


  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    1. I have two.
    2. I got one when I turned 19 and the second one 2 months before I turned 20.
    3. My first tattoo is a star that is "sewn" on to me. The second one is a rose with a caterpillar and butterfly, it was to show my change in life after losing 50pounds.
    4. I regret none of them. They're different and no one has the same ink as me. My body is a temple and I shall decorate it as much or little as I want.

    I'm planning my third one right now. Hoping to get in within the next month. :)

    Star (ankle)

    Rose and Butterfly (right outter thigh)
  • I have 7 tats
    full leg piece, flowers on my ear,back and ankle butterfly on my thigh and astrology sign on my back.
    only regrets are the ones on my back because I can't see them.
  • jack3Dav3
    jack3Dav3 Posts: 39 Member
    <---- Just the one. Took about 6hrs last summer, spans shoulder to shoulder across upper back. No regrets, original design. Want more, thinking quarter sleeve just need the idea to come together.
  • ramonaquimby
    ramonaquimby Posts: 55 Member
    1. Do you have any, and if so, HOW many? 2
    2. When did you get it/them? September 2009, July 2011
    3. What did you get? The first one is the Little Prince and the second is a vintage style postcard of where I grew up.
    4. Any regrets? No
  • jayce54321
    jayce54321 Posts: 110 Member
    None. Spent 20 years in the Navy and never ever wanted one. Personally I feel they detract from a person's looks, although I must admit that some are quite artistic.

    Have you ever seen some of those tats after 30 years? :sick:
  • dbomh933
    dbomh933 Posts: 5 Member
    1. Do you have any, and if so, HOW many? just one
    2. When did you get it/them? 2 years ago
    3. What did you get? a Sea Turtle with the tree of life between my shoulder blades
    4. Any regrets? None! I love it!
  • spongeh
    spongeh Posts: 152 Member
    1. Yup, just the 2, but I plan to get some more
    2. When I was about 21 (18 years ago)
    3. Tribal style band on my right arm, tribal style sabre on my right shoulder
    4. None what so ever, draws the eyes away from the scars I got in a car accident at 18 :(
  • Rho_Ro
    Rho_Ro Posts: 201 Member
    1. Do you have any, and if so, HOW many? One
    2. When did you get it/them? 2005, I was 47 at the time, on our first trip to Aussie.
    3. What did you get? A rose in bloom on my right ankle. I lived in a small town and was seeing a counselor. She said I was like a flower in bud waiting to bloom.
    4. Any regrets? Absolutely none!!! I've had to have the colour retouched since but I love it as much as I ever did!

    And the funniest part of it was when my son came home sporting one gargoyle at the top of one arm with plans for the other arm a couple of weeks later. "You never said anything", "Well I didn't think I needed to seeing as how u already have one!" Touche LOL
  • sgtrowley
    sgtrowley Posts: 246 Member
    1. Yes
    2. three
    3. Family crest. Symbol for devotion. desing for strength, and life., (im an artist) I personally designed all my tats.. did research.. put a lot of effort into design, so I would not regret them.!/photo.php?fbid=109192835804525&set=a.105535929503549.3180.100001414271610&type=3&theater

    heres one
  • mattagascar
    mattagascar Posts: 708 Member
    I have a massive butterfly tramp stamp
  • I have a massive butterfly tramp stamp
    I bet they go wild when the see you at Wal-Mart in your "hottie" yoga pants.
  • Shas2228
    Shas2228 Posts: 187
    1. Do you have any, and if so, HOW many?

    2. When did you get it/them?

    3. What did you get?

    4. Any regrets?
    NOPE! and I plan to get more.
  • sgtdub555
    sgtdub555 Posts: 692
    1. Do you have any, and if so, HOW many?

    2. When did you get it/them?
    20-21 years ago.

    3. What did you get?
    Tiger in a burning ying yang

    4. Any regrets?
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    1. Do you have any, and if so, HOW many?
    yes, one

    2. When did you get it/them?
    a couple years ago

    3. What did you get?
    I have a blue moon with purple starbursts on my shoulder...wanting to put a pink haze around it soon.

    4. Any regrets?
  • I don't have any, but I think I would get one for my family. They all call me sweetpea, so I'd either get the flower or 5 peas in a pod (since there are 5 of us) I've been so undecided about it that I've decided not to get it done just in case I regret it since I've flip flopped so much. Actually, no one in my immediate family has one either now that I think about it...
  • 1. Do you have any, and if so, HOW many?

    2. When did you get it/them?
    between 22-29

    3. What did you get?
    I have a chinese symbol for love on my left wrist, leo zodiac symbol with stars on my right lower hip, and a full back piece that goes shoulder to shoulder down to my hips- its candy themed.

    4. Any regrets?
    not one... I love tattoos and I cant wait to be able to show my full back piece off during the summer with my new body!
  • I have a massive butterfly tramp stamp

    :ohwell: I really do have's not massive but yeah.... LOL.

    1. Do you have any, and if so, HOW many?
    2, currently looking for #3!

    2. When did you get it/them?
    When I was 19 and 27 (I'm 30 now)

    3. What did you get?
    Butterfly with some scroll-like stuff on my lower back (ultimate 19 yr old girl tramp stamp tat) and the saying "Learn from yesterday, Live for today, Hope for tomorrow" going down my spine.

    4. Any regrets?
    A little on the butterfly. I may get that covered up into something else someday.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    1. Do you have any, and if so, HOW many?

    Yes!! I have four.

    2. When did you get it/them?

    Got my first tattoo after getting sober. Ironically, I had been very anti-tattoo during my drinking years...and then I got sober and woke up to the beauty of the ink world! Got them over the course of almost 6 years....

    3. What did you get?
    a) treble clef on the inside of my right ankle
    b) yin yang on the back of my left shoulder blade
    c) custom "one day at a time" artwork on my lower back


    d) custom flower to cover some scarring on my lower belly

    4. Any regrets?

    NOPE! I want more...but I have to think hard about what/where. I really, really want something on my right shoulder/upper arm...but I don't want to have regrets about the placement later in life.
  • 1. 3
    2. one on my birthday, other two about 6-7 months after i turned 18
    3. left forearm says, Ugly is to the bone. right forearm says Beauty is only skin deep and on my right ankle/shin/calf is an anchor being pulled down by tentacles with a banner saying I refuse to sink
    4. Heck no

    if you care to see them i have some pictures on my profile
  • davidpearly
    davidpearly Posts: 177 Member
    I have two, only a picture of on