way to make it at home for less calories.
  • stephgas
    stephgas Posts: 159 Member
    I had to look up exactly what a battered sausage was and I have to say I don't blame you one bit, haha! If it keeps nagging at you, go with a friend and share the plate. Don't deny yourself anything. Just use moderation. Once you've eaten half, log it and take a few laps around the block. I looked the calorie count up and it really doesn't look terrible if you split it. Consider it a treat and move on.

    I also agree with TheRealParisL on finding a way to make it at home for less calories.

    this. denying yourself things will make the cravings all that worse the next time around. i like the idea of taking a friend to share the plate - have a salad first to start filling you up, and split up the plate straight away. or order it yourself and put half in a take away box immediately.

    i also like finding similar recipes to make at home. i used to love love love this cheddar cheese soup from one place, but it was so bad for me! i recently found a potato soup that tastes so good and reminds me of it. i stir a small handful of low fat cheese into it, sprinkle on some scallions, a few bacon bits - and YUM!
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I have fixes for both salty & sweet that work for me, depending on what I'm wanting. I keep a banana in the freezer in case I'm craving icecream (blend it up in the food processor- just like soft ice cream), for salty or crunchy I have pop chips or the new pepperidge farm cracker chips (so good) or veggies with greek yogurt that i've mixed ranch dressing mix into. Its about finding something that satisfies the need. If that doesn't work, allow yourself a treat meal once a week and plan to have the battered sausage & chips (yum btw) then you have something to look forward to. :)
  • amandacowan1978
    amandacowan1978 Posts: 50 Member
    I like the advice to try rocking that at home. I don't like the idea of never giving into a craving, but I can see where that one is a tough one.

    Or if making it at home isn't an option and distracting yourself isn't either, perhaps you can take a pal along and split an order, along with a salad?

    good luck!
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    If I have the calories in my budget, I indulge a little. If I don't have enough calories I chew gum, brush my teeth or listerine mouthwash. The gum is bubblemint for sweet cravings and I'll chew it until my jaw hurts haha. The toothpaste and listerine make food taste nasty and that knowledge makes it less appealing.