Do you judge people based on how much they've lost?

So I'm reading through the message boards and see someone giving advice. I notice they've been on here since June and have only lost 15lbs out of 75. Should any of us be listening to them? Why would you even have a ticker that shows you're not doing things the right way?


  • I do not think anyone should be judged by how much they lost. I think you should be more concerned about making healthier choices about eating then a number. Don't worry about the number people lost be happy with your own progress.
  • lamoursuffit
    lamoursuffit Posts: 267 Member
    You have NO idea if this person has disabilities, if they had something happen in their life that they had to stop, etc. It seems really shallow to judge someone and not take their advice seriously because they haven't lost weight as quickly as you think they should have.

    That being said, peoples' advice should be taken with a grain of salt. No one (well, almost no one) here is a fitness/weight loss expert, so relying totally on someone elses advice is, quite frankly, silly.
  • AmberB519
    AmberB519 Posts: 336 Member
    I'm not here to judge. As with any advice, I take what I want from it, but always appreciate the feedback. Everyone has opinions, doesn't make it always right ;)
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    Does a doctor need to have had cancer to know how to treat it?
  • MrsRichmond060212
    MrsRichmond060212 Posts: 18 Member
    You never know, that person really might know what they're talking about. Some people just don't follow their own advice. I've found that everyone on here has different opinions on what's right and what's wrong.. You just have to find what works for you.
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    You have NO idea if this person has disabilities, if they had something happen in their life that they had to stop, etc. It seems really shallow to judge someone and not take their advice seriously because they haven't lost weight as quickly as you think they should have.

    That being said, peoples' advice should be taken with a grain of salt. No one (well, almost no one) here is a fitness/weight loss expert, so relying totally on someone elses advice is, quite frankly, silly.
    ^^^ agree...... i havent lost weight either but that doesnt mean i dont know the factore of how to lose it
  • thoseblueeyes
    thoseblueeyes Posts: 812 Member
    I agree with everyone why judge you have no idea what they have done to change.. They might be eating healthy but can't exercise for some reason. I think its great they are still around and trying to change or make better choices. DON'T YOU ?
  • You can't really judge someone based on how much they've lost. Just because they havent lost 50 pounds or whatever doesn't mean they can't offer helpful advice.

    Maybe their goal was to only lose 10 pounds.

    Or maybe they're still in the beginning stages of their weight loss journey.
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    I lost 20kg (44 lbs) in 2011, following MyFitnessPal's recommended method, losing it slowly and steadily while eating right and getting a lot of exercise. You won't see that in my ticker, because I gained weight in 2012 (because I stopped following this successful method), then came back to MyFitnessPal three weeks ago and reset my starting weight and goal weight. I have lost 3 kg so far this time.

    So you never know.
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    I lost 20kg (44 lbs) in 2011, following MyFitnessPal's recommended method, losing it slowly and steadily while eating right and getting a lot of exercise. You won't see that in my ticker, because I gained weight in 2012 (because I stopped following this successful method), then came back to MyFitnessPal three weeks ago and reset my starting weight and goal weight. I have lost 3 kg so far this time.

    So you never know.


    I started at around 260 I lost 60 pounds, gained a few pounds lost a few etc. this time when I got serious again I started at my current weight then so it shows only 20 lost . Not everyone's ticker has Been there since day one. Some go in smaller goals
  • So I'm reading through the message boards and see someone giving advice. I notice they've been on here since June and have only lost 15lbs out of 75. Should any of us be listening to them? Why would you even have a ticker that shows you're not doing things the right way?

    I don't judge by that. And I hope others don't judge me by the amount of weight lost on my ticker. I've been on MFP for over a year and made a new account for maintenance. I've lost 40 lbs, but that doesn't make me better or worse at giving weight loss advice. Also, some people may not be amazing at losing weight, but are great at coaching others. If someone wants to be completely shallow and ignore me because of my weight loss ticker then go right ahead. Not everyone's approach to weight loss is the same and being open minded is the best way to find a weight loss strategy that works for you. It's always great to hear other opinions and take from each person what you need. Had I been shallow I never would have looked at the paleo diet and I'd still be here with 40 lbs of extra weight.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I've only been at deficit half the time I've been here but each time was a success. Many people here go in cycles depending on their exercise goals.

    I also have 3 kids. It's not my first time to need to lose weight. I've done it and maintained it for several years. I consider that a success. But if you look at my ticker, it wouldn't tell you the whole story.

    I consider many people on here more successful than me though. Everyone is in a different place. Each of us have varying goals depending on a variety of factors.

    Not to mention there are a bunch of levels to this fitness thing. It's a lifelong progression--at least that is what it should be.