Understanding Net Calories



  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    Yes you have it. 300 calories X seven days is 2100 net (you need 3500 net to lose 1 pound) I rarely eat my exercise calories but on occassion I do have a snack to compensate on the days I am way under....always protein with a little carb.

  • Yes, set it to lightly active. Otherwise, you have to log everything that isn't sitting on the couch. If you don't want to log shopping, walking around, playing with kids, cleaning the house, cooking, and all of that other "normal" stuff, set it to lightly active.

    I have several friends who've used that method, and they're all losing weight at a steady pace. I'm losing around 1 - 1.5 pounds per week, on average.

    Cubbies77 thanks for the advice, I have amended my goal and reset the daily activities to 'light active'.

    My allocated allowance is now 1300 calories a day and even though I am still over on most of my days, it looks better. Sunday is weighting day, the moment of truth after over a week of logging everything I have been eating!
  • LivingByDay
    LivingByDay Posts: 5 Member
    Are our Net calories supposed to be close to our Goal for the day or should it be close to 0? I'm having a hard time eating enough food throughout the day to reach my goal. Today I consumed 923 and burned 921 with a net of 2 calories. MFP says my goal should be 1810 so I have 1808 remaining. Am I really supposed to consume close to 1800 more calories?! Or am I okay?!

    I'm new here. I've been recording my food intake for 3 days now and today I started my workout routine.

    I understand how to figure out net calories but I'm having trouble applying it to how much more I should consume. I'm a broke college kid too so I eat between 900-1600 calories depending on food available. I just don't want to be in starvation mode.
  • LivingByDay
    LivingByDay Posts: 5 Member
    Please correct me if my understaing of Net Calories is incorrect.

    We allocate ourselves a certain amount of calories per day to burn in our normal everyday activities?

    Any extra exercise is counted as extra calories that we can consume?

    So Net Calories equals the total of the allocated daily calories plus the extra exercise calories burnt in a day minus the actual calories burnt in day?

    Eg: Daily total 1200 + Exercise 500 = 1700 - Total daily consumed 1400 = Net Calories 300

    Am I understanding that part correctly??

    If this is correct then does the remaining Net Calories if not consumed in your daily intake a good thing or a bad thing if your aim is to lose weitght ( I am not wanting to send the body into starvation mode)

    Any information would be greatly appreciated

    Thanks :)

    You consumed 1400 and exercised 500. Net is 1400-500, or 900 calories. This is too low. You should eat back your exercise calories, but also need to make sure you are not over estimating your calories burned.

    For most, 1200 is too low. Look up BMR and TDEE to determine a reasonable calorie intake. Search the forum for these. I can't post links because I am not on my computer.

    Okay so I think this answers me question. I should be eating closer to 1800 more calories! Holy crap! Im going to start a new discussion to see if anyone has advice on how to eat calorie rich foods (low carb) on a tight budget!