**Question's Only**



  • Gremlinz
    Gremlinz Posts: 3,259 Member
    Do you know that few women have done that?
  • Jonesingmucho
    Jonesingmucho Posts: 4,902 Member
    Would you believe that I'm not surprised since I imagine you make women blush with your smooth Canadian moves? eh?
  • Gremlinz
    Gremlinz Posts: 3,259 Member
    Mmmm.... guilty as charged?
  • Jonesingmucho
    Jonesingmucho Posts: 4,902 Member
    LOL mmmmhmmmm
    May I pour you another Ruah?
  • Gremlinz
    Gremlinz Posts: 3,259 Member
    Would you please?
  • Jonesingmucho
    Jonesingmucho Posts: 4,902 Member
    So...while we sip...how was your day Jer?
  • Gremlinz
    Gremlinz Posts: 3,259 Member
    Would you believe it was pretty good for the most part?

    How about you?
  • highheeldiva01
    highheeldiva01 Posts: 1,206 Member
    who is this guy and what did i walk into?
  • Jonesingmucho
    Jonesingmucho Posts: 4,902 Member
    Can I say I had a good day too?

    And Jer, could you let pkdiva in on the thread while I grab water?
  • Gremlinz
    Gremlinz Posts: 3,259 Member
    I dont want to say "dont you know who I am", but... don't you know who I am?
  • Gremlinz
    Gremlinz Posts: 3,259 Member
    who is this guy and what did i walk into?

    Who are you?
  • I know who u are but do u know me?
  • Gremlinz
    Gremlinz Posts: 3,259 Member
    Are you the one who keeps calling me and hanging up?
  • highheeldiva01
    highheeldiva01 Posts: 1,206 Member
    who is this guy and what did i walk into?

    Who are you?

    LOL :D WOW i am either your best friend or your worst enemy which would you like? now my friend who are you?
  • Are you the one who keeps calling me and hanging up?
    how did you guess?
  • Gremlinz
    Gremlinz Posts: 3,259 Member
    who is this guy and what did i walk into?

    Who are you?

    LOL :D WOW i am either your best friend or your worst enemy which would you like? now my friend who are you?

    Hahaha.... I get a choice?
  • highheeldiva01
    highheeldiva01 Posts: 1,206 Member
    who is this guy and what did i walk into?

    Who are you?

    LOL :D WOW i am either your best friend or your worst enemy which would you like? now my friend who are you?

    Hahaha.... I get a choice?

    :D yes cuz im nice like that... and u seem fun.....so i'll give you a choce
  • highheeldiva01
    highheeldiva01 Posts: 1,206 Member
    i ment a choice ... sorry about the typo
  • Gremlinz
    Gremlinz Posts: 3,259 Member
    who is this guy and what did i walk into?

    Who are you?

    LOL :D WOW i am either your best friend or your worst enemy which would you like? now my friend who are you?

    Hahaha.... I get a choice?

    :D yes cuz im nice like that... and u seem fun.....so i'll give you a choce

    Well.... might I opt for friend?
  • highheeldiva01
    highheeldiva01 Posts: 1,206 Member
    well my friend u never did answer my question..... who are u and what did i walk in on ;) lol