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Most motivating comment you've received lately?

I've seen lots of discouraged threads in the forums lately where people are feeling defeated or lacking motivation or wanting to pack it in, so I thought we might want to share compliments or other encouraging/motivating comments that we've received - focus on how far we've come, rather than how far we have to go.

I've had a few positive motivating comments this past week or two. One was from my TRX instructor, who complimented my form during curtsy lunges; I'm pretty new to TRX, and having validation that I was learning and getting better made me want to push myself to try even harder and have even better form. I've also never been good at sports or other physical activities, so I believe this was literally the first time in my life that someone told me I was "good" at something fitness-related.

Another was having my bones complimented - I don't think I've had anyone say I have nice hipbones or a nice scapula, well...ever, before this week, probably because they've been covered with layers of fat and are just now starting to show!

So what have you been told or learned/discovered that has galvanized you this week?


  • Today while talking to a friend I told him that I was going to the gym today to make up for not going Thursday and he said I inspired him. At first I thought he was joking and being a brat and then he told me that he was serious, I asked why and he said that I am making the effort to make the gym part of my weekly routine. This really made me feel good and helps give me something to think about when I am tired.
  • unchainedzulu
    unchainedzulu Posts: 44 Member
    being able to catch my breath after going for a run makes me feel so good i want to go again.
    also, the ache in my hips, it feels good to have worked them. looking forward to going again tomorrow :)

    p.s. good idea for a thread :)
  • Today while talking to a friend I told him that I was going to the gym today to make up for not going Thursday and he said I inspired him. At first I thought he was joking and being a brat and then he told me that he was serious, I asked why and he said that I am making the effort to make the gym part of my weekly routine. This really made me feel good and helps give me something to think about when I am tired.

    That's awesome! I know what you mean about assuming he was being a brat... One of my friends said something similar, and at first I thought he was just being sarcastic and mocking me. It's most definitely a weird but good feeling to have that kind of impact on someone.
  • being able to catch my breath after going for a run makes me feel so good i want to go again.
    also, the ache in my hips, it feels good to have worked them. looking forward to going again tomorrow :)

    p.s. good idea for a thread :)

    I love having sore muscles, too - it makes me feel productive even though I know it's not necessarily indicative of an effective workout.

    Enjoy your run today!
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Definitely being called cute again on multiple occasions by different women.
  • Definitely being called cute again on multiple occasions by different women.

    How YOU doin'? :flowerforyou:

    But yesssss, that's some serious motivation!
  • camrunner
    camrunner Posts: 363
    At work recently, a couple of guys were talking about losing weight. Not huge amounts, but getting back in shape after the holidays, I guess. I overheard one say "Yeah, my clothes are starting to feel a little more comfortable again... but screw that, I wanna look like <my name>!"
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    Actually mine was on Friday evening after a tough week. I got home to a facebook message from one of the Mum's I had been chatting to at pick up.
    She messaged me to say that she thought I looked stunning and was a really beautiful lady and she wanted some tips on how I do it. It really gave me a boost and put a smile on my face.
    Being single I don't have a sig other to boost me so it was really appreciated...
  • rachaelgifford
    rachaelgifford Posts: 320 Member
    I went out on Friday night and my friend told me I had lost loads of weight since I had last saw her (about a month ago) and my sort of boyfriend told me I was the hottest girl he had seen all night!

    Today I saw my younger sister (who is awful at giving compliments) for the first time since Christmas and she said "wow, you have lost so much weight".

    Gave me a big happy, and motivated me to work out when I was feeling lazy!
  • BAFilek
    BAFilek Posts: 139 Member
    Mine was just this morning. I was with my running partner yesterday afternoon in a normal setting, rather than in our running clothes. Today she told me that I looked great in my jeans and t-shirt! Another was the jokester who sits next to me at work told me that I was an inspiration to him and he is starting to watch what goes in his mouth. He was serious for the first time ever!
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    I had a customer tell me I was his inspiration for him losing weight. He said he is now down 30 lbs. and he says he saw me walking, running, and looking so much smaller that it inspired him to do the same. Made me feel pretty awesome that "I" inspired him! :)
  • queenbear5
    queenbear5 Posts: 76 Member
    My cousin came to visit me yesterday. I haven't seen him since last July. While I was making us some tea he said, "Damn, you're getting skinny, aren't you?" Totally made my day!
  • gerripho
    gerripho Posts: 479 Member
    Mine is actually from years ago when I lost a ton of weight but it is one I'll never forget. I had dropped about 50 pounds, then took a trip across country to visit my daughter. We hadn't see each other in about a year. When she picked me up she approached me from behind then said, "Well, that looks like my mother but where is the rest of her?" I will never, ever, forget how terrific that made me feel.
  • HappilyLifts
    HappilyLifts Posts: 429 Member
    Two for this week! Monday, trainer at the gym said she had four women in mind who she hoped to get into the new weights room to try the new equipment which was being dominated by males, I was one of them and she was another, so that meant I was one of three clients she felt would be up for the challenge and not be intimidated by the room or its inhabitants :smile:
    Then on Thursday she said I had good form on my planks with leg lifts. Always wonder if I'm too high or too low from the ground, so that was good to hear as I loathe planks but know they are a secret to success with core work.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    My friend saw my pictures and called to ask me " What are you doing? I need to do something too" :)
  • These are some amazing comments and compliments, you guys! I hope you're all as proud of yourselves as the people giving you the compliments are! :drinker:
  • marrizia
    marrizia Posts: 88 Member
    What a nice thread!
    I have been having car trouble frequently over the past few months, and have sometimes been commuting to work on my bike. Recently two of my coworkers had car trouble as well- the expensive kind. I joked that we could all ride our bikes in, and they said, "We can't possibly do that! We don't have your kind of stamina!" Made me feel good since they are both young and thin :)
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Well, I work at an animal hospital & we all wear scrubs ...... not something you see a lot of on the fashion runways :laugh:

    I'd lost 45 lbs. over the last four years ....... each day my coworkers remark that I'm "so good" for having gone to the gym ...... or "so good" for eating the lunch I packed instead of ordering takeout with the rest of them ....... but the most motivating "comment" was the wolf-whistle I got when stopping in on a day off, wearing my skinny jeans, boots & long-sleeved tee ...... AWESOME :heart:
  • I'd lost 45 lbs. over the last four years ....... each day my coworkers remark that I'm "so good" for having gone to the gym ...... or "so good" for eating the lunch I packed instead of ordering takeout with the rest of them ....... but the most motivating "comment" was the wolf-whistle I got when stopping in on a day off, wearing my skinny jeans, boots & long-sleeved tee ...... AWESOME :heart:

    Wow, congrats on the loss! And it's great that your coworkers are so supportive,especially since I keep seeing threads about rude or snarky coworkers.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    On Wednesday, the group fitness instructor couldn't make it to class, so the group fitness director pulled me off my spin bike and asked me to teach. Even though I taught to random music and made up the moves on the spot, I had people tell me they had more fun in my class than in the certified instructor's class last week. I even had some newbies to the gym ask me what else I taught because they loved my class. I just snickered and said I don't teach...I am not certified, but thanks!

    It was so fun, and it made me feel great!